Delay or Release GT5 asap after Tokoyo game show

  • Thread starter gtbillyboy
Hi, I'm really looking forward to the tokoyo game show. However, I'm torn between hoping they are going to release it asap after the show, or delaying it for a few more months to perfect it.

I'm hoping it's everything we all hope for, but on balance I think I'd rather wait for them to make the perfect job say upto a couple of weeks before xmas, than rush it out after the show, if it's not quite upto expectation.

Who else is thinking the same?
They've been perfecting it for ages. hey will never make it perfect, so there has to be a point where they just say "that's good enough" and I can't see GT5 not being good enough after over 5 years in development.
Well, we can thank Gran Turismo Molbile for the delay. In my opinion, a waste of time. Seems more like a gimmick game, mostly for the advertising of the PSP GO. Anyways, I think GT5 will make landfall in the U.S. somewhere either just after Black Friday (biggest shopping day of the year) or before it.
Get over it, it´s never been delayed as it never had a release date, did it take longer than most would like sure but delayed umm no. :)
Let me just point one thing out - a release date has NEVER been announced prior to this point in time. So, no matter what the release data announced at TGS, be it this year or some time in 2010, that's not a delay. If it misses the announced date, then you can all start crying about delays.

As for perfecting it, do you not think that is what they have been trying to do do all this time? Sure, no game is ever released truly finished - there can always be tweaks and improvements that can be made. Still, with a game this large in scope, it's fair to say that GT5, whatever its state, is what it is. If you don't like what you see and hear at TGS...
Correct, no date has been given, but Kaz stated that GT Mobile was the focus on some days. This should be no shock and he already admitted that it has delayed GT5. However, he said it didn't and hasn't affected the quality of GT5. But to say GT Mobile hasn't delayed GT5 is pretty silly as Kaz said it has slowed the process.
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Yes but when i think about the whole ps3 situation i can easily see Sony saying fine no rush to get GT out until we can get production costs down on the console, mostly cause GT is such a huge system mover for them and at the old price it wouldn´t have had the same effect as it will now.

As such i think there is alot more to it all than most think, aslong as they where able to hit Sonys internal targets for when it should be done it´s all fine.

Let´s just hope it´s smooth sailing from now on out. :)
I remember not even having GT5 on my radar because the hype was so small. No one really cared about it until Prologue came out, but now the hype is through the roof. At this point in time, I don't care when it comes out. I have great patience and I'd just like a solid, refined, quality game. The cars of Gran Turismo have always been the stars, not the consumers. So I'll wait until they've got everything done to perfection, whatever that may be for this game.
I remember not even having GT5 on my radar because the hype was so small. No one really cared about it until Prologue came out, but now the hype is through the roof. At this point in time, I don't care when it comes out. I have great patience and I'd just like a solid, refined, quality game. The cars of Gran Turismo have always been the stars, not the consumers. So I'll wait until they've got everything done to perfection, whatever that may be for this game.

I like to think that i am a patient sort of guy but, this anticipation can become infectious.... I am eager for the TGS and if the release date is announced and its at the beginning of 2010 then I can wait... until a couple of weeks prior to the release when i know I will be just as eager as others for the game to hit the shelves.
I remember not even having GT5 on my radar because the hype was so small. No one really cared about it until Prologue came out, but now the hype is through the roof. At this point in time, I don't care when it comes out. I have great patience and I'd just like a solid, refined, quality game. The cars of Gran Turismo have always been the stars, not the consumers. So I'll wait until they've got everything done to perfection, whatever that may be for this game.
Hardly any hype for GT5 before Prologue? Are you kidding me?! Back when Gran Turismo HD came out, hype levels were sky high. Maybe not for every man and his dog, but those who care enough about the game to visit these forums.

If you are waiting for perfection, you might as well sell your PS3 because no game is every going to be perfect.
Hi, I'm really looking forward to the tokoyo game show. However, I'm torn between hoping they are going to release it asap after the show, or delaying it for a few more months to perfect it.
What makes you think that they are even considering of releasing it right after the show? :sly:
Im hoping and praying for an ASAP release date at TGS, i hope they say, "The discs are being burnt and boxed as we give this announcement and will be with the shops next week,advertisement will start worldwide tomorrow"

but more realistically i hope the games make the shelves by late november
Takes more than a week from burning to being ready to be sold!

The timing of TGS and the presumed release date, indicate that GT5 is in the very final stages of completion and TGS could well signal the start of it's commercial program to release.
the discs could already be "pressed" and in the boxes in a big warehouse waiting worldwide distribution.....they could be VERY ready indeed
Could already be in my PS3 too :D

Wait, not possible, I wouldn't be hanging around on the internet if that was the case :P
the discs could already be "pressed" and in the boxes in a big warehouse waiting worldwide distribution.....they could be VERY ready indeed
No they couldn't, because the game hasn't gone gold yet. When the game goes gold, you will hear about it. I wouldn't be suprised if the game wen't gold right after TGS if not during. I doubt any announcment that it's gone gold will be made before because it will take away some of the impact of any launch date announcments.
Let´s hope for a 23 october release in europe and a 27 october release in us...

That would be the right answer from PD ;)
Not really, it'd be released ont he same days as Forza 3 that's all. All that would do would give Forza 3 a massive chance to outsell GT5 on the opening weeks. People are ready for Forza 3, beyond the more hadcore fans, not many people are ready for GT5 yet. Sony need to get the release date out, get it around, advertise and give give the media enough to start allocating plenty of pages to GT5.

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