Delayed April 2015

  • Thread starter ChrisWAFC
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5 months is a lot, but it was pretty clear from the latest build that the game had an insane amount of bugs and crap AI. However 5 months just to polish it.. damn i bought 2 weeks ago the ps4 for nothing. I'm really pissed off by this trend of stating a release date and than do not respect it. Really pathetic planning.
I don't quite understand the annoyance with the delay. Your deposit on your pre-order will still be there in March and you can get a refund if you want it. The wheel you bought will still work in March, also. It's 5 months guys, not 5 years.

If there is anything the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series has taught me, it's how to wait patiently for very, very long periods of time. I remember reading the authors ending notes in the back of one book saying he hoped Dance with Dragons would be out the next year... it would be nearly 6 years for it hit shelves.
I say that's awesome.

November is already packed with games, if they can delay CARS and fix the game so everything works well on launch then I'm happy to wait a few extra months.

Driveclub is getting a big update soon which will include weather so that should be a lot of fun for driving game fans.
I think the main problem seems to be with ps4 owners with nothing else to play on their consoles. This issue is splitting the GTP community into two groups: the understanding (probably WMD members) people who can only see this as a good thing, and the immature (either chronologically or emotionally) who want a reason to throw their toys out of the pram. I'm sure even they can get why it was delayed, but because of their 'I want', Verruca Salt-like attitude, feel that it's a slur against them personally. Guess what? It's not, get over it.

I myself just bought an Xbox One in readiness to play pCARS, and it's going to be delayed, so if I took the attitude of some others, I've been swindled and SMS owe me a refund. But actually, no, they don't. What's more, there are some brilliant games coming up, and I'm enjoying playing the Forza games.

As Imari is saying, it's how you let it affect you, rather than what's happened be your only focus. I'll admit, I was annoyed when I read it, but that quickly subsided. I'd rather people play the game I love, the way it is meant to be played, the way I said it would be played, rather than some PD/T10 bodge job.
Just some random comments in no particular order.

I am really p!ssed if this true.

I have just had my new, shiny T300 wheel delivered to play this (and DC when the PS+ edition is finally available).

Code Masters F1 2014 (or is that now 15) is also slated for about the same time next year.

I am 1,000 bucks and 11 months down the drain and still no driving game on my PS4 :-(

I am now stuck playing GT6 for another 6 months. Double :-( :-(

The only good news is perhaps all these games being delayed is giving "The Evil Empire" time to work on wheel support for all our current wheels. In which case I am doubly p!ssed as I have just (as stated) bought a Thrustmaster.

So basically I am all set to go and the only thing I can currently play (if I spend 100 bucks) is a glorified arcade game that makes NFS look attractive :-(

I think some self medication is order about now and then a long lie down ;-)
Your wheel will still work in march next year. I doubt the price of it would have dropped a lot by then either. You've lost basically nothing, and now you have a superior wheel to use with your other games.
I'm not immature.

I just found out very disappointing, not to say amateurish, this kind of news come out a month before release. My first reaction when I read the news was "how Poliphony of them".

This is something they've must know for a long time. It's frustating.
I doubt many will not buy this game come March due to not delivering on their original date. The frustration will simmer down over the next few weeks and next thing we know its March. Besides with many members here having been playing the game as it is developed will know the differences from now til March. Nothing worse than a game being delayed and when it finally releases it is pretty much in the same state as before.
My goodness, I have read through all posts of this thread and the result is:
you (who wine and complain about the delay) all seem to either have a 1st World problem or you are all not grown up people!?
Some posts read as if the world would stop revolving, just because a race sim is delayed by 5 months.
So what?
I can still remember the GT5 delay, and that was a multtiple of 5 months, and I'm still alive!
And BTW: all who believe that PC will not have bugs and glitches and will not need patches when it comes out in March: you will be proven wrong (and the wining will restart).
And I wouldn't even believe that there will be no further delays, but that's not going to kill me or ruin my day.
In the meantime you could read some good books, take walks in the fresh air or (if you are a hardcore couch-potato) you can play other race-sims to kill your time!

