DBeav12's Legit Cops and Cruise Club [CLOSED]

  • Thread starter Beav
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Well, an unfortunate 'end' (as it may be), but one that was coming in some form of another.

But before everyone bawls their eyes out, get online and look at your friends-list. It's still there (unless everyone un-friend'ed everyone, which seems unlucky), every friend & aquatence (sp?) you've made from the club is still around.

Superstreet, we've raced & duelled at Toscana in your lounge multiple times, I see no reason to stop and not continue enjoying GT5 until 6 comes out. 👍

Ridox/Orido, you know SSR7 battles will continue on :mischievous:, I'll always be up for a Wangan throw-down.

NFS, remember the photoshoot we did at SSRX with the Merc & Lambo, I see no reason not to do more in the future 👍

And DB, remember the 3-man cruise that one night at Sarthe ?, good cruising can happen, even if its on a 'through the grapevine' kind of basis, I'll look forward to occasional 'chill-out' rooms in GT6 with you and other old-time members.

Those were names I just picked out of thin-air, in no order, and there are many more, more than I have time to name individually, lol.

Guys (and girl :P), don't freak out, so we may not have 'regular cops' often, but cruising with good friends and great cars is still a thing, and ironically what this club is all about in the end.

Let the "Farewell"-s and "See you in GT6"-s out. Maybe we can even turn this thread into a communication-post for when people are planning cruises & trackdays on their own, i.e "I'm hosting a cars-n-coffee on..." or "I'm planning a Grand-Tour of (3 tracks) on..." & maybe even a "TopGear challenge !!!, bring your crummiest FF-car XD"
(What do you think DB ?, something to keep the thread active?)

The thread may be ending, but the fun of hanging with good friends doesn't have to, that's what I believe, and I'll see you guys online when I'm on.

(Edit, 2 pages too late, d@mn I'm a slow typer, lol)
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Thanks for letting me in the club. My first lobby was about 3 days before I applied, and got kicked. good times. :lol: My first lobby as a member I drove past you in a VW Bus painted yellow with purple rims at 200km/h. I enjoyed the tackling very much, and I shall remember it as a violent hug.

Thanks for the month of entertainment. It's the first time I've gone slow on purpose in a racing game. 👍 To everyone else, thanks for tolerating my existence, and also, my friends list has a lot of open spaces.

Goodbye everyone.

:gtplanet: :gtpflag: :gtplanet:
Thankyou Beav for creating this amazing club! Back in December, when I first got gt5, (i was late getting it. :/) i was joining random lobbies and started to like different cops and cruise lobbies. Then I was recommended gtplanet. I came on here, stayed in the gt5 section for most of the time, then I got really exited about gtplanet and started searching all of the forums, when I came across this one. I knew I liked cops and cruise lobbies, so I joined. That first lobby was unforgetable. I started by crusing, then eventually started street racing. I had a blast attempting to out manuver the cops, but always ended up losing. :lol:

That happened for a month or two, then I got a wheel and stand, which really made this club enjoyable for me, because it made me feel as if I were actually cruising in real cars on a real track. Thrn, summer hit and I was inactive for 6 weeks! :eek:.... I came back to new faces, but the same old club. Now, its gone...

I hope we can open another club, or just host lobbies every now and then, as I really have gotten to know you guys and become friends with most of you.

Thanks again beav, for creating an amazing club, and helping me get to know people on gt5 and gtp. Sorry this is such a long post, but it had to be done. See all of you guys later! :( :gtpflag:

Dbeav12's Legit Cop's and Cruise Club 12/9/12 - 9/16/13.

Almost to the 14,000 post marker.
I honestly saw this coming. As soon as Doog, Zyla, Kad, Ferrari, and Doodle left the club it fell apart from there :(

Fixed. :P

Beav, I remember when I joined my first lobby as a member here. It was one of the best times I've ever had in a GT5 lobby. Nothing really made me more happy than some proper cruising in some normal street cars. As soon as our little group left this club, I was surprised that this club managed to stay alive. I salute to you for sticking with this club while having to deal with some of the fighting, drama, and other bs that other members have seemed to create over the past several weeks. I would've never been able to last a week with all that! :lol: I feel a little sad myself to see such a successful club end like this, but I guess it's for the best.

As for me, I'll be constantly competing in the
online races and time trials, and drive in plenty of shuffle/spec racing lobbies. Also, I'll be on GTA V a lot for the next few weeks.

