Deep Thoughts

  • Thread starter Danoff
Meanwhile, so many of those "true Aussies" are locked away, finishing up their MAFS watching session on their ego-stroke tv, having had just enough alcohol to numb the pain of their lifeless existence.

This is a big problem that many people in our country (the UK) don't seem to get. We'll happily berate foreigners who come over 'ere and don't make an effort to integrate into our society - but what do the natives do? They sit on their asses, watching films on Netflix instead of going to the Cinema, getting their takeaway delivered instead of going to a place and getting it, they're buying everything online instead of having to go to the shop, they're a slave to car ownership so they don't have to share public transport space with anybody, they're dating via app rather than social interaction... and when the do occasionally go to a public place where they may have human interaction, they complain it's all foreigners, Polish supermarkets and Turkish barbers.

Convenience is isolating people, and those people think it's other people not integrating.

I wonder if, to a large extent, the loathsome state was created by the people that loathe it.
Certainly the case in the UK. I've just been in France for a few days with friends and one of them, who is a dyed in the wool Conservative voting Brexiteer now wants to move to Europe because how much a of a **** hole he thinks the UK has become... yet it's the people he voted for that got us here.
I was blissfully unaware of the madness that surrounded me. That’s why it was better.
The contention is that society has degraded over the last 23 years because of [right-wing dogwhistles] and you agree...

... because you were an infant who didn't know anything about "the madness that surrounded" you in 2001.

Are you not seeing how dense that sounds?

I think I do based on the music videos from the time. Guess that’s a poor answer though.
Staggeringly so.