Hang on pal, SMS advertised the release date on *their* website that's when I pre-ordered it. The retailer had nothing to do with it.
That's true.
Who has your money? The retailer or SMS?
If it's SMS, they'll refund you right now, no questions asked. They would for me, if I asked them.
If it's the retailer, then take your money problems up with them.
You don't have a product yet, you're entitled to your money back if you want it. No harm, no foul.
Lesson for you, sometimes there are shortages for gear when systems change and you can get caught short *IF* you do not pre-order/buy soon enough. Case in question, how many people around the world had to wait for shipment 2 or 3 to get their PS4? BTW I was also supposed to pick up my Drive Club disc the same day! That's when I cancelled that pre-order
It's like you understand that certain products may have delays coming to market, but you've chosen to complain when one of them has exactly that.
I don't get it. Do exactly what you did with your DC preorder.
If you were actually worried enough about getting your wheel to preorder to avoid that problem, then what's the issue? You've got it now, and will have it when pCARS actually comes out. So you got it a bit earlier than you thought. Your logic in preordering is still valid, and you obviously had the money spare or you wouldn't have bought it.
The lesser of two evils would be to *NOT* advertise a solid release date until certain. e.g. They should of said something like "Should be available 4th quarter 2014" and then when their shipping date was drawing near change that to "Should be available 1st quarter 2015.". Then, when they are certain, announce the release date 4-8 weeks prior to actual shipping or what ever the lead time would be to print the discs. Once you start printing a couple of million Blu-Ray discs you are pretty well committed to releasing them.
I agree completely.
Unfortunately, you and I both know that the world of advertising doesn't work like this. Neither of us is in a position to change it, or to expect this sort of advertising to change any time soon.
You can either complain about it, or you can reorganise how you behave to minimise the impact it has on you.
So why wouldn't this apply to the November date then? You are going back on your argument here ;-)
Because I'm a WMD member and I can see exactly what is going on internally. You don't have to believe a word I say.
In June it was believable to me that a November release was possible. In September I didn't honestly see how they were going to be able to do it. Turns out that suspicion was right.
Another four months to polish is a long time, and seems excessive to me. I can't at this point see how they could fail to meet that deadline. But weirder stuff has happened, so I guess it's possible. I do have reason to suspect that if they're in the same position in March that they'll have to push out whatever they have whether they like it or not, but you don't have to believe anything I say and I can't really give you more details without violating trust.
As I said, the right thing to do is not publish release dates that you can't meet. Talk in approximates it would avoid all these nasty issues and ill will.
I agree. But nobody does it. You know and I know that release dates are sometimes pushed. It sucks, but it's just how it works. You can say that they should specify that it's approximate, but you know full well that any release date is approximate until the game goes gold.
If you've tied enough of your money and your life to a release hitting on a certain date, while knowing that releases are commonly pushed, then you're at least partly to blame for your own problems. I've pointed out that you can get back the money for your preorder, and if your wheel is a recent purchase then you can get the money for that back too. But no, you're happier to make it someone else's fault.
SMS made the right decision to delay, because you were going to be a hell of a lot less happy than this had you got the game in November. It's just not finished. It's up to you to choose how you deal with that. Are you going to continue throwing your toys, or are you going to take steps to make your situation more acceptable to you and avoid this happening in the future?
Honestly, I feel sorry for the people who aren't going to get to play it until March. It's starting to get good. But releasing in November would have been a GT6 level error, and SMS don't have a 15 year old multi-million selling brand to push units out the door. GT can get away with it on brand power. SMS need pCARS to be mindblowing from the moment it gets in your machine.