Deep Thoughts

  • Thread starter Danoff
Ok, I complained about this just now in the funny pic thread, but I need to rant a little more. On the topic of the movie Frozen and the books/movies The Lord of the Rings. If you haven't seen/read these, then spoiler alert! Also where do you live that you have an internet connection and haven't also been forced to see/read those because... that seems impossible.

Ok, Elsa is obviously the main character and hero of Frozen, and Frodo is the hero a savior in Lord of the Rings.


Anna is the main character and hero of Frozen and sacrifices herself to save her sister from being murdered in a power grab despite almost unrelenting abuse from Elsa throughout the movie.

Frodo can't make it to the fires of mount doom, and Sam literally and selflessly carries him on his back to the end, in a just pure demonstration of unquestioning loyalty. All Frodo has to do is toss the ring in but he can't. He is tragically, ultimately, corrupted by it. He succumbs to its evil just at the moment of triumph. The story is an account of the destruction of his innocence and good nature. Frodo is eaten from the inside out and ultimately falls. The ring makes it into the basket but only because Frodo and Gollum fight over it for themselves at the expense of everyone they have ever loved (including the guy who just committed apparent suicide to deliver it, who is helplessly watching). The ring meets an end that fits it - destroyed by its very nature. Gollum happily dies with it (fitting for his character), and Frodo having been destroyed by his quest, returns home to die. He is praised for his noble efforts and ultimate apparent success but he knows the truth, that the ring consumed him.

Seriously, I do not know how so many people missed the points of these stories so completely. Anna is the hero of Frozen. Frodo is a tragic character.
Ok, I complained about this just now in the funny pic thread, but I need to rant a little more. On the topic of the movie Frozen and the books/movies The Lord of the Rings. If you haven't seen/read these, then spoiler alert! Also where do you live that you have an internet connection and haven't also been forced to see/read those because... that seems impossible.

Ok, Elsa is obviously the main character and hero of Frozen, and Frodo is the hero a savior in Lord of the Rings.


Anna is the main character and hero of Frozen and sacrifices herself to save her sister from being murdered in a power grab despite almost unrelenting abuse from Elsa throughout the movie.

Frodo can't make it to the fires of mount doom, and Sam literally and selflessly carries him on his back to the end, in a just pure demonstration of unquestioning loyalty. All Frodo has to do is toss the ring in but he can't. He is tragically, ultimately, corrupted by it. He succumbs to its evil just at the moment of triumph. The story is an account of the destruction of his innocence and good nature. Frodo is eaten from the inside out and ultimately falls. The ring makes it into the basket but only because Frodo and Gollum fight over it for themselves at the expense of everyone they have ever loved (including the guy who just committed apparent suicide to deliver it, who is helplessly watching). The ring meets an end that fits it - destroyed by its very nature. Gollum happily dies with it (fitting for his character), and Frodo having been destroyed by his quest, returns home to die. He is praised for his noble efforts and ultimate apparent success but he knows the truth, that the ring consumed him.

Seriously, I do not know how so many people missed the points of these stories so completely. Anna is the hero of Frozen. Frodo is a tragic character.

Anna was always the main character and heroin of Frozen. Elsa is just more popular because she is blond! (and not unimportant also magic)
I guess you missed the point that actually Sam is the real hero in LOTR and Frodo the "damsel in distress".:lol:

You can compare Frodo with Snowwhite tempted by the Apple (the one ring).
Also where do you live that you have an internet connection and haven't also been forced to see/read those because... that seems impossible

It's easily possible. If you don't have kids, your less likely to watch kids films, and if you don't particularly enjoy fantasy adventure, it's fairly reasonable to not sit through 9? hours of CGI weirdness.
It's easily possible. If you don't have kids, your less likely to watch kids films, and if you don't particularly enjoy fantasy adventure, it's fairly reasonable to not sit through 9? hours of CGI weirdness.

Nope. Don't write off an entire genre of anything. If it's really really good, genre doesn't much play into it. "Fantasy" or "Kids" or "Documentary" or "Chick Flick" or "Kung Fu" gets trumped by "great" or "terrible".
Nope. Don't write off an entire genre of anything. If it's really really good, genre doesn't much play into it. "Fantasy" or "Kids" or "Documentary" or "Chick Flick" or "Kung Fu" gets trumped by "great" or "terrible".

Where'd I say you had to write it off? I've not refused to invest any time in either franchise, but if I enjoy certain genres, franchises, directors, writers etc. etc. more than others, and/or have less/no other reasons to explore a specific other genre, then I'm simply less likely to spend my time indulging in it. It's my preference to seek out things I believe I will find interesting or entertaining, even if they are clearly not 'great'.
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Where'd I say you had to write it off? I've not refused to invest any time in either franchise, but if I enjoy certain genres, franchises, directors, writers etc. etc. more than others, and/or have less/no other reasons to explore a specific other genre, then I'm simply less likely to spend my time indulging in it. It's my preference to seek out things I believe I will find interesting or entertaining, even if they are not clearly not 'great'.

Ah well, then let me say, the LOTR series (books or movies) and Frozen are both wonderful, and you should check them out.
Samwise is, without question, the hero in LotR.

