Gran Turismo 8 - if you had the power to completely design the experience…

Posting this before I get way too lost in it... I think a problem for me is deciding how far you can go before it ceases to be Gran Turismo.

I'm mostly "meh" about Cafe and Arcade Mode. I would revert the Arcade Mode to behave like it did in GT4, where there was a signifcant selection of factory stock cars available. Music Rally, and a new additional Autocross mode would be added as race types under it. No credits should be earned while playing Arcade Mode.

So, where do you top up on Playstation Store? I don't know.

Career Mode

  • Career (endgame) is based on mostly championships
    • Championships unlocked after International B License
    • You cannot select a new class when participating in a championship
    • You can select only 1 new car within the same class during the championship
      • 'Branching' event structure to include one-make or feeder events based on the selected car and championship
    • Road cars can be ran in a class if they match the downforce, power, drivetrain & weight requirements
  • World Circuits focus on local series / supporting events / invitationals
    • Related, themed events are part of a set
      • Races in a set can be completed in any order
      • Completion of a set awards a car or part-set voucher (see Roullete Rewards)
Roullete Rewards
  • Cash rewards removed
  • Car invitations removed
  • Parts are replaced with "part-set" vouchers:
    • Can be used to freely obtain on any car:
      • Full-Set of Racing Tires (RH, RM, RS, W, IM)
      • Full Forced-Induction Set (Low, Mid, High RPM Turbos or Superchargers)
      • Racing Brake Kit, Pads and Fully Adjustable Suspension
      • etc.

License-Locked Championships

(I realize these could take a long time to complete, so an option to scale the length of races would be a good option to have, letting the player set as a 50% length race if they don't have the time)
  • Master -- Championship Award: ???
    • GT Academy: 370Z One-Make (Sophy)
    • X2019 Nations (Sophy)
    • Gran Turismo Olympic Esports Series (Sophy)
    • Manufacturers Cup (Sophy)
    • Vintage Le Mans*
    • 24 Hour Gr.1*
    • 24 Hour Gr. 3*
  • Super (~2 hour/race) -- Championship Award: 5m Credits
    • F1500T-A
    • Super Formula
    • VGT Gr.1
    • LMP1 / LMH
    • Group C
  • International A (~45 min/race) -- Championship Award: 1m Credits
    • Super GT (Gr.2)
    • GT1 Cup (Gr.2)
    • Gr.3 Endurance
    • RWD Gr.4 Endurance
    • X2014 Junior
    • Gr.B Rally
  • International B (~25 min/ race) -- Championship Award: Part Set Voucher or 200-500k Car
    • Gr.3 Sprint
    • GT4 Sprint
    • FF Gr.4 Sprint
    • RWD Gr.4 Sprint
    • 125cc Shifter
    • Gr.B Rallycross
*exception to championship lock-in

Cafe (Museum) Mode
  • An interactive history of motorsport and car manufacturing starting from the near future and ending with the oldest car (at launch)
    • Recreate or reference real world scenarios in which the cars were used
    • Show off historical footage and imagery when applicable
    • Gives context to the current selection of cars
    • May include full races, time challenges, etc. to illustrate
Legends Dealership
  • All Legends cars made available for purchase
  • Value of cars flucate with player activity
  • Player's car(s) can be sold back to the dealership at market price
    • There will be a minimum and maximum possible value for each car
  • Ocassional Flash Sales

  • New Tuning Sheet
    • Oval
      • Corner Tire Camber
        • Positive Camber
      • Corner Spring Rates
      • Corner Ride Heights
      • Steering Offset

