Dakar 18 (PS4, XOne, PC) - Release date September 25 2018

  • Thread starter er185es
So does this have multiplayer?

Spintires: Mudrunner is excellent but FYI it's kind of more of a "work sim" than an offroad crawling sim. The emphasis is on the task of delivering lumber, though you're free to explore the trails and woods. It's a unique and engaging title, though -- somewhat RPG-like in how you must manage your vehicles, fuel consumption, and route planning. :)
I played spintires the other nightlife the first time in ages, really enjoyable. It's the perfect game for when you dontvfeel like watching tv, and want to play something, but don't want to play any of the games you have. It's quite relaxing.
This week patch 1.02 was released and I have to say that it is a huge improvement over an already very decent vanilla version.
  • Graphics have improved. Longer drawdistances, cloudsystem reworked, lenseflare fixed, better textures, increased colors
  • The physics also have changed and the rearwheel drive cars drive definitely better now. Still can be twitchy but nothing like before.
  • Cockpit can be adjusted horizontally and vertically
  • Roadbook has been improved
  • Nice touch is that you'll see the distance to your waypoint right now
BigMoon Interactive has done a great job with this patch and the game is something rather unique. I hope on the bottom of my heart this will pick up under rally and racing enthusiasts because I think it is something very special.

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I’m still waiting the patch day one for xbox version....and it’s too long, really..............

From what I understood is that the patches for consoles were both send but that Microsoft takes a lot more time with the procedure. Their patch wasn't rejected or anything.

Hopefully it'll be solved soon!
Alot better after the patch. Onto Stage 7 with the Hilux. Slow down early for the control zones at houses, I ended up getting 2 hr15 mins penalty, for sliding in or bumping over 30. Hopefully do better next time through. Amazing scenery and colours. Hopefully they keep at it, improving Ffb and physics, as it's great fun, if frustrating at times. Where's that waypoint? or where did the road go?:)
Are you guys playing with a wheel or controller?

G29 on PS4 Pro. No FFB, no rumble, just resistance. Huge dead zone. Still more fun than a pad, though.

Scaff says his T300 has FFB so I hope a future patch will bring some Logitech improvements.
G29 on PS4 Pro. No FFB, no rumble, just resistance. Huge dead zone. Still more fun than a pad, though.

Scaff says his T300 has FFB so I hope a future patch will bring some Logitech improvements.

Same as @Pfei for me. Looking forward to Ffb.
First crack at this game today. I like it, but it’s tough. I knew I would be in for a challenge when it took me 20 minutes to complete the first stage. Then, withdrew halfway through the second stage at Peru when I drove off a cliff into the ocean when I was trying to find the beach. At that point I was about 45 minutes into the stage. :crazy:

Fun game but it takes some tenacity and getting used to the road book, codriver directions and cap headings. A LOT of getting used to. I think I’ll get the hang of it, but right now it’s a matter of not getting lost constantly. I’ll be much happier when the desert stages are finished.

My big issue with the cap heading is I have a tough time seeing the very top compass due to the game picture not fitting entirely on the screen and there’s no way to adjust the screen size.

Otherwise the FFB is good on the T300. No complaints. The game is all about navigating anyway.
My big issue with the cap heading is I have a tough time seeing the very top compass due to the game picture not fitting entirely on the screen and there’s no way to adjust the screen size.
I'd suggest to play it windowed in a format that suits the game's ratio.
I'd suggest to play it windowed in a format that suits the game's ratio.

This made all the difference in the world. Much, much better.

Now I understand how to navigate. On rookie level all you need to do is follow the little yellow ‘Waypoint’ icon and all is good. With that said, I can’t imagine trying to navigate only with the cap heading, as if you are slightly off it’s easy to get lost. Maybe eventually I’ll try the harder settings, but I need to get through the game first. Seems that on rookie mode you don’t really need the guide book much as long as you listen to the codriver and follow the waypoint icon.

Another thing that I wasn’t aware of until today is the truck’s low gear setting that helps you get over the tall dunes.

I’m really enjoying this game. Nice work from the developers. Great to to have a title in my library that’s not just another racer with the same tracks race tracks over and over. Good job!
This made all the difference in the world. Much, much better.

Now I understand how to navigate. On rookie level all you need to do is follow the little yellow ‘Waypoint’ icon and all is good. With that said, I can’t imagine trying to navigate only with the cap heading, as if you are slightly off it’s easy to get lost. Maybe eventually I’ll try the harder settings, but I need to get through the game first. Seems that on rookie mode you don’t really need the guide book much as long as you listen to the codriver and follow the waypoint icon.

Another thing that I wasn’t aware of until today is the truck’s low gear setting that helps you get over the tall dunes.

I’m really enjoying this game. Nice work from the developers. Great to to have a title in my library that’s not just another racer with the same tracks race tracks over and over. Good job!

