Damage, Eyetoy, Weather, and More!!!

  • Thread starter Gturismo1
Last year (around this time of year) I read in an interview with KY, that he was going to implement real time damage in GT5. He also said that is was going to be possible to really crash your car. It adds more realisme to the game (and it is still called; the real driving simulator). Now some people are still saying that they have beaten mission 34 (or whatever) by cheating a little bit. This won't be possible if you have real time damage (which you probably can switch on/off).

I like GTR, I can't deny that. I never turn off damage. I always drive in "practice mode" . I am not interested in racing, I am interested in the technical aspect of racing and damage is a part of that. If I can't drive fast without crashing or damaging your car, I know I have a lot of practicing (spelling correct??) to do. That is why damage is sooooo important to me. I know then that I am doing something wrong I have to improve. I am also interested in these things in real life. I always pratice in RL ( once a month) with real cars on a special lot with a real damn good instructor beside me. ==> car control, drifting techniques, racing techniques etc... I always have to watch out not to crash these cars, in RL, so why not in a game.

I think that KY means by real time damage: visible and non visible structural damage and electrical, electronica and motor damage. Most games represent damage always the same way. If you hit something under a certain angle driving a certain speed you can see the bonnet (or whatever) being dented. It doesn't matter how fast you drive and what you hit, the dents are always the same (RBR is very good at this kind of unrealistic damage). KY wants to calculate real time damage; like in RL, if you drive fast, you probably wreck you car. If you drive slow, your car won't be damaged beyond repair or maybe just scratched.

Everybody knows how a perfectionist KY is. If he wants damage, his is going to give us damage (RL damage or like I said real time damage, which is the same).
Real time damage are not my words, I just qouted KY in this interview.

And, sorry no, I can't remember where I read it. I know it was just after the E3 show last year or during that show, when he said these things about damage.

**edit**: if your crash your car and your not able to drive anymore or race, stop and start all over again or hit the time acceleration button like in GTR. It is that simple. It will give give you oppurtunity to think about your driving style and be more carefull the next time you're onthe track.
If you don't want this, just turn off the damage!!!! Simple, no???, Yes ofcourse it is. ;)
I agree that it'll look very realistic and ddifferent crash wioll all look different. I don't think we'll be seeing tyres popping for going over a curb too fast or scraping a wall, and I don't think we'll be loosing the suspension if we get a knock in the side either. It'll still be toned down like the rest of the game to keep it accessible.
Heh, somehow I don't think that all these 'sim-fans' are willing to run out and kill themselves when they run into a wall at 200 mph... that's what happens in 'the real world', after all! :P
But when it comes to damage, surely there have been a number of critics against the GT series. So when it comes to car damage, how must PD implement damage to silence their critics on "virtually indestructable" cars like in past GT games? How do you keep hardcore sim racing fans, as well as casual racing gamers happy when it comes to damage? It's usually the easiest question to ask with the toughest, most varied answer- how do you keep everyone happy? Is it possible to keep fans happy with car damage in the next Gran Turismo?
That's a good question, John.. regarding hardcore vs casual racers.

I don't know how feasible it'll be, but it's possible the game may have various levels of damage. Off, Arcade, Simulation. Damage off would be like current GT games. Arcade damage would be like TOCA or Forza.. "fake" damage that has only minimal impact on the car, certainly enough to continue the race even if most of your body panels are stripped off. And Simulation damage would be the "real" stuff.
humm...this is a very interesting topic. Maybe PD could have the damage set at defalt (when you start GT Mode & Arcade)but also a damage effect option like a sliding scale as in ASM,TCS & Traction control in GT4. So when the defalt settings don't suit the hardcore OR casual player they can be adjusted to suit.
GTR example​
The blue screen is arcade mode
The other2 is simulation mode

I don't know what vertex means :guilty:


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