Yes but Dev, it's not wise to speak in negative hypotheticals all the time in dealing with certain companies, as you've tried to psychoanalise me. Like saying Sony could sell you a crap TV, which they aren't, ever, just a bit overpriced. No?
Ummm, I don't speak in negative hypotheticals all the time... but if they are the current points of interest, that's what I would be talking about... I know a lot of people on here seem to think lack of information is an opportunity to celebrate at what's still possible because it hasn't been denied... I just happend to look at lack of information as a worrisome situation lack of confirmation. Until that changes, I don't think being skeptical is at all out of place.
You can bet as soon as something that really impresses me is officially announced, I will be right up there with everyone else cheering.
I don't know if Sony has ever sold a crap TV, I would think every company has had a lemon at some point, but it was an analogy... I should have probably chose samsung or something to avoid confusion...
It's also not a good idea to put words in someone else's mouth or twist them to suit your negative views. It seems like ever since Kazunori-dono said he was going to try and put damage into GT5, you've taken that as some sort of flat out promise of 100% damage on every car. Which he did not.
We can play the game of technically what was said and bring out lawyer speak to define what "is" means. But in context, under the circumstances, there is an implied meaning. I don't think anyone wasn't at least a little bit shocked to learn that only limited cars in GT5 would have damage instead of all. That makes it the reasonable meaning to take away, and you can't even realistically argue that PD and KY didn't know that when the announcement was made... I mean claims that they don't want to release it without taking the time to do it right... you can defend the technicalities, but the spirit of the meaning the way it was said is really not very questionable, and there is no way KY and PD's PR team didn't know that.
In fact, for those wanting 100% realistic damage, since I'm unaware of any PC sim which delivers on that, asking for it in GT5 is kind of a stretch. Maybe the team can whip up something convincing, but I think my poll post is pretty accurate, that it'll take a polycore PS4 to handle such physics calculations on the fly.
I can only speak for myself, but when I say I want realistic damage I don't mean those shorn in have, tearing ribbons of metal pictures we saw earlier. I mean I want damage that reasonably reflects what happens and more importantly damage that punishes you appropriately for collisions. Basically no glaring ommissions or vastly unrealistic represntation of an impact. Keep it clean for the kiddies and within reason for the hardware and programmers, but do it right.
I (we all) have waited for PD to do it right... well I just want it done right.
And by the way, saying that car companies refusal to allow something is "passing the buck" is just goofy. Do you want to see GT5 with cars locked up because Kaz tried to sneak something by them? Won't happen, plus he has to go back to them to renew permissions for GT6.
First off, I don't think anyone from PD has actually said that, it's just a line used as a potential out to defend PD's limited damge.
Secondly it is passing the buck. And no, jumping to the other end of the scale with some off the wall example doesn't make it any less so.
When you say something will be there (implicitely if not explicitly) and then you fail to deliver, YOU failed to deliver. Why is not the issue.
I am happier to accept it than something lame like "we all wanted to watch movies for 5 years so just didn't work on the game". But it's still a case of, if you offer but then can't deliver, you failed. If not, no failure would be anyones fault but the lowest link in the chain.
MS isn't responsible for RROD, it's the chip maker that makes the gate in the processor at section C443G... wait no it's not, it's the metal works who purified the copper, wait no it's not, it's the mine workers fault who dug up the ore, wait no it's not, it's the company who made the shovels fault...
The last entity in the chain I deal with is the where the buck lies. Going on from there is passing the buck...