Ameer, well done with the website. 👍 I would've never done that good. :lol:

I know I haven't been here very long, but I don't see why the club is shutting down /: It just seems like a few minor problems that could be ironed out, given a little time.. I think if the club went on a brief hiatus, say a month and a week or two, everyone would be looking forward to another lobby.
I loved this club everything about but I can't say every one liked me but we did have a good time.
Aw. *sniff sniff* I've only been part of this club for a couple moths but I had a lot of fun with you guys. I hope we'll see you soon dbeav. Maybe you can become a member of a new cruise and cops club.
I'm going to miss you, gay pete!

D: I'll miss you TOOOO.... except not really. Or you demi. Or Kitten. BUT I'LL MISS MY FABULOUS KATIE...

Though like mcluvin said, the club may be gone but the people isn't. We still can play with each other. Just not piss each other off in a organized group.
Aw. *sniff sniff* I've only been part of this club for a couple moths but I had a lot of fun with you guys. I hope we'll see you soon dbeav. Maybe you can become a member of a new cruise and cops club.

That would be really weird to see beav as a member, and not the creator :lol:

D: I'll miss you TOOOO.... except not really. Or you demi. Or Kitten. BUT I'LL MISS MY FABULOUS KATIE...

Though like mcluvin said, the club may be gone but the people isn't. We still can play with each other. Just not piss each other off in a organized group.

because in organized groups is the best ways to piss people off :lol:
D: I'll miss you TOOOO.... except not really. Or you demi. Or Kitten. BUT I'LL MISS MY FABULOUS KATIE...

Though like mcluvin said, the club may be gone but the people isn't. We still can play with each other. Just not piss each other off in a organized group.

Right in the feels.
Well, after I left, I still tried to join lobbies when I could. It's been a good ride. Thank you Beav for taking time out of your life to make such an organized and all-around fun club!

Keep on riding, my friend.


*battered Mach 1 leaves the Tri-City Area*
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D: I'll miss you TOOOO.... except not really. Or you demi. Or Kitten. BUT I'LL MISS MY FABULOUS KATIE...

Though like mcluvin said, the club may be gone but the people isn't. We still can play with each other. Just not piss each other off in a organized group.
will you miss FG

Club Creator

Website Creator


Super Moderators
AzNTypeR (AzNImaboy)
NinjaFood (NINJA_FOOD97)
TheKitten (RSM-TheKitten)

AudiMan2011 (Street-King-07)

GTPD Officers
Ameer67 (Unit 067)
AzNTypeR (Unit 003)
DBeav12 (Unit 012)
Firehound427 (Unit 427)
JakobNascar88 (Unit 205)
JasonGT (Unit 007)
Katiegan (Unit 053)
Kurei (Unit 093)
NinjaFood (Unit 097)
Nissan Lover (Unit 969)
Swara96 (Unit 004)

Club Members
AudiMan2011 (Street-King-07)
AzNTypeR (AzNImaboy)
Cgg (cgg199)
DownHillJDM2 (ShawnX)
Fastcarguy (NFBoffroad)
JakobNascar (Jakob_Nascar88)
JasonGT (x-GT5M4N)
Katiegan (Moderator)
Korza (Kamikazi493)
Kurei (Mcluvin93hatch)
MetroGS (Zoomj)
Mikelovin (The_Mikelovin)
Monsterv12 (trickmobile)
MONSTER97 (bigtexlpfan97)
NinjaFood (NINJA_FOOD97)
Nissan Lover (PeteWheet)
Pinkintron (hellraiser-14)
ProjectWHaT (CarXpert999)
Robrabbitman (bloodsugarrush)
Timbomat1 (Benzfish)
TheKitten (RSM-TheKitten)
WanT (WanTed-NeRD)
XxKaitoShionxX (Demiclon2002)
ZDUPH (JeepXJFreak98)

Thank you to all of those who participated in the production of "DBeav12's Legit Cops and Cruise Club".

A DBeav12 Production
Out of curiosity, I decided to check this thread again. And then I saw DBeav's latest post. Well, this club had a great run. Damn, this club went far! It's unfortunate the club had to end, but I realize it was way too much for Beav to handle, and I respect him for his ultimate decision.

I may not have been the most liked member or well-behaved member, but I sure had a lot of fun when I was still a member. I learned a lot while in this club and made plenty of friends. This may be the end for the club, but not the end of the friendships that were made. We will all move on to bigger and more fun games, but for the moment, lets look back at the amazing thing DBeav12 made.

