Dakar 18 (PS4, XOne, PC) - Release date September 25 2018

  • Thread starter er185es
The surprise was already announced, it is the Ruta 40 race. I don't know if it'll be free DLC but it's gonna be added. I think the waypoint editor will be added in the next game.

When/where did they confirm Ruta 40? Don't remember seeing that anywhere.
It's available for now. Unfortunately I don't see it tied into the game in any way. It's just a collection of Road Book notes. Was hoping for some UDP integration.
Couldn’t find it on the App Store. Any idea what to search for?
Couldn’t find it on the App Store. Any idea what to search for?


It's available for now. Unfortunately I don't see it tied into the game in any way. It's just a collection of Road Book notes. Was hoping for some UDP integration.
You are not supposed to use it alone! This is to play the game as a couch co-op where one player is the driver (without most of the HUD and no subtitles) while the other player uses his smartphone or tablet to play the role of co-driver. It's like Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes in a way! I guess you could even play it co-op online if there is almost zero lag on the video feed.
You are not supposed to use it alone! This is to play the game as a couch co-op where one player is the driver (without most of the HUD and no subtitles) while the other player uses his smartphone or tablet to play the role of co-driver. It's like Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes in a way! I guess you could even play it co-op online if there is almost zero lag on the video feed.

I know that already. What I am getting at is integration with the in-game km counters. The app should hook up to the game and control the km tickers. For example, you get lost and then get back to a previous waypoint. You as navigator on your phone backtrack to that point. But your driver and the game are still on a different note and the partial km counter needs to be reset. So what are you supposed to do, show the driver your phone and say "hit X until you get back to this note to reset the km ticker?
Has anyone finished stage 14 & had the game not recognize that you have indeed finished the rally? I'm on PS4, and after finally finishing it in the truck, I never not the trophies for completing the rally, winning the rally or winning the rally in a truck. I may jump back on tonight, re-run stage 14 and see what happens.
Has anyone finished stage 14 & had the game not recognize that you have indeed finished the rally? I'm on PS4, and after finally finishing it in the truck, I never not the trophies for completing the rally, winning the rally or winning the rally in a truck. I may jump back on tonight, re-run stage 14 and see what happens.

It happened to me. I did the stage again and all was good.

The fix is in the upcoming patch.
Finished the game albeit on rookie mode. Good game! The later Argentina stages have some frame issues and stutters, but supposedly they will be ironed out in the next update.

Once I got used to the waypoints and road book everything came together and I basically trounced the AI. Looking forward to trying the other vehicles especially the bikes and quads which should be challenging without the navigator.

Also keeping my fingers crossed the next update will have clutch and shifter implementation on consoles. There’s something unnaturally wrong driving a truck with paddle shifters..
Finished the game albeit on rookie mode. Good game! The later Argentina stages have some frame issues and stutters, but supposedly they will be ironed out in the next update.
That is rather common in most games. People start playing the first stages so those get more complaints and end up being more polished. Let's hope they iron those problems out in the near future!
We are releasing the ninth update, with the content update focused on improve the gameplay experience.
In addition, we have included many other improvements and fixes from reported issues.

New Features:
  • Implemented permanent WayPoint indicator (WP) on Rookie modes (on and off-track)
  • Implemented the option to play the Tutorial or not at the Start Menu
  • Implemented crash camera effect
  • Implemented impact particles

Features improved:
  • Improved: Previous used camera are now restaured when the player returns to the game, in career mode
  • Improved: Performance on stages with vegetation
  • Improved: Some road book icons were adjusted to improve navigation
  • Improved: Removed the vehicle to tow mechanics when the player choose challenge mode in the tutorial
  • Improved: The ocean effect
  • Improved: Removed the WayPoint indicator (WP) on training lessons for learning proposals

