December Playstation Mag

  • Thread starter gtbillyboy
KY is full of BS as usual. Of course it effects the driving experience! How realistic is it to have sunshine and daylight during a whole 24H race!?
KY is full of BS as usual. Of course it effects the driving experience! How realistic is it to have sunshine and daylight during a whole 24H race!?

You really didnt get it.
He was talking about the "quality" of their weather system and how it affects the driving experience or how it will affect it. The other stuff makes sense too, of course they wont implement it if they have framerate problems for example. Thats what he means with the "quality".
Wow, welcome to YouTube! :lol:

I misunderstood parts of the text and two fellas has to immediately make an unecessary comment on it. 👎

The third fella however, explained what I had got wrong so I now understand. G.T.Ace that is. 👍
TBH it won't matter for 90% of races anyway.

The fact is, it doesn't need to change in most races, because most races are less than 5 laps long and you're going to have to start the race right before the whether changes for the dynamic part to be useful.

I'm not saying it'd be useless in Endurance races. In fact, it's be great (provided the artificial stupid know how to wet tyres).

But if you're only going 5 laps at a time they might as well all be in the sun or the rain, because who's dumb enough to pit for wets and lose a HUGE (as in, even bigger than an original xbox) amount of time when the race is so short you have NO chance of getting it back.
TBH it won't matter for 90% of races anyway.

The fact is, it doesn't need to change in most races, because most races are less than 5 laps long and you're going to have to start the race right before the whether changes for the dynamic part to be useful.

I'm not saying it'd be useless in Endurance races. In fact, it's be great (provided the artificial stupid know how to wet tyres).

But if you're only going 5 laps at a time they might as well all be in the sun or the rain, because who's dumb enough to pit for wets and lose a HUGE (as in, even bigger than an original xbox) amount of time when the race is so short you have NO chance of getting it back.
On what planet are most of the races just 5 laps?
It might not improve the gameplay, but it is somewhat different from the competiton.
It doesn't make much sense to race on an endurance race and the sun stay out the whole time.👎

It will differentiate it from some of its competitors, not all. If they accurately portray the effects of weather change without sacrificing other things they have promised us such as 60fps, 16 cars per track, then it will be a welcome addition.

I'm happy to let Kaz and his team decide whether to put it in or not. If they do put it in, as long as its for the right reasons, and not just a way to improve the game over rivals Forza.

I am all for the night/day changes in 24 hour races, but its not needed in any other races.

To quote many members on GTPlanet: "What release date? It can't be delayed if a release date hasn't been given."

Is that sarcasm?

Well to those that don't know anyhow:

March 31st Japan release. They will be translating and localising the game as they develop it, so we can expect it for a PAL release within a month of that. My Birthday is April 15th, i'd expect it to be out by then.
On what planet are most of the races just 5 laps?

My bad, I must've just got bad GT5P and GT4 discs.

99% of GT5P class A B C and S races are short races. As were the overwhelming majority of events in GT4.

And for these, dynamic whether makes no sense.
Wow, welcome to YouTube! :lol:

I misunderstood parts of the text and two fellas has to immediately make an unecessary comment on it. 👎

The third fella however, explained what I had got wrong so I now understand. G.T.Ace that is. 👍

Sorry about that, it was early i was on my way out the door and I just didn't want to explain. It seemed obvious to me, and your post felt like you were just trying to find fault in whatever he said, and didn't read any of the thread to see where people explained previously what they believed this meant.
My bad, I must've just got bad GT5P and GT4 discs.

99% of GT5P class A B C and S races are short races. As were the overwhelming majority of events in GT4.

And for these, dynamic whether makes no sense.

In GT4 just about all of the high end events and championships were 5 laps or more. these were the races you would be likely to re-do with slower cars to get more of a challenge, but the early events are easy in just about any car.
When it comes to any element of GT racing experience, the rule is: it it can't be done right, it's not going to be done at all. And that goes for GT 5's new dynamic weather system too, which still might not make the final cut. Yamauchi tells us why: "Night racing is going to be part of GT5, but with things like dynamic weather, the choice is about whether it will improve the experience. The functionality is not a problem - we've got the weather system done - but if we are not sure about the quality of it, and how it improves the riving experience, we are not going to have it in the game"

Rain better make the cut.

How can having realistic weather conditions hurt the realism of the experience that is Gran Turismo 5? Come on now, Yamauchi san! :dunce:

"but with things like dynamic weather, the choice is about whether it will improve the experience."

