DC: GTP "weekly" drawing contest # 8: get some acids and design something!

  • Thread starter Cano
Draw a futuristic version of a classic 2 door sports vehicle. Like an updated '69 camaro, but don't call it a camaro, cause that's against the rules.;)

Just an idea.
Originally posted by OmicroN
Draw a futuristic version of a classic 2 door sports vehicle. Like an updated '69 camaro, but don't call it a camaro, cause that's against the rules.;)

Just an idea.

I could upload 8 of those right now. I really hope to see some originality in here, not just a modernized muscle car. I know how that looks, I make one a day.
aside, I was thinking, if this design thing catches on and it proves to be fun to all and everything, we can run two competitions each "week" (yeah, every two months if you want), one free-for-all design competition, and one with a base car. what do you guys think? (:

"base car"? I'm up for both but I think it would extend the dead line longer. Looking at the history of this competition it doesn't seem like there has ever been a "short" competition length anyways. I also agree with Cano about originality at the same time I'm kinda having a hard time but I'll enjoy the practice time.

Originally posted by Cano
I could upload 8 of those right now. I really hope to see some originality in here, not just a modernized muscle car. I know how that looks, I make one a day.
aside, I was thinking, if this design thing catches on and it proves to be fun to all and everything, we can run two competitions each "week" (yeah, every two months if you want), one free-for-all design competition, and one with a base car. what do you guys think? (:


Well then.. plz plz plz send me some in my email, lol...

I thought I was being origional, :( oh well. Even though I suck at drawing, and my scanner really sucks, I may try to enter anyway.
I wont send you anything, you will see it all at my site. hold on, its almost ready. it has taken me reeeeal long, but some peope have already seen it, ask chaser (:
if you want to be oiginal, design your own muscle car. I NEVER said it had to be a new car. you can get your design standars at the 60s and start from there. remember, it has to be your car, not a mopar, gm nor something else.
Shima, Im the least adecuate person to tell you what to draw. just blow some lines and see what it looks like and voilá! I dont know. whatever you want man, its a free for all. whatever you draw, its gonna be the design of the thing what counts, not what kind of car you choose to draw.

Man that's an oxy moron if I ever heard one... I saw this blond on t.v. and I thought she said she was a blond physic. That wound have been funny too.
how come that is an oxy moron? the late japanese hi-perf cars ARE the new muscle cars. and it will be really cool to see another added to the crop by Shima.
I guess my definition is different, I can't put hot rod and Japanese car in the same sentence. If it's a japanese car then it's "riced up" not a hot rod. Hot rod is reserved for Amercian old or classics to me.
the fact is, that japanese cars nor muscle cars arent hot rods unless they are modified. a hot rod is nothing more than a tuned car, modified to gain on performance and appearance. now tell me, what is a Japanese car that has been tuned? look, I hear you when you say its odd to call a japanese car a muscle car, I know the term is really odd for such a car, but then again, all of them, from muscle cars to Skylines to the 1932 Ford V8 to the Honda S800 to a Ferrari Daytona to the blower bentleys from the 30s are ONE thing, sports cars. they can be turned into hot rods, or, say, tuned cars, if you want, when they are modified.
now, lets take a look at muscle cars of yore. two door cars with (sometimes) lightweight bodies and bucketloads of power, using the latest in technology available at the time and built to perform in excelent manner. now, could we take a look at japanese performance cars? two door cars with (sometimes) lightweight bodies and bucketloads of power, using the latest in technology available at the time and built to perform in excelent manner. its the very same. yeah, the formula changes in some ways, its big inches vs small with turbos, its three 600 cfm holleys against SEFI, and on and on. still, the same spirit is there. hell, even if we go to the FWD/RWD thing, even a damned Integra now can be called a muscle car today, they are exceedengly fast. should we throw in the BMW M3 and those AMG mercedes, and stuff like that. yeah, those are muscle cars, or sports cars, if you want to call them that way. either way, the spirit is alive and well, and it will be kicking for really long time. The fact that the sucessor of the HEMI Cuda is a viper is ok, but you can also consider its sucessor a RX7. as you could, if you want, consider the HEMI Cuda the succesor of, say, the 1951 Ferrari Mexico. its all the same, word games only apply to geographic stances. all of them are muscle cars, sports cars, or. well... haha, no, not japanese sports cars, but you get the picture.
whew, I have to stop writing.

eh... I was mostly being funny with my first post to your "Japanese muscle car" suggestion, it just did sound funny to me, but do we have to put a friggin microscope on it?!
we did (:
and Im off to sleep rite now, so, any more barking about this will be read tomorrow morning. 'nite

Well, I do have something in the works. It's not dissimilar of a design I made previously (Cano should remember my design I showed off in the "cars I've drawn" thread). I'm actually modifying the design a little bit, as it doesn't look even slightly appealing from the side with the drawing I had made before (I'm using proportional crap and graph paper to draw out the side designs; once I get all that squared away, I'll draw it freehand on another sheet of paper from the front and side, and then get in a perspective drawing if there's any time left.
Originally posted by Darin
Well, since I need a front view of the car. I guess I can't enter it. But somehow. When I do the front view it looks ****'d up. So Im gonna show you my Back veiw with the Engine showing.


Tell me what you guys think.

looks like a Ferrari Enzo with the engine cover taken off. BTW...im in Cano.
Well, This isn't turning out to be as hard as I thought it was (still a challenge, but not that big). Well, I managed to iron out my car, and am currently working on a back view of it. I still need a name...
Well, It's my pleasure to present to you the first drawing of the Aqaza LMT, Behold!
(I know the side angle looks silly, but I'll fix it I promise...)


  • aqazalmtdesign.jpg
    99.5 KB · Views: 339
Originally posted by max boost 2005
that looks nice but it looks more like a viper from side
I agree with the viper thing, it looks a lot like one. but many cars are looking like that nowadays. nice, Jpec.
Well, so far i finnally have some what of an idea of what I'm doing for this, i just need to clean up everything and make it look decent, so i basically have a long ways to go.
Originally posted by max boost 2005
that looks nice but it looks more like a viper from side

Yeah, I originally meant it to be a kind of mech betwixt a vette, Viper, and Stang from the side (kind of a American Muscle/Japanese Performance when looking at the whole thing). Like I said, the side view is going to be different...
I really hate this trial and error process.. my perspective views need A LOT OF WORK..
My proportions SUCK .. *cry*
Here's a car whom I unleashed the "eraser of anger" upon

not my entry, but maybe a shape of things to come?
Shima and everyone, I've changed my mind about pen versus pencil, I do like to use pencil but if you do, try not to erase so much. It's just a sketch at this point, "waste paper" because it will also show your thinking of the different variations of lines or form. This is actually what pen is for because you are forced to draw better the first time and if you don't then you keep drawing and practicing at the same time. If you like a sketch then just do an underlay and then change the form or lines from there. Thanks


edit: I forgot to mention the main reason it maybe good to use pencil is it's so easy to utilize line "weight"(line thinkness) and a little shading for shape.