General Bugs fixed:
  • Fixed: Bikes would hit the ASO NPC during control points
  • Fixed: Audio effects stop playing after a while
  • Fixed: Bikes would fall during intro cut scene
  • Fixed: Steering linearity was not properly set after using Last Waypoint
  • Fixed: Problems unlocking achievement "Better than Walkner"
  • Fixed: Opening the Steam overlay platform during pause would lead to no input
  • Fixed: In the option "Restart Stage" if the Last Waypoint option was activated, didn't move the character to the proper place
  • Fixed: Issue related with the orientation arrow when is inside of the other waypoint radius
  • Fixed: After a load game the waypoint counters were duplicated
  • Fixed: After a load game, all AI drivers would start from the beginning and not on the previous position
  • Fixed: Controller vibration option no longer interferes with force feedback from the steering wheels
  • Fixed: Credits background overlaying gameplay after complete a career
  • Fixed: Roadbook not updating when doing last waypoint on Multiplayer clients

See you in the Dunes!
This game is amazing with the details. But I can’t get past the tutorial. I should really watch the in game hints. I don’t understand what I’m doing. Lol. This game is fun definitely different. Not as good as dirt rally. Still fun for something new.
A few guys have started to organize an unofficial championship, offline, multiplatform. For those interested, maybe take a look here >>

@305Michael305 There will be an adjusted Rookie-mode which should be able to help you out further 👍
Thanks for the Information but I will stick to playing online solo or just in my own time. I got past the tutorial
With having the hud on. But I need to do research to understand how to navigate without the hud since I just like racing games with out hud on. The graphics and sound are amazing. Dirt rally is more fun but this is an interesting cool
Game for something different from time to time for a short fun racing thing.
Thanks for the Information but I will stick to playing online solo or just in my own time. I got past the tutorial
With having the hud on. But I need to do research to understand how to navigate without the hud since I just like racing games with out hud on. The graphics and sound are amazing. Dirt rally is more fun but this is an interesting cool
Game for something different from time to time for a short fun racing thing.

Right there with you, but no HUD in this game is ultra hardcore. :bowdown:
Patch for PS4 is live 👍 36 GB :scared:

Full patchnotes from their facebook
Dakar 18 - PS4 Update

We are releasing an update, leveling all platforms content-wise.

In addition, we have included several improvements and fixes specifically for the PS4 version.

We also inform that the update leveling the XBOX version is being reviewed and should be deployed soon.

Here's a list of the major changes:

## Steering wheel improvements:
- Fanatec CSL Elite steering wheels is now supported
- Logitech G29 steering wheel Force Feedback is now supported

## General improvements: #
- Improved steering linearity and dead zone on some steering wheels
- Improved storm Visual Fx (lightning bolt, rain and sparks particle effects)
- Adjusted clouds and horizon color intensity
- Improved the audio engine
- Improved the UI scale adjustments
- Several improvements and art fixes in the game world
- Disabled race ground flags collision
- Metal street sign on Tutorial level is now destructible
- Improved overall vehicle damage model
- Improved AI driving
- Improved AI behavior according to the difficulty mode
- Truck tires' damage adjusted
- Better UI display when picking up a treasure in Treasure Hunt mode
- Peugeot 205 T16 engine and gear box improved (it now reaches a top speed of 170km/h)
- Improved the wheel particle system management on a world shift
- Server list now shows server state ('Lobby' or 'In Progress')
- Smoothed vehicle behavior in multiplayer
- Optimized vehicle network traffic for multiplayer
- Improved the sensitivity and inverted camera options for vehicles and characters
- Improved the cockpit / hood camera inertia
- Improved the real time ranking during race now shows the number of validated waypoints
- Improved the front camera on trucks now at windshield height, not bumper height
- Improved vehicle handlings
- Improved frame-rate issues on later stages