Unit #096, off duty. *Black ZZII drives off into the sunset*
PSN ID: Ghost-THC-19
First Name (Optional): Mike
Age: 23
Favorite car: loads but atm peugeot 205 turbo (so fun to drive :) )
Where are you from? (Optional): errrrr my mothers ver jay jay hahaha naaaa England UK
Laid back, serious, or both at all times?: horizontal haaa
Are you a Cop, Civilian, Street Racer, or all? Why?: COP or UNDERCOVER COP??? would that work
Have you read all of the rules?: 10-4 ;)
How often will you attend lobbies?: almost everyday if i can
Why should we accept you?: was E.T short for.....cos he's got lil legs i dunno why not
How did you discover this thread?: by luck really
Anything else you want to share? MASSIVE NEW JERSEY DEVILS FAN
PSN ID: Ghost-THC-19
First Name (Optional): Mike
Age: 23
Favorite car: loads but atm peugeot 205 turbo (so fun to drive :) )
Where are you from? (Optional): errrrr my mothers ver jay jay hahaha naaaa England UK
Laid back, serious, or both at all times?: horizontal haaa
Are you a Cop, Civilian, Street Racer, or all? Why?: COP or UNDERCOVER COP??? would that work
Have you read all of the rules?: 10-4 ;)
How often will you attend lobbies?: almost everyday if i can
Why should we accept you?: was E.T short for.....cos he's got lil legs i dunno why not
How did you discover this thread?: by luck really
Anything else you want to share? MASSIVE NEW JERSEY DEVILS FAN

Um have you not read above? The club is closed.
PSN ID: Ghost-THC-19
First Name (Optional): Mike
Age: 23
Favorite car: loads but atm peugeot 205 turbo (so fun to drive :) )
Where are you from? (Optional): errrrr my mothers ver jay jay hahaha naaaa England UK
Laid back, serious, or both at all times?: horizontal haaa
Are you a Cop, Civilian, Street Racer, or all? Why?: COP or UNDERCOVER COP??? would that work
Have you read all of the rules?: 10-4 ;)
How often will you attend lobbies?: almost everyday if i can
Why should we accept you?: was E.T short for.....cos he's got lil legs i dunno why not
How did you discover this thread?: by luck really
Anything else you want to share? MASSIVE NEW JERSEY DEVILS FAN

I just laugh so hard at this.
As the second person to join this club (third if you count Beavis as the first member) way back in December, I should express my gratitude for all of the hours of enjoyment this club's given me. Ever since soon after I joined PSN in early 2011, I quickly grew to like these cops rooms that were slowly popping up online, and they soon became the only thing I did on Gran Turismo. Back then it was a gamble, sometimes you got decent lobbies with a host on a microphone, other times you'd end up in the ruins of what used to be a regulated lobby, now overrun by drag racers on La Sarthe. Later that year I joined what appeared to be a garden variety cops room at Cote d'Azur. DBeav should vaguely remember this, as this was back when Kstar regularly hosted rooms, providing everyone with a good laugh on the mic. Those lobbies were the bomb. You had a few cops, several cruisers driving in groups (but without leapfrog chaos) around La Sarthe, and entertainment via whoever had a mic. There was killingzone, Mreil, O1993, FIZIX, Kstar and DBeav, who I can remember off the top of my head. SJDFOX also comes to mind.

That all died down after Kstar moved continents and wasn't nearly as active as he once was. I continued joining cops and cruise lobbies with friends, and it wasn't until Korza's cops club that I was able to find something similar. Unfortunately, as good as that group was during conception, it didn't quite pan out thanks to timezone difficulties and inactivity. Much later there was Ace's club, which was great for about a month but abruptly ended when he went inactive without so much as a reason why. DBeav stepped up and made his own club, which has undoubtably been the most successful club of its kind. Running nearly 10 months strong, it's always been consistently active, and the thread has always flourished with discussion between members. Everyone got a little too comfortable with eachother and started think less about the consequences of what they said to others in lobbies or in this thread for everyone to see, myself included. The ongoing arguments and bickering that ensued from that were no doubt one of the major contributers to this club's downfall. But still, during some of the club's last lobbies I ignored the arguments for the most part and focused on actually cruising, which could be a lesson for everyone. So yeah, it was good while it lasted, and it provided me with a great deal of fun times. Sure there were some stupid idiots and bitching peppered throughout, but this club and its lobbies have consistently been one of my only reasons to continue playing Gran Turismo. Even as a non-member for a great portion of my time in lobbies, I always felt welcome. Thanks for the fun times, I suppose. :P
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