Of course it will improve the experience :ill:

👍 Agreed 100%.

How could having realistic looking/behaving rain hurt GT5? That's just silly to say - if anything, just having rain in GT5 will enhance the experience and immersion while playing.
Rain better make the cut.

How can having realistic weather conditions hurt the realism of the experience that is Gran Turismo 5? Come on now, Yamauchi san! :dunce:

👍 Agreed 100%.

How could having realistic looking/behaving rain hurt GT5? That's just silly to say - if anything, just having rain in GT5 will enhance the experience and immersion while playing.
If the physics engine and the dynamic weather system don't play well together I bet it will do everything but enhance your experience.

Or if it causes major graphical issues, like severely reduced frame rates, or other oddities I am sure that would also not enhance the experience.

See, the way I read it is that they have a weather system designed, but not in the game yet. They are probably waiting to finish the damage system, which is definitely in now, before they plug it in. Before adding another feature that you are unsure about you must have all other priority aspects completed and together first so that any issues become apparent.

It might be possible to have weather, but not without sacrificing damage or the 16 car field.

I doubt they would have even considered it if they just thought that it sucks to drive in the rain so they don't want it. That is not what he is saying.
Of course it will improve the experience
It wont if the framerate drops to 10 or you spin most of the time because the physics engine cant handle it. This is what Yamauchi is talking about.

EDIT: Dammit FoolKiller! :lol:
It wont if the framerate drops to 10 or you spin most of the time because the physics engine cant handle it. This is what Yamauchi is talking about.

I don't know about you, but I expect a wet course (like Tsukuba...Hate that track) at the very least. If PD includes a wet course, the physics engine should be able to handle rain.
How could having realistic looking/behaving rain hurt GT5? That's just silly to say - if anything, just having rain in GT5 will enhance the experience and immersion while playing.

The problem is Kaz thinks it isn't true to real life, at least not as much as he would have liked. It is a feature that will be slated by the sim racer community "ZOMG the rain isn't even realistic. The Tyres still wear as quick as in the dry and my framerate lowers on the long straights where i can see lots of rain etc."

If they get it right, theres no question to its inclusion in the game. But therein lies the problem, they have come across time limitations, and also limitations in the hardware, so at this point weather can only be implemented by reducing the graphics, framerate, the number of cars on the track, or pushing back the release date to find a way to do it without compromising other features of the game.

Hopefully the short race issue should change.👍

I am all for that, i wish the early races were 5-10 laps. It would greatly increase playability value. But to do this it must make the earlier events harder, or reactive to your car choice, otherwise people will just buy an '89 rx7, smoke the rest of the field on the first straight and then be very bored for 5-10 minutes, and then move on. If they were close races it would be fun with more laps.
I'm suprised at how many people interpreted what Kaz said as the weather itself being damaging to the driving experience. That's not what he means at all, he's talking about the experience overall, for example, he might have rain lashing down and looking nice, but if the frame rate suffers that's damaging the driving experience. At the end of the day GT5:P is pushing the GPU pretty drarn far, adding more effects will only push the GPU further so I guess it all depends on how well Pd have managed to optomise the graphics over what we had in GT5:P and how uch of a strain added effects would be on top of that. Ofcourse then you have add the way the weather affects the physics on top of what's already running while maintaining a steady rate. Though thinking abouy it more this wouldn't be as big an issue as working round the GPU using you could probably just replace certain scrips for physics when it starts raining rather than write on top of them.
If they get it right, theres no question to its inclusion in the game. But therein lies the problem, they have come across time limitations, and also limitations in the hardware, so at this point weather can only be implemented by reducing the graphics, framerate, the number of cars on the track, or pushing back the release date to find a way to do it without compromising other features of the game.

I don't think you should make these assumptions, to me it feels like you are stating what you believe may happen as a result of having weather as fact, just a little " I believe" or "In my opinion" I think would make your statement better.
I don't think you should make these assumptions, to me it feels like you are stating what you believe may happen as a result of having weather as fact, just a little " I believe" or "In my opinion" I think would make your statement better.

If my statement is wrong, and Kaz is truthful when he says they have a weather model ready to be put into the game, then why is my point invalid if it hasn't been confirmed for GT5 yet?

Maybe they will find a way without compromising the graphics or indeed any of the other aspects of gameplay. But they have stretched the GPU eough as Dave said. I don't think its very easy to stretch it further still, and it represents a challenge to PD which may take time.

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