Damage and Free Roam

  • Thread starter Ram-Rod
What if the online lobby was an actual environment where people could just cruise. Like the main strip or somethin'. players would be able to "freeroam" a city with other players(us) being the trafic. Back in ps1 days I always wanted them to cross "Driver & GT" A game baised on that principle would be the shiznit

If the online evironment was a place where people could free-roam, people would abuse it. People would go around crashing into each other and other things just to annoy people.
Hes right. People would abuse it. If there was a way we could have traffic and people could freeroam the traffic would have to br cpu controlled. But if people would abuse it there would have to be a rule that if you abuse it in any way you would be kicked or banned from it for a time limit. That might be the oly way to prevent that from happing.
it won't happen :) And it shouldn't as this is a 'pure' racing game where races are done on the track or known tracks, even street tracks. NFSU is all about the 'street racing' scene and illegal street races which of course the free-roaming idea is fantastic. They are both aimed at different gamers. Can you imagine the bad AI coupled with a 'living city' theme? nah it'd take forever to try and implement and the theme just wouldn't mix.

Damage is the real one we should try for, this is something sorely missing yet implemented quite well in other racing titles. Let's hope PD will go the extra mile to implement it for the next one.

It appears evident to me that the granturismo series is evolving into much more then just running lap after lap. GT4's main focus or mission was to capture the flavor of automobile history and they have done an amazing job in doing this. Sure there are some car makes that they have not been able to aquire yet. I would say that we can only expect more of the same from the next release. One major element that was added to GT4, and from reading these forums must say that it was a feature with overwhelming sucess. That would be photo mode. Free roam mode would work, I think if they had say maybe 100 miles of simulated roads all linked together. Have variuos driving terrains, such as mountain, hilly, desert, river drive, over long bridges, freeway, town streets, city streets. The soul purpose of an enviroment like this would be for photo mode and maybe just the pure pleasure of driving. Imagine a countless photomode locations all linked together, there could be places to pull off the road to set up photo shoots, maybe a few shopping centers or gas stations, or perhaps car lots. Anyway that would be my ideal.
It appears evident to me that the granturismo series is evolving into much more then just running lap after lap. GT4's main focus or mission was to capture the flavor of automobile history and they have done an amazing job in doing this. Sure there are some car makes that they have not been able to aquire yet. I would say that we can only expect more of the same from the next release. One major element that was added to GT4, and from reading these forums must say that it was a feature with overwhelming sucess. That would be photo mode. Free roam mode would work, I think if they had say maybe 100 miles of simulated roads all linked together. Have variuos driving terrains, such as mountain, hilly, desert, river drive, over long bridges, freeway, town streets, city streets. The soul purpose of an enviroment like this would be for photo mode and maybe just the pure pleasure of driving. Imagine a countless photomode locations all linked together, there could be places to pull off the road to set up photo shoots, maybe a few shopping centers or gas stations, or perhaps car lots. Anyway that would be my ideal.
Evolving the Free-Roam into a Photomode as well...I like it. Great thinking. 👍
Hmmm, i like that idea. But how can we be traffic. I do like the idea, but GT is a racing game not the NFS Games.
Some of you keeps telling it is a racing game. It is not!!! It is a real driving simulator!!!I don't say, free roam is good or bad but it is possible because it is a driving simulator and driving from track to track is part or a driving simulator.
I am all for damage (with an on/off switch for the non hardcore fans). If free roam is in and whe have to drive from one track to another, we'll have to be carefull not to wreck the car before arriving at the track.
Like I said in a previous post, we will have to learn the traffic rules from every country that is going to be in GT5. If the AI is still crap, we won't be able to get from one track to the other (driving through cityies). The first traffic light we encounter, the AI is going to run the red light crashing into "us". :scared:
Maybe PD could get some female programmers to program the AI. We all know that the female drivers are much more carefull than us (male drivers). The (female) don't suffer from too much ego (which is a bad thing ofcourse) , sitting behind the wheel. Most of us (male) always think when getting behind the wheel: oh, that's a piece of cake, I am going to show everybody what I can. With damage, you will get frustrated for shure and never finish GT5 (or whatever)!!!!
It appears evident to me that the granturismo series is evolving into much more then just running lap after lap. GT4's main focus or mission was to capture the flavor of automobile history and they have done an amazing job in doing this. Sure there are some car makes that they have not been able to aquire yet. I would say that we can only expect more of the same from the next release. One major element that was added to GT4, and from reading these forums must say that it was a feature with overwhelming sucess. That would be photo mode. Free roam mode would work, I think if they had say maybe 100 miles of simulated roads all linked together. Have variuos driving terrains, such as mountain, hilly, desert, river drive, over long bridges, freeway, town streets, city streets. The soul purpose of an enviroment like this would be for photo mode and maybe just the pure pleasure of driving. Imagine a countless photomode locations all linked together, there could be places to pull off the road to set up photo shoots, maybe a few shopping centers or gas stations, or perhaps car lots. Anyway that would be my ideal.