## General Bugs fixed:
- Fixed: Steering limited by speed when using a steering wheel device
- Fixed: Handbrake input issues
- Fixed: Blown tires sometimes caused vehicle to become impossible to drive
- Fixed: AI had trouble at a CP when tires had too much damage
- Fixed: In Multiplayer when leaving a CP, clients could end up with wrong gear
- Fixed: Sometimes state of game became corrupted after finishing a stage
- Fixed: Sometimes game freezed when crossing the finish line
- Fixed: When on a treasure hunt, driven kilometers were not counted
- Fixed: Having a disqualify right after a checkpoint save game, sometimes entered an endless loop when loading last waypoint
- Fixed: Characters could damage vehicles by hitting them
- Fixed: In split screen when changing game settings, only the first player was notified
- Fixed: Inconsistent career overall rankings
- Fixed: At the Bivouac, the Road Book part "B" wasn't visible
- Fixed: The total number of waypoints on the progression bar is now correct
- Fixed: Cyril Despres Peugeot 3008 texture error
- Fixed: After leaving control points in auto pilot mode, the vehicle current gear is now properly maintained even if it changes from automatic to manual gear box
- Fixed: Profile bar not showing the correct number of DPs on main menu
- Fixed: Issues with multiple hooks in Multiplayer
- Fixed: Road Book on Stage12A Note 52 wrong CAP
- Fixed: Road Book on Stage13B Note 82 wrong Kilometers
- Fixed: Road Book of Stage 14
- Fixed: Road Book of Stage 6B and subtitles
- Fixed: Road Book of Stage 12
- Fixed: NPC vehicles disappeared during world shift
- Fixed: Some assets had glitches and could end up with different visuals during world shift
- Fixed: Issue with landscape lowest LOD showing for a few frames after a world shift
- Fixed: Some bushes were seen inside the cockpit
- Fixed: Characters in "T-Pose" when skipping the intro
- Fixed: Issues with manual gear setting in multiplayer for remote vehicles
- Fixed: In multiplayer, spectating a player using manual gearbox would cause the vehicle to look like being stuck in neutral gear
- Fixed: If a driverless player vehicle would enter a CP (pushed by another player), the owner of the vehicle would be stuck in character without input
- Fixed: Clients in multiplayer could not change truck high / low gear (or even see the state in the UI)
- Fixed: Vehicle damage adjustments according to difficulty (including suspension)
- Fixed: Force feedback / vibration is now only sent to the device in-use (gamepad or steering wheel)
Doesn’t appear clutch and shifter support is added for consoles. Massive bunmer.

There’s gonna come a day where I’m just going to break down and get a gaming PC.
Doesn’t appear clutch and shifter support is added for consoles. Massive bunmer.

There’s gonna come a day where I’m just going to break down and get a gaming PC.

It is coming, though. We're still behind the Steam patches.
I take back my previous comment. We are indeed level with Steam on console now, it's just that there are some things missing, like clutch and H-shifter support. People are complaining on Facebook so I guess in another couple weeks maybe that will come, too.

Poor XBox guys, I feel for you.
I like they toned down the saturation a bit. All is more natural but I have a few issues. Not all is solved in this patch and the handling of the 205 got a lot worse. Also I don't like the bonnet view of the 3008. The one in 1.02 I prefered. Some buttons can't be assigned and treasure hunt kilometers aren't calculated even though it is mentioned in the patch. Can't calibrate wheel and L2 and R2 buttons can't be assigned on my T150. Still with those minor annoyances they indeed have improved the game once more. Runs smoother! I think those guys need a couple of more months to get it all sorted 👍

I'll keep supporting them because oh boy do I like this game. Running those stages doesn't get boring once there is so much variation that it is simply epic stuff :bowdown:

I'll keep supporting them because oh boy do I like this game. Running those stages doesn't get boring once there is so much variation that it is simply epic stuff :bowdown:[/QUOTE]

Before launch, I was thinking of getting this game but then was put off by the poor reviews. But then a lot of posters on GT Planet seemed to like it despite some flaws.

I don't mind a few quirks in a game, and I wouldn't have any wheel issues since I use a controller.

But the only thing that puts me off now is that the footage I have seen looks a bit boring, with endless sand dunes.

But you suggest not. What type of scenic/terrain variety is there in the game?