Some of you keeps telling it is
a racing game. It is not!!!
It is a real driving simulator!!!I don't say, free roam is good or bad but it is possible because it is
a driving simulator and driving from track to track is part or a driving simulator.
I am all for damage (with an on/off switch for the non hardcore fans). If free roam is in and whe have to drive from one track to another, we'll have to be carefull not to wreck the car before arriving at the track.
Like I said in a previous post, we will have to learn the traffic rules from every country that is going to be in GT5. If the AI is still crap, we won't be able to get from one track to the other (driving through cityies). The first traffic light we encounter, the AI is going to run the red light crashing into "us".
Maybe PD could get some female programmers to program the AI. We all know that the female drivers are much more carefull than us (male drivers). The (female) don't suffer from
too much ego (which is a bad thing ofcourse) , sitting behind the wheel.
Most of us (male) always think when getting behind the wheel: oh, that's a piece of cake, I am going to show everybody what I can. With damage, you will get frustrated for shure and never finish GT5 (or whatever)!!!!