Thats exactly what I was thinking in my above post! :)
Some of you keeps telling it is a racing game. It is not!!! It is a real driving simulator!!!I don't say, free roam is good or bad but it is possible because it is a driving simulator and driving from track to track is part or a driving simulator.
I am all for damage (with an on/off switch for the non hardcore fans). If free roam is in and whe have to drive from one track to another, we'll have to be carefull not to wreck the car before arriving at the track.
Like I said in a previous post, we will have to learn the traffic rules from every country that is going to be in GT5. If the AI is still crap, we won't be able to get from one track to the other (driving through cityies). The first traffic light we encounter, the AI is going to run the red light crashing into "us". :scared:
Maybe PD could get some female programmers to program the AI. We all know that the female drivers are much more carefull than us (male drivers). The (female) don't suffer from too much ego (which is a bad thing ofcourse) , sitting behind the wheel. Most of us (male) always think when getting behind the wheel: oh, that's a piece of cake, I am going to show everybody what I can. With damage, you will get frustrated for shure and never finish GT5 (or whatever)!!!!

86 that ideal, most people like me barely have time to race, let alone do something like that. Besides most cars especially race cars are not driven to the race track. With confidence, I will gladly say that this ideal will not be included anytime in the near future.
Thats exactly what I was thinking in my above post! :)

Ideals for more photomode support or other side features would be at the bottom of my list. Only after they have an amazing online mode, better A.I.,
increased car field, more real world tracks, more tunning options and on and on
should they work on the extras.
Besides most cars especially race cars are not driven to the race track.
Yep, I know but WRC cars are.
And GT series not only about race cars. You could drive with standard road cars from city to city :)
mm... Hey think about it... from GT1 to GT4, they don't have a "free roam" mode... and they are a HUGE sucess without that... So why PD would ad that ?? ...

I'm for some domage, ( that would be nice with for exemple a body shop and a place to repare the mecanic )
more tuning option ( I know it's not NFSU... but some racing kit like the GT1 and GT2 would be nice, some kit we can chose individualy the parts and not some fake... some registred parts. PLUS some swap would be great )
And finally an online mode....
Do i have to say this again.

I said if you want free roam TURN IT OFF, and if you do turn it on.

Same for damage.

Now do you understand. Im not saying this again.
On the other hand, if this feature is in it would occupy an awful lot of disc space - which could be used for other, more useful things. But won't be because "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT TURN IT OFF" is in there...
I like that. i agree, now if we have free roam in the game it shuld be only in online mode. Then it wont occupy as much disc space. Godd thinking STiGoFLyBy.
i wish you could roll your car over when you crash or do a mercedes at lemans (you all know what i am talking about), i think the free roam is not necessary in gran turismo, damage and better a.i are more important than a free roaming mode, it would be nice if gran turismo was turned into a street racing game but the chances of that happening are lets just say nil!
oh boy.....i can see it now......having to navigate the highways of europe (and the A1 autobahn) from LeMans to the Nürburgring in a touring car.....that would be a paint.....the only places i can see freeroam being fun is inside the 'ring and LeMans.....
Well the idea of free roam mode was awsome ( need for speed put it into a game ). cars like Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and Porsches in the game it would be cool.

Actually I belive the Tokyo Racer series was first to have it
An alternative to free roaming could be to just chuck one big a*s desert road into the game where you can REALLY test the max speed of your car on a road that literally goes for hundreds of kilometres.

For those who remember GT3 with the Escudo doing a wheelie and accelerating speeds at about 100km/h each few seconds... I know its a bug.... but come on that would have been cool to see how fast that beast went!!! wAHOOOO!!!

Free roaming would be awesome, just not very likely I dont think. Something needs to be done to break the monotony of the game... strictly back to back races??? Come on, what about being able to zap around a city to improve your skills inbetween races, stop off at the dairy for an icecream maybe...?... and then head off to your next race. Oh and for those idiots out there, im not serious about the icecream............ maybe some chips or something... 👍

I just get sick of all the back to back races, I love the races, but the game seriously needs more dimensions!!

Only my opinion, so you can shut up your face if you're gonna flame me coz I really dont care!
Well the idea of free roam mode was awsome ( need for speed put it into a game ).

I'm relatively positive that the original Grand Theft Auto was the first game to do that (albeit from a bird's eye view, as opposed to the NFS behind-the-car view).
For those who remember GT3 with the Escudo doing a wheelie and accelerating speeds at about 100km/h each few seconds... I know its a bug.... but come on that would have been cool to see how fast that beast went!!! wAHOOOO!!!

We did find out. It was just under 3 billion mph. Then the game locked up due to that figure being the largest number it could display.
If you can free roam thats good. you can practice drifting. and much more. you can test the car while you are roaming the city out.
We did find out. It was just under 3 billion mph. Then the game locked up due to that figure being the largest number it could display.

Hmmm, that's strange. Overflow should just have caused a "wrong" value to be displayed, it shouldn't have frozen the game...
Sure, even if free roaming can be turned off, I still wouldn't want it in the first place. To me, I think PD is more about getting in as much as possible with or without filling up the entire DVD-ROM. I kind of don't care if the game is put onto the DVD-ROM with 50% space, 75% space, or even 99.9%. Put on as much of the game as you can plus features and all. This doesn't concern me at all. But as I stated, even if you could disable it, I wouldn't want it in the first place. And if it is in the game, oh well.
Free roaming isn't really necessary but PD must get rid off the invisible walls.