Damage and Free Roam

  • Thread starter Ram-Rod
Yes, I find them worst on the Grand Canyon and El Capitan, they're right next to the track in many places on thoes courses.
Personally i cant see the point of free roam, we already have test tracks, photo mode and the circuts to drive for 5CR a run.

Damage however would be great, as some hardcore GT gamers will try and complete the game with damage on which would be more difficult than with it off. Also, if there was a big smash on the track with damage on, it would be cool if a lap car came out then that might give you time to get back to the pit and repair some vital stuff, rather than everyone else just zooming on infront of you making the gap that much bigger. On longer races, damage should affect your own AND AI's pit times & strategy so that everyone has to work that lil bit harder to make the time up. Also it should affect our lil B-Spec Bob, so when he is going hard at it and about to overtake, he rams the rear end of the car infront, that car should be affected in the way it would on a real road, and depending on the speed of the ram, cause the appropriate damage, In turn leading you to train your B-Bob quickly to overtake better ( or PD could just improve his AI not to do it in the first place ) But yes overall, the damage option would be much better than free roam, there is enough free roam in the game already without making the game GTA / NFSU or True crime - streets of LA. Would also be nice if there was a pit crew skill, the better they were the faster they worked, but on an experiance basis.
Maybe we can (in the near future) connect an Xbox to a PS. Driving with a car from one game (PGR45) into another (GT4587) (kind of free roaming)
I have to say, on the nurb i would love to be able to drive up the side roads and park my car for a photo shoot instead of smacking an invisible wall of death!!!

But as for free roam i think thats a bit far fetched ! Where would you roam to? Just buy GTA or NFS for that one.

A drive in Garage wouldn't be a bad idea tho with a sequential space for each car and podiums for winning cars :lol: :dopey: - i'd need a multi storey one - lol
Go you 👍

Free roam is a terrible idea.

Damage will be in.
Well, we need more England tracks in games these days.
There's not enough.

BTW, to those making a comment about my post.

Fine.....Liverpool, London, etc....Happy!?
I think having the freedom to go wherever you like would be a great implementation to the series. Imagine trying to get your car off the Grand Canyon circut off the cliff and down to the bottom of the canyon without damaging your car. Or being able to hide in the trees on deep forest and as a car goes past fly out infront of it unexpectedly :dopey:

It would make it more interesting thats for sure... instead of being knocked off the course by the opposition and flying across the sand into a barrier and getting back on course loosing only a few seconds of time, you would fly across the sand, smash through the barrier, down into a gulley and have to trace all the way back to the course to carry on.

Im sure if they implement it anyways, all the people that dont like the idea shouldnt get too hung up about it coz it shouldnt affect your gameplay anyway, it would be there for us curious racers, when after completing 100+ races and kind of get sick of the monotonous-ity of it all, we can hoon around the country side. It would be kind of like those off-road ps2 games, but instead we can use high performance Japanese cars or american muscle cars, or even take our polyphony digital F1 car over the hills to see how much air we can get! Wahooo!
Well the idea of free roam mode was awsome ( need for speed put it into a game ). But need for speed forgot to show damage. So if Gran Turismo took the free roam mode and made car have damage that is visible i thought this game would be the best game ever. And i think if Gran Turismo put cars like Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and Porsches in the game it would be cool.

Let me just say that these forums are wayyy too harsh on someone trying to bring up a conversation topic..

I personnaly was thinking of the free roam idea years ago.. so i'm along with you, however, it needs to be done right and the way i see it to be done right would be with an online mode, letting the user drive their car around and catch up with people for races, also using a "Portal System" so driving from track to track just involves jumping through a hub, This would be a great way to generate virtual car clubs, betting system, and cross country racing...
PD should get rid of the invisible walls!!!
Free roaming in not really necessary (my opinion). If it is in, good for the people who like free roaming.
There was an off road game, a few years back, which introduced me to free roaming and has no invisible walls. But this is an off road game. Not a driving simulator like GT...

1nsane was the game!!!
Damage is kinda good idea..but won't happen..for sure it won't, casue its well known that people that hate some cars would go around trashing it and abusing it..so therefore PD doesn't want to take responsiblity of what happens..if they see it...Damage isn't going to happen.if it had Dmg..my firs thing is to trash so gay American cars and beat it up lol....i'm not really into American cars..and most of them are so damn ugly..i'm All on Japanese cars.and European cars..those are the best..American sucks period...no offense they do...

Nay, I say. There's a good chance that damage will be in the game, and as for free roam...No! That'd just be stoopit :dunce:
Im sure if they implement it anyways, all the people that dont like the idea shouldnt get too hung up about it coz it shouldnt affect your gameplay anyway, it would be there for us curious racers, when after completing 100+ races and kind of get sick of the monotonous-ity of it all, we can hoon around the country side. It would be kind of like those off-road ps2 games, but instead we can use high performance Japanese cars or american muscle cars, or even take our polyphony digital F1 car over the hills to see how much air we can get! Wahooo!
I'm sorry to say this, but if you're tired of racing laps after 100+ races, just switch from GT to GTA. Driving around in cities or whatever isn't the point of GT, and I wouldn't want PD to waste their time on it. There are so much things that need to get better in order to make GT a real driving simulator, something as big as implementing a full city with traffic and all would seriously hurt all other aspects of the game, unless they take another 5 years to develop GT5. And if there would be such a mode, people would still get bored with the driving around, and start ramming all the other cars, causing havoc in the city. It just doesn't fit in a GT game.

