DC: GTP "weekly" drawing contest # 8: get some acids and design something!

  • Thread starter Cano
I know this compo is 'done with it's done'. But, will that be within the next two weeks? I'm a very anal drawer, it has to be near perfect before I am done.

Here's a small sketch I did. It definitely shows the ideas I want in my final drawing. This is NOT my entry.
Divine Wind.gif
I hope no one is offended at my comments I make but I see things that even I did that maybe bad habits or "blocks" in peoples progression of drawing skills and I'd like to give advice for seeing these.

Be proud of your work but don't "fall in love" with one drawing or concept early. It will stump your creativity and will find that you keep obsessing with drawing the same design over and over.

Viper it's a cool design from the side but I can't tell anything else about it. I really don't think you need to put copyright protection on a sketch especially a sideview? I'll be looking forward to seeing your other views or details about this design though. 👍
mine really sux, because of the scanner, so ill prolly drop out, and to dark Skyline, look at it, you can tell it was drawn, and, its called the "Trident", it may look like Toyota, But its Trident
:banghead: damn it, there's a drawing there?! BTW, I can finally see Jpecs avatar now... :rolleyes: It will probably stop next time around.
Originally posted by bigrick
is there a dealine here? I am thinking I am gonna try something out. I used to do these daily, until I got photoshop, lol...

as you can see, these are pretty old, and very crappy... but it was before I knew anything about drawing cars, lines, etc... i should have some better ones coming out!

the deadline for this thing is whenever everyone has submmited the entries and some time passes, and then nobody submits, and I ask "do we have the poll?" and everyone say yes :D
and those are nice, altough easily recognizeable as an Audi and mustang. but nice redesigns anyway.
to all, dont worry about time, this contest is usually looooong and if you tell us to wait, we will all wait. it doesnt have a determined deadline, the submitter put the deadline with their own work. feel free to try and welcome all!!

Originally posted by GTR DriftMaster
OMG i want to enter but i have no scanner!!, shima i say keep the front end of the bottom sketch, also i like the angle of the first one.

Go down to your local library and pay to use theirs.
goddamn this SO needs a bump. the fuse of my mac's no-break got burned. and sadlym that is where my scanned is connected. I'll go buy it tomorrow so I can scan mine, its ready. well, I think it's ready. I just got worked out the rear. let's see if you like it (:

Hmm i had some designs somewhere in my file cabinet but i'll have to load up this other 7 year old computer install the scanner software then after that copy it onto a floppy disk then put it in paint on the computer i'm on right now, and THEN I can post it. So MUCH work.
Its just, Cano won't put mine in the poll, because he wants a Front view also. But if he just lets me enter that view of the picture. I'll be happy.
Yeah, I know you're capable of it (it'll just take time; do nothing tomorrow except work on the front angle...:P)
Originally posted by Jpec07
Yeah, I know you're capable of it (it'll just take time; do nothing tomorrow except work on the front angle...:P)

Fine, I'll do one tomarrow during school since I do nothing in class but fail anyway.