FamineThe Trinity itself stems from some importance attached to threes. Why is three so important in our history?
danoffI find this to be interesting, and it's the reason that large vocabularies don't impress me. When I evaluate two of the favorite professions out there, doctors and lawyers, it leads me to think that lawyers are more intelligent. Both fields require knoweldge, but lawyers have to apply that knowledge creatively, whereas doctors can simply recall a set of facts and be finished.
That's always confused me as well. People seem to associate the ability to use big words with intelligence.danoffIt prompts me to ask why people associate intelligence with rote memorization - like that required to have an extensive vocabulary.
danoff.....Intelligence is about problem solving, creating something - a solution, or an abstract concept - where none existed before. Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge, but knowledge itself is base. It's perhaps even trivial, yet mankind seems to revere knowledge more than intelligence......
When I evaluate two of the favorite professions out there, doctors and lawyers, it leads me to think that lawyers are more intelligent. Both fields require knoweldge, but lawyers have to apply that knowledge creatively, whereas doctors can simply recall a set of facts and be finished.
nic_brixRight. Let's imagine you're 10m away from a door. You start walking. Soon, you arrive at a point half way between the door and where you started from. You're now 5m away from the door. You get half way there again. 2.5m away. Half way again. 1.25m away from the door. Half way again. And again. And again. And again. You are now 0.078125m away from the door. Soon you'll be into the 100th decimal place. Then the 1000th. Before long you'll be 1/99999[...]9999m away from the door.
Is it therefore possible to walk through the doorframe?
HACKrCould be.
Look at some of your posts for example.J/K
But ultimately would time just be infinitely divisable too. Regardless of it being almost no time, it is still time, even 1 billionth of a second is time that can still be divinded infinitely.danoffThe answer is this. Yes the distance is divisible into an infinite number of pieces. But if you divide the distance, you must also divide the time it takes to go that distance (assuming the person is travelling at a constant velocity). The result is that while you can divide the distance to an infinitely small number, you must also realize that it takes almost zero time to travel that distance. Once you realize that you've divided the time, you'll realize that you've actually done NOTHING by mentally dividing the distance.
live4speedBut ultimately would time just be infinitely divisable too. Regardless of it being almost no time, it is still time, even 1 billionth of a second is time that can still be divinded infinitely.
I'm sorry, but infinite series are far, far more painful than almost all areas of calculus.SageAnyway, its easily solvable even without Calculus. Just use geometric infinite series
Ouch...I just got pwnedSageErm, theres a flaw in your reasoningMuch of calculus is based on the study of infinite series (the entire notion of a limit is based on understanding convergence); thus, understanding infinite series is a prerequisite to understanding calculus.
I understand the idea that if it takes 5 seconds to cover half the distance, 5 seconds later your through the door. But time can still be measured and divided infinitely, so even if both you and time are moving at a constant rate, it can still require infinite points to reach the doorway. What I would theorise is that there isn't infinite points between you and the doorway, I would say that one point is equal to the smallest object known to man, the electron. And because the distance between you and the doorway is a limited number of electrons in lenth, it is possible to make it. At the end of the day, there isn't infinte space there, and the only way to have an infinite number of points would be in a distance covering an infinite ammount of space.danoffThat's a little more fundamental. Our measurement of time is, of course, our own doing. We invented values to keep track of the natural movement of time. But the non-human-invented time, physical natural time isn't discrete. It isn't like movement where you can stop and observe and then move further and stop again. Time goes by with one velocity (apparent to you anyway). You can't speed up or slow down time within your own perception. So the question about moving through the door frame can't be expressed the same way in terms of time.
live4speedI understand the idea that if it takes 5 seconds to cover half the distance, 5 seconds later your through the door. But time can still be measured and divided infinitely, so even if both you and time are moving at a constant rate, it can still require infinite points to reach the doorway. What I would theorise is that there isn't infinite points between you and the doorway, I would say that one point is equal to the smallest object known to man, the electron. And because the distance between you and the doorway is a limited number of electrons in lenth, it is possible to make it. At the end of the day, there isn't infinte space there, and the only way to have an infinite number of points would be in a distance covering an infinite ammount of space.
ozyranI need to look deep into my heart and find my strength, something I like to represent to myself as a white tiger. What is this white tiger capable of accomplishing? Will it lie around, waiting for an injured antelope of dreams, so easy to mangle and destroy,....
ozyranWill it rise up and defend the poor, the weak, and the truly helpless in our society?
HACKrAlso, Joe does not realize that even though he thinks it's all about what ever the hell makes him happy, it's really all about The Boss, The CEO, the guy sitting at the top floor of some huge company raking in millions off of these dips who think they're getting somehting special.
danoffI'm not following this last bit, considering that Joe is acting in Joe's self-interest. How is the CEO abusing Joe if Joe is looking out for Joe?
HACKrFirst of all, it's not his boss. Next, take a look at this: My Network TV. Is that really yours? Is it really all that personalized? Does the name even fit to YOU in particular? No. But peaople think things plastered with stuff like "you" and "my" are for them. But is it really made for them?
It's kind of hard to explain.
danoffI watch what I want to watch when I want to watch it.
HACKrNothing more.
To that end, was TiVo really sent from the heavens, or is it just a dream come true?danoffI watch what I want to watch when I want to watch it.