No noble background like Aragorn or the rest of the Fellowship, not as wealthy or highly esteemed as Frodo. And one of the few who was able to resist the Ring’s draw. Still did heroic deeds (as did Merry and Pippin) and saved the Shire to top it all off.
My wife loves mac and cheese. She's always on the lookout for it at restaurants and has tried every kind at the grocery store. But she likes mac and cheese so much that she's a mac and cheese snob. She's very picky about the kind of (and amount of) cheese and anything that might have been added to it. She's so picky, that almost all of the mac and cheese she eats she doesn't like. Recently she had some mac and cheese at a catered event. I assumed that this would make her day, but instead she didn't care for it. Which led me to wonder.... does she really like mac and cheese? Maybe she doesn't! She dislikes the majority of mac and cheese that she eats.

She told me she thinks I actually hate cars, since I don't care for so many of them. I told her that we both hate TV and movies since we dislike so much of it. Now, of course, I love cars, we love movies, and she loves mac and cheese. But only the good stuff.

Is it possible to be such a fan of something that you become a snob and end up actually disliking it?

This post eventually got refined into my snob vs. fan theory. Basically if you're a "fan" of something, it means you generally like the various versions of it. If you're a snob, you're just a hair away from actually disliking it. You like it, but only the absolute best (or even just a specific kind of best) version of it.

Wine enthusiast: 2 buck chuck works for me!
Wine snob: This cab needed one more year to be at optimal taste. 2 buck chuck is not worthy of cooking with.

Football enthusiast: High school, college, NFL, I love it all.
Football snob: I only watch the NFL playoffs.

Music enthusiast: Indie folk death metal rap? Hey it sounds pretty neat.
Music snob: I only listen to death metal, and even then, some bands are posers.
Music snob: I only listen to classical. Modern music is too simple for my refined ear.

I'm pretty sure that I'm a car enthusiast and not a snob. I love all kinds of cars. Not every model, but I can find something to love about a lot of them. Manual, automatic, paddle shifted, bus, van, 2-seater, old and new.

...some of the folks on this website are some serious car snobs. ;)
What great uses are there for Helium that we're not using it for?

Helium is used to achieve extreme cold temperatures in scientific and computing efforts. There are some helium conservation efforts starting, but I just have a sneaking suspicion that down the line we're gonna wish we hadn't wasted so much.
It is amazing how the internet has made people smarter/smore stupid at the same time. But did it make smart people more stupid or stupid people smarter?
I don't think people changed all that much, it's just gotten easier (and encouraged) to broadcast every thought and opinion as soon as they think of them.
I don't think people changed all that much, it's just gotten easier (and encouraged) to broadcast every thought and opinion as soon as they think of them.

Trial by media is becoming the new trend though. And it does not show the best side of people and often makes me cringe. On the internet people are way to fast to pass judgement, without studying the facts from a reliable source.
Someone just told me you can compromise up and down? Doesnt all involved parties need to make a compromise to come to a compromise? If one party compromises is it still a compromise? Isnt a compromise a win/win situation? Is he right in that you can compromise up and down? If I want 10 and the other party only wants to give 1. And you both agree at 8. Is the compromise down or up?
Someone just told me you can compromise up and down? Doesnt all involved parties need to make a compromise to come to a compromise? If one party compromises is it still a compromise? Isnt a compromise a win/win situation? Is he right in that you can compromise up and down? If I want 10 and the other party only wants to give 1. And you both agree at 8. Is the compromise down or up?

That's negotiating over a single variable. With more than one variable you can negotiate up and down as part of a final compromise.
"Shower thoughts" are deep because the shower is the only place where you don't have your phone, TV, laptop, work, friends, co-workers, spouse (usually), kids, phone, videogames, email, instant messages, radio, and usually even just music, to distract you. It's you and the shower. And your mind finally starts... thinking... instead of being distracted.
"Shower thoughts" are deep because the shower is the only place where you don't have your phone, TV, laptop, work, friends, co-workers, spouse (usually), kids, phone, videogames, email, instant messages, radio, and usually even just music, to distract you. It's you and the shower. And your mind finally starts... thinking... instead of being distracted.

Dont take your phone when your pooping, that is also the best time to think. :lol:
"Shower thoughts" are deep because the shower is the only place where you don't have your phone, TV, laptop, work, friends, co-workers, spouse (usually), kids, phone, videogames, email, instant messages, radio, and usually even just music, to distract you. It's you and the shower. And your mind finally starts... thinking... instead of being distracted.

I don't shower long enough to get into deep thought territory but I do swim every evening for at least half an hour and I seem to get really deep while doing lengths. I've been calling it the Thinking Pool for a while now because it's so nice to have that alone time just gently swimming up and down. I guess it's just another version of "Shower Thoughts".
The concept of gravity is actually pretty terrifying when you realise that you're not actually walking along a surface, but rather constantly getting pulled into a molten core.
The concept of gravity is actually pretty terrifying when you realise that you're not actually walking along a surface, but rather constantly getting pulled into a molten core.

Wilder still, you aren't actually touching any of it. It's all magnetic fields that you feel through.
Wilder still, you aren't actually touching any of it. It's all magnetic fields that you feel through.

Weirder still, our perception of reality that we receive from our optics is interpreted by our brain in a way that means a lot of what we see is just our brain filling in blanks based on what it assumes will be there from stored memories and experiences.

Reality is a lie...partially.