Invisible walls are another thing. I agree that PD has to take them out, and that shouldn't be too hard. They just have to make the side roads driveable (like all the little ones next to the Ring), make the environments close the track highly detailed (like they do anyway) and further away just generate some open terain with trees on etc. Remember at the E3 Sony conference, they showed how the PS3 use satalite signals to recreate landscapes, might be useful here. That's all we need.
I'd like some roaming. It was a lot of fun in Sega racers like Virtua Racing to find sneaky spots. One in particular was a big open lot hidden in a 32X version track.

Invisible walls definitely have to go.
hey guys! man its other games for free roaming! this is a racing game ok? no free roaming in this game, will never be either...
Damage is kinda good idea..but won't happen..for sure it won't, casue its well known that people that hate some cars would go around trashing it and abusing it..so therefore PD doesn't want to take responsiblity of what happens..if they see it...Damage isn't going to happen.if it had Dmg..my firs thing is to trash so gay American cars and beat it up lol....i'm not really into American cars..and most of them are so damn ugly..i'm All on Japanese cars.and European cars..those are the best..American sucks period...no offense they do...

your an idiot.
Anyone remember the old game "Car & Driver" on the PC, from around 12 years ago? It seemed like a pretty decent simulation, and it had race tracks *and* scenic stretches of real-life highways, *and* a mall parking lot you could roam around freely. I'd love to drive around that parking lot again, but with the number of highly detailed cars that GT4 lets us choose from. The inclusion of the Nurburgring is a giant step forward, but it really needs more than 6 cars on it at a time, plus I'd like to see an actual network of highways with on and off ramps you can drive on. And autocross courses would be great too. It looks like they tried to make a start on that, with the Gymkhana course, but it's basically just this empty space, without the ability to set up a custom course with cones where you want. I'd like to see that, and/or bring back Motor Sports Land or something similar so the slower cars are more fun to drive, where precision and nimble handling are more important than raw horsepower, and a stock Civic or Miata could beat a Ford Lightning.

Basically what people like myself and the original thread starter have been wanting for years is the ability to drive the cars from the GT series (with all their visual detail and physical accuracy) in situations *other than* a race track, not even one as highway-like as the Nurburgring or El Capitan. If Polyphony's plate is too full to add these modes into GT, then I'd at least like to see them license their physics model, etc. to some other company that will put them in a separate game such as Need For Speed. I was always amazed with the number of extra cars you could download for Need For Speed 4 and Midtown Madness on the PC, but the physics model in those games was too generic feeling and not as fun. In GT the cars have a more satisfying, "beefy" feel to the controls. Basically what we want is to realize the full potential of "the real driving simulator" by being able to drive and compare realistic road cars with GT-quality physics and GT-quality graphics in the types of environments where we spend most of our time driving in real life.
Hmm free roaming? Not unless GT Mode, becomes GT Life. That's just too much freedom, that would mean extra rendering of places not necessarily used for racing, which this game is mainly about. For the record, many manufacturers have a thing about allowing their cars in games that have actualy real city streets, hence all games soo far with real city streets are DEVOID of pedestrians and always have crash barriers.

I mean it might be a nice idea, but the execution is what will make it viable, like suppose GT on PS3 is fully online and there are car clubs and you would like to meet and show off your cars, they can implement a car park sort of place where you pull up and hop out your car and pop all the doors, the hood(show casing your engine sans the neon lights), the interior(depending on the level of customization in the game). GT is big enough to have it's own world, but again is dependant on implementation and the money that sony is willing to shell out to get many and i mean many real world after market manufacturers, tuners, tire makers, body part specialists. Even go as far to add real race teams to the full on races(only race spec cars can enter), such as Audi Team Joest, Team Oreca, GM Corvette Team, this sort of thing can give the game such a realistic feeling and much more personal, even allow for manufacturer sponsored races, where you can gain sponsorship by showcasing your skill for different sponsors(unlike the sillyness in Forza). Make the game based on manufacturer relationships, you can still have your garage of thousands or cars, but you can enter manufac. specific races and impress them so they let you drive for them and if done to their utmost, they give you a special car, rare cars the right way. Soo many avenues can be used in GT, PD needs to explore them some more. But one thing, make cars as close to real life as possible, down to the minutests of detail, not just aesthetics, but the engine(manufacturer suggested potential, and potential that tuners have found beyond the manufacturers limits), at least the top tire makers should be included(their real world tire data should make things interesting, making manufac. vs. manufac. races very, very much like real life.

I digress, lemme shut up for now, I'm beginning to drool here.
I would say a big no to a free roaming city, it doesn't fit the whole idea of Gran Turismo. It's great for games like NFS becasuethats closer to the culture of street racing, but GT racing, nope. Lets face it, a lot of cars in the GT gaems are rac cars, when was the last time a NISMO GT-R GT500 pulled up in your local McDonalds car pary at midnight waitin for the boyz to arrive for a cruise. I do like your (SavageEvil) idea about manufacturer relationships and it would be great if the options to full exploit a cars full potential were in the next GT game, and manufacturer v manufacturer races could be implemeted in a manufacturer relationship based wa of playing the game. Overall though, I think things like manufacturer relationships should be introduced, but I also think that just like real life, most of the choice should be left to the player when it comes down to what you want to do. I'm not talking how much you want to tune your car to enter race A here, I still think there should be more race restrictions, rather the specail relatiopnships are ther to be had and unlock more goodies, but you can decline them. It might stop you getting 100% if that erlationship opens up a special event buit hey, the games about fun and what you want to do.
I think a mountain with a few touge courses on it would be fun to roam around on. And the Ebisu tracks would be fun also. Off topic, but I can't wait until the d1 game comes out.
real big time damage would be great and add that realism! like with retiring, cost of damage, havin gto buy new parts, to damaged and having to sell!