  • Ability for host to whitelist or blacklist specific cars
  • Ability for host to set a rental car for guests from their garage (one-make only)
  • Ability for host to set Minimum HP and Maximum Weight car requirements
  • Ability for host to set grid (reverse) order by DR
  • Free Run now pays based on laps completed
Race Types
  • Drag Racing
    • Winner Stays or Host Sets Opponents
  • Drift Battle Mode
  • Traffic Mode
    • 10 - 15 cars of a select segment are placed around the track at road-going speeds.
    • Only available on Tokyo Expressway Circuits
  • Time Attack
    • Set time limit
    • Shootout where winner is determined by elimination
Clubs 2.0
A new section to help plan and organize races between friends, leagues and esports teams.
  • Owners can...
    • set event organizers, livery makers, engineers, and stewards
    • set alliances and rivalries with other clubs
    • set the level of privacy of the club activities, including events and livery accessibility
    • set default primary, secondary and teitary colors for use in livery editor
    • share club graphics/decals privately within the club
  • Livery makers can...
    • directly upload liveries to the club profile
  • Engineers can...
    • share setups within the club
  • Stewards can...
    • spectate Club Races (with open slots)
    • vote on incidents and penalties
  • Event organizers can...
    • set up polls for combinations, cars or tracks
    • schedule events and championships ahead of time
  • Credit Bonuses are rewarded to club members for participating in club events
Sport Mode


  • National B License Achieved (All Silver) or National A License Achieved (All Bronze)

  • force rental cars only for Daily Races; Include a favorites menu for each car class.
  • allow players to replace the default livery of any Gr.- car & Formula car with any style currently available in Discover or locally* saved
  • persistent cosmetic and livery settings for Gr.- & Formula cars in revamped rental menu
  • allow players to design liveries for cars within Sport Mode even if not purchased within Single-Player
  • improve tuning restrictions to include/exclude specific parts (suspension, brake kits, TB/SC, etc) from being installed for specific combos
  • developer-customizable Race Shop to address accessibility problems caused by tuning restrictions
  • adjust car mileage to reflect total driven miles across same car model(s) across all modes
Driver & Sportsmanship Rating
  • DR/SR enabled for ALL races.
  • 30-minute timeout on SR grade down
  • [SR]☆ Sportsmanship Rating added.
    • "☆" Represents no SR reduction within last 5 races
  • Honorary Licenses- Single-Player Integration
    • Driver Rating A and above: Can participate in all IA-license and lower missions in single-player
    • Driver Rating B: Can participate in all A-license and lower missions in single-player
  • Qualifying times are reset daily
  • Overall Leaderboard is retained
  • Mandatory 10-minute practice session and w/ 3 clean qualifying laps if no daily workout completed within last 15 days
    • Detection for driving too slow compared to a reference ghost
    • Can be completed on any combo
  • Stratified by SR rank
  • +10% Bonus Credits per day per streak (up to a maximum of 100%)
  • +20% Bonus Multiplayer Race Credits on completion of 2 races on same combo
    • One bonus is lost per combo if condition is not met in 7 days
      • Player must go through each combo to keep their credit bonus up
    • Bonus stacks for all five combinations (up to a maximum of 100%)

For combo...ActiveCar TypeRace TypeTyre WearFuel ConsumptionDuration
Daily Race AAll WeekKart or Gr.BLap RaceOFFOFF~10 - 25 minutes
Daily Race BAll WeekFactory Road Cars, Personally-Tuned, Professionally-TunedLap RaceOFFOFF~10 - 25 minutes
Daily Race CAll WeekProfessionally Tuned ,Gr.4, Gr.3Lap RaceOFFOFF~10 - 25 minutes
Daily Race DAll WeekGr.4, Gr.3, Gr.2, Gr.1, FormulaLap Race, Endurance RaceONON~20 - 40 minutes
Weekend Special* (E)Weekends OnlyAny Class or ModelLap Race, Endurance RaceONON~40 - 60 minutes
Reading over this thread got me thinking. PD should just release a set of different racing games instead of trying to have this super mega huge all emcompassing game. A Classic GT where you just take regular-ish cars to fiddle with and race. Then a GT Pro, that has a career mode.....thats actually a career.....where you have to start with a home built track car to full on race cars. That game would have all the different classes with classic race cars for each class. Iconic race tracks and even recreaction of old races. Have the cars transferrable so you could take the car you built up in GT Classic, transfer it to GT Pro and now it has a full racing conversion like old GTs.

Also, how would you feel about PD abandoning the digital scanning?