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Fantastic photos!

Thanks Adrian 👍

Gotta say man - I love your squared-up-car-in-the-centre shots... the tones on every single one I see are perfect! :drool:

I love it how a few select people on here definitely have their own 'style' - you are one of them.


Thanks Miklad 👍

Amazing Alfa set !
Great variety in them
Makes me think of buying one in GT5 :)
Great editing !
Looking forward for your next update

As I told Zambuca is a good car, everyone should give it a try :)

Congratulations, great shot .. really.

Thanks, sometimes it's a bit difficult to capture these images because of the jaggies

Thanks for the comments 👍

Here is the update with the Suzuki SWIFT Sport '05

And some tunnel shots

Thanks for watching and sorry for the big update :crazy:

Really nice update 👍 I'm liking the two portrait ones around the hairpin and the tunnel shots the best :drool:
Really nice update 👍 I'm liking the two portrait ones around the hairpin and the tunnel shots the best :drool:

Thanks 👍

Great work with the swift! Soo shiny :dopey:

That's because the lighting at the track


Thanks, that's one of my favorites too

Great job! I really love the Z in post 149 and your banner on page 1 is fantastic.

Thanks, that kind of photos are always spectacular, the only problem are the jaggies. And the banner, well it was time for a small change

Cool set - love the farkles on No. 3!

Brilliant. 👍

Thanks, That effect should be part of the game

Terrible update... Especially that 3rd pic and the last 3:sly:.

Muito obrigado 👍

Really nice shots of one of the rarely photographed premiums :D

Don't know why, but these small cars are often overlooked

Great set , DarkR ! 👍
Tunnel shots are my favorites :drool:

They always turn out well

Fantastic last two ... :)

Grazie mille 👍

A rare car in the showrooms!
Really like this update! :)

Thanks man:tup:

Great shots of a cute little car :)

Thanks, is a very nice car and very easy to handle :)

Once again thanks for your comments 👍

For the next set I'll use this...

The 3 close ups on the lights are really beautiful and realistic - great lighing 👍 I also like the 6th one a lot :) Great set overall, but I've come to expect that now :sly:
Beautiful work DarkR - very realistic, particularly the fourth and sixth shots. Nice job. 👍

Very realistic looking set Dark !

Nice real photos;). Me likes it:tup:.

Really nice sets Dark!! Those RX7 shots are very realistic!!👍

Thanks for your comments. Suzuka is really a great track to take pics 👍

So here is a small update with my entry for the SSC Week 36

I'll be uploading another update tomorrow, or maybe on Monday :) :cheers: