Dead weight / Usless employees

  • Thread starter DGB454
Why don't they just fire them? What's with all the secrecy? Just fire them now. Why wait? Or is Michigan not a "right to work" state?
Ummm...Where's the Michigan line come in from? and yes, I wish that the company would slice off a bit of deadweight around here.

Originally posted by Der Alta
Ummm...Where's the Michigan line come in from? and yes, I wish that the company would slice off a bit of deadweight around here.


Different states have different labor laws. Arizona is a so-called "right to work" state. This means you can be fired for no reason and have no recourse.

In DGB's case it would work to his employer's benefit in that they could simply fire all the perceived problem people now. No explanation, no reason. And it's done. End of story. But if Michigan is not a "right to work" state they are probably trying to ecumulate a documented history of poor performance to support the sacking.

I had to fire a waitress at a Resturaunt I managed in Arizona. Everybody knew the reason; it was because she was a bich and nobody liked her, including the customers. So when I sent her home and told her not to come back she demanded to know why. All I had to do was not answer.



"That's not an answer!"

"There is no answer. You're fired. Leave."



And it went around like that. Seems the technicality is if you give a reason it has to be a legally binding one or then the employee does have recourse. The way around it: don't give one.

I'd guess in Michigan, with the with it's blue collar/auto manufacturing/union history, that it is not a "right to work" state.

I'm still trying to figure out how "right to work" actually means what it really names.
Ahhh...Here in Massachusetts it's called "Employment at will" Be it your will or the employers.

I'm surprised that a liberal hotbed like Taxachussetts has Employment At Will policies.
Dead weight is everywhere. I've seen it in all of my jobs so far.

I wish I could comment more on this thread but I'm just getting into the professional market - so I haven't been around long enough to see trends.

So far what I'm seeing is that most bosses play favorites and it has nothing to do with job performance. Of course, there's always a way around the boss... market yourself directly to the masses. Though I doubt that I could pull that off in my area of education.
Yep. Dead weight is everywhere. Sometimes you can do something about it, sometimes you can't. Sometimes the dead weight is at the top of the ladder and no matter how hard you try, you can't escape from its effects.

But there is one thing I feel is always true: the ultimate responsibility of addressing a dead-weight or marginal employee is his/her manager. If someone in your organization is useless, its the manager's fault. Period. I can't stand it when a mid-level manager gets heat for his/her dept's performance and blames everything on the staff. My response is always: Its your job to make sure they perform.

I lucky enough to help get my one of my previous managers shown the door. This guy was a classical egomaniac on a powertrip bent on micromanaging everything you do but contributed ZERO towards the overall goals. If things went right, he'd take all the credit, if things went wrong, he'd always have someone to blame. All the authority, none of the responsibility. This guy was a real charcter.

The real problem wasn't that this fellow was running a department. The real problem was that his boss didn't do a damn thing about it. The dead weight was actually at the top of this local chain of command.

Things started clicking right when the local PM was shown the door... and after a few months, it became clear to the New PM there was other garbage to take out. It worked out pretty well... last I hear, he was still unemployed.. :mischievous:


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