BkS 3,159 Livingston, Sco BkS-y0 APX BkS Feb 11, 2012 #181 Seriously. How do you do it? Your shots are always so realistic. D: Love that NASCAR shot, please tell me it's on Flickr I want to go favourite it.
Seriously. How do you do it? Your shots are always so realistic. D: Love that NASCAR shot, please tell me it's on Flickr I want to go favourite it.
DarkR 1,143 Somewhere Feb 13, 2012 #182 Thanks BkS, the pic it's on flickr 👍 Now the Volvo C30 playing in the dirt Thanks for watching
Shidapu 712 Athens GTP_Shaman Othershidapu Feb 13, 2012 #183 With that first volvo pic...i'm on my way to volvo dealer mate Great set Dark:tup:
face_count 166 Denmark face_count Feb 14, 2012 #185 Very good pictures there, i havent seen any one else use a Volvo to take pictures of, but they look very good!
Very good pictures there, i havent seen any one else use a Volvo to take pictures of, but they look very good!
ShaolinMasta 3,046 Ekaterinburg posauner ShaolinMast4 Feb 14, 2012 #186 Great shots DarkR ! Lovely tones ! #9 is my favorite 👍
Grand Prix The Nut Behind the Wheel Premium 4,506 Vancouver, BC Feb 14, 2012 #187 Great sets, like others have said I like how "clean" these shots look. 👍 The stand out shot for me is the NASCAR one with the car going off, brilliantly captured.
Great sets, like others have said I like how "clean" these shots look. 👍 The stand out shot for me is the NASCAR one with the car going off, brilliantly captured.
Horde_R35 6,320 Lisbon,Portugal IRT_hordeR35 Whats an Xbox?? Feb 14, 2012 #188 Very nice work with the lighting mate. 1st and 11th are my favs:tup:.
Turtle 2,227 Portland, Oregon Feb 14, 2012 #189 Crap, your advertisement-style shot made mine look like a three year-olds drawing in crayon. Anyway, I've been lurking here long enough, awesome shots! ~Turtle
Crap, your advertisement-style shot made mine look like a three year-olds drawing in crayon. Anyway, I've been lurking here long enough, awesome shots! ~Turtle
Skython 7,227 beyond down under Skython11 Feb 14, 2012 #191 The Volvo should be a rally car! You made it look perfect for the job. 👍 Excellent shots.
BkS 3,159 Livingston, Sco BkS-y0 APX BkS Feb 14, 2012 #193 Very nice lighting work DarkR! Great shots!
DarkR 1,143 Somewhere Feb 15, 2012 #194 Thanks for the support guys and girl 👍 Now a set in the Tuscany, using the Mach1, a.k.a The Pony This is not realistic, but I like how it turned out Thanks for watching 👍
Thanks for the support guys and girl 👍 Now a set in the Tuscany, using the Mach1, a.k.a The Pony This is not realistic, but I like how it turned out Thanks for watching 👍
Elstro 571 Cambridge, UK tdyln Feb 15, 2012 #195 How in God's name do you do it...seriously, I want to know. I can't begin to name which shot I like the best....all so real.
How in God's name do you do it...seriously, I want to know. I can't begin to name which shot I like the best....all so real.
BkS 3,159 Livingston, Sco BkS-y0 APX BkS Feb 15, 2012 #196 Elstro How in God's name do you do it...seriously, I want to know...all so real. Click to expand... What he said... Love that last big shot ahove the mini previews. Just awesome in so many ways. Trying to pick my jaw up from the floor, excuse me while I drool.
Elstro How in God's name do you do it...seriously, I want to know...all so real. Click to expand... What he said... Love that last big shot ahove the mini previews. Just awesome in so many ways. Trying to pick my jaw up from the floor, excuse me while I drool.
ShaolinMasta 3,046 Ekaterinburg posauner ShaolinMast4 Feb 16, 2012 #197 Every single shot is just amazing ! 👍
DarkR 1,143 Somewhere Feb 17, 2012 #199 Sorry for the double post, here's my new update. It's a small tribute to the return of one of the legends of the muscle cars. The Camaro SS
Sorry for the double post, here's my new update. It's a small tribute to the return of one of the legends of the muscle cars. The Camaro SS
Elstro 571 Cambridge, UK tdyln Feb 17, 2012 #201 Awesome update, yet again. Please excuse me while I go to Flickr and fave a few...
sejtur 3,994 Netherlands Feb 17, 2012 #202 The Volvo and the Camaro set are great! How did you get the paint like that on the Camaro?
Boabdulrahman 1,440 Kuwait Boabdulrahman Feb 17, 2012 #203 Great shots ! Clean and slick editing, and love the variety
Horde_R35 6,320 Lisbon,Portugal IRT_hordeR35 Whats an Xbox?? Feb 17, 2012 #204 Thats awesome man. One of your best so far with lots of quality and quantity:tup:.
nanabu 1,961 Vienna N-A-NABU Feb 17, 2012 #205 how come i never have left a post in here ? :/ great work Darkr , the Camaro set is probably the best what you have done until now me likes
how come i never have left a post in here ? :/ great work Darkr , the Camaro set is probably the best what you have done until now me likes
Taiga 2,452 Singapore lowzikai Feb 17, 2012 #206 You make me want to take me camaro out and do a set with it.
Tracksmith 768 Christchurch Feb 18, 2012 #207 ALL the pictures on the previous page are stunning. I love the colours in your shots. 👍
Solo 5,210 Essex, UK Feb 18, 2012 #208 I love the Camaro shots The yellow colour really suits it and with the RM shots at tokyo are really well composed and toned.
I love the Camaro shots The yellow colour really suits it and with the RM shots at tokyo are really well composed and toned.
BkS 3,159 Livingston, Sco BkS-y0 APX BkS Feb 18, 2012 #209 BUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMBBBBBBBBLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! *excuse the excitement, major transformers fan here XD* Love the update, one of my favourite all-time cars.
BUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMBBBBBBBBLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! *excuse the excitement, major transformers fan here XD* Love the update, one of my favourite all-time cars.