It takes a while to get used to and learn navigation, but once you get halfway through Competitor level you should be able to follow the directions no problem. One thing I have started to do is to find a reference point in the horizon on the next cap heading. That allows you to swerve left and right to avoid obstacles instead of scrubbing speed to go over them, and it allows you to take faster routes through the dunes. You need to remember your reference point, develop a sixth sense for overshooting and undershooting your cap heading while you are manouvering and keep an eye on your partial km to make sure you haven't gone too far.
It takes a while to get used to and learn navigation, but once you get halfway through Competitor level you should be able to follow the directions no problem. One thing I have started to do is to find a reference point in the horizon on the next cap heading. That allows you to swerve left and right to avoid obstacles instead of scrubbing speed to go over them, and it allows you to take faster routes through the dunes. You need to remember your reference point, develop a sixth sense for overshooting and undershooting your cap heading while you are manouvering and keep an eye on your partial km to make sure you haven't gone too far.

Sounds good, looking forward to taking off the ‘training wheels’ sooner than later.

:) 👍
Are you guys playing with a wheel or controller?

I use both. A T150 and dualshock,

@cjr3559 Even if you have followed the tutorial the early stages of the career have a steep learningpath. First time I went through I took many penalties because I got lost, couldn't find my way back and used the menu (which penalizes with 30min) to go to the last waypoint. It is very important to take your time when navigating and also to be able to work your way around obstacles with keeping the capheading in mind (see @Pfei advices on that ^^) From Stage 6 on the navigating gets a lot easier since you follow much more roads and it becomes more "rally" like. There are still a few surprises and some roadbook inaccuracies but those are being worked on) .
This is the discussion thread for a recent post on GTPlanet:
This article was published by Jordan Greer (@Jordan) on September 25th, 2018 in the Gaming category.

Hello Jordan,

Thank you for mentioning me in the news article. At that time I hadn't complete finished one Dakar Career because it takes up to 16 hours. Meanwhile I have and also patch 1.02 is available. It brings improvements in all areas a thus also in the drivingphysics. It is not up there with AC or Project Cars but the title focuses much more on the allround simulation of the Dakar Experience. Rearwheeldrive cars are still and handful from time to time but now that there is wheel support it has been rather smooth. Further refinements are being worked on and the developer is getting all 3 versions to the same level before releasing DLC. This means that larger wheelsupport and calibration should come available as well.

They want to reduce the large chunk downloads as good as they can because of the size of their maps, a small bugfix could result in a huge download. That is why they prefer to gather and fix as many as possible before releasing another patch. The PC had one of 21 and 22 GB. For consoles it probably be packed together.

The graphics have improved drastically. It was already pretty but now longer draw distances, cloudsystem improved, less pop-in and a smoother framerate (some major dips in the later stages which I hadn't done when writing down experience). It hasn't been completely eliminated but it is smoother.

Treasure hunting is improved but still needs work (some crashes and treasures that don't popup) , roadmap and codriver have been improved and are more accurate but also here, found a few little errors which already have been reported.

I can't stress enough of how a great game this is. It's purist, it's fun, the stages are enormous and varied and the passion for Dakar shines throughout the entire game. With the means they have, they truly have done something special and we are talking "Indie" here. It isn't a triple AAA title which is polished from A to Z and with a huge budget to invest but I really wish Dakar18 got some more attention because Bigmoon Interactive really deserves it 👍

Vanilla (standard PS4)
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Patch 1.02 (standard PS4)
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I'm still struggling to get my head around the info displayed on the in-stage leaderboard. This is one in the top RH corner. Say I'm in 2nd, Is the time shown beside me how far im behind 1st? I then take it the 3rd place vehicle is displaying the time he is behind me? Being that the KMs and time is condensed this info is not all that helpful in knowing how hard to push.
I'm still struggling to get my head around the info displayed on the in-stage leaderboard. This is one in the top RH corner. Say I'm in 2nd, Is the time shown beside me how far im behind 1st? I then take it the 3rd place vehicle is displaying the time he is behind me? Being that the KMs and time is condensed this info is not all that helpful in knowing how hard to push.

Same here since even when I finish first on a stage, the result shows place 8 or 15 depending on time and that is only on the first stage. It is not clear how this exactly works or is calculated in game and I think there maybe a few inaccuracies with it.
I just finished the last stage in Peru. Arequipa. And what can I say about wow! Awesome stage. What a feeling to pass the spectators enroute standing and cheering in the rain and dark during a greuling run. Intense stage and totally looking forward to Bolivia.


Anyone else get stuck in the mud? Like twice? I finally wised up by the third pit and drove cleanly around it. Finally got a chance to exit the vehicle and use the shovel and recovery boards. Kind of frustrating, but it’s all part of the experience I guess!