I would like to know what a 3rd world person would think reading this thread when he has to say: well, my next food was scheduled for tomorrow, but they have delayed it for yet another 2 days... so I have to continue starving till then...

Get a life!!!
My goodness, I have read through all posts of this thread and the result is:
you (who wine and complain about the delay) all seem to either have a 1st World problem or you are all not grown up people!?
Some posts read as if the world would stop revolving, just because a race sim is delayed by 5 months.
So what?
I can still remember the GT5 delay, and that was a multtiple of 5 months, and I'm still alive!
And BTW: all who believe that PC will not have bugs and glitches and will not need patches when it comes out in March: you will be proven wrong (and the wining will restart).
And I wouldn't even believe that there will be no further delays, but that's not going to kill me or ruin my day.
In the meantime you could read some good books, take walks in the fresh air or (if you are a hardcore couch-potato) you can play other race-sims to kill your time!

I would like to know what a 3rd world person would think reading this thread when he has to say: well, my next food was scheduled for tomorrow, but they have delayed it for yet another 2 days... so I have to continue starving till then...

Get a life!!!
I agree 100% but what else is a 1st world problem person going to complain about? A rhino running through their village in the middle of the night?
get over it.

How childish those that keep telling the upset to get over it. How about you get over the fact that there are some folks who are upset for good reasons to THEM. Telling folks how to or not behave is actually none of your business. It is human to be emotional after all, it is what gives us colour in our lives, both what is incorrectly referred to as "the good and the bad", so you and the rest like you get over it! People get upset, get over it.
Right on, I was just being silly. But I think it just comes down to peoples priorities and where they rank them. While I am saddened that I cannot play PC come November, it's not going to hinder other things I can accomplish both in and out of the gaming world.
My goodness, I have read through all posts of this thread and the result is:
you (who wine and complain about the delay) all seem to either have a 1st World problem or you are all not grown up people!?
Some posts read as if the world would stop revolving, just because a race sim is delayed by 5 months.
So what?
I can still remember the GT5 delay, and that was a multtiple of 5 months, and I'm still alive!
And BTW: all who believe that PC will not have bugs and glitches and will not need patches when it comes out in March: you will be proven wrong (and the wining will restart).
And I wouldn't even believe that there will be no further delays, but that's not going to kill me or ruin my day.
In the meantime you could read some good books, take walks in the fresh air or (if you are a hardcore couch-potato) you can play other race-sims to kill your time!

I would like to know what a 3rd world person would think reading this thread when he has to say: well, my next food was scheduled for tomorrow, but they have delayed it for yet another 2 days... so I have to continue starving till then...

Get a life!!!
I live in the first world so I tend to have first world problems. People are disappointed and unhappy and expressing their feelings. We don't need a lecture about how much better we have it than most of the world to make us feel better.
Honestly, I feel sorry for the people who aren't going to get to play it until March. It's starting to get good.

I see the delay does not affect you at all so you can be very complacent about other's disappointment ;-) BTW Please note the winking smiley indicating sly humour.
I now see no need for this thread as it just going to create friction, till everything simmers down.
Your wheel will still work in march next year. I doubt the price of it would have dropped a lot by then either. You've lost basically nothing, and now you have a superior wheel to use with your other games.

Actually I do not consider it superior to my Fanatec GT2 wheel or Club Sport pedals. The only advantage it has it is one of the only three wheels that will work on a PS4. And, at this point in time, I have no other PS4 games that it can be used on.
Personally I'm really happy with the T300, it's an excellent wheel (way better than the G25 it replaced or the Fanatec GT2 which was shelved the moment I stopped playing Forza 4). I don't mind a bit that my PS4 purchase has been delayed but then my gaming PC takes up the slack.

I'm enjoying AC and iRacing more than ever due to the T300 (and pCARS beta), and given the current GT6 FFB optimization for Thrustmaster wheels that's all good too.
Actually I do not consider it superior to my Fanatec GT2 wheel or Club Sport pedals. The only advantage it has it is one of the only three wheels that will work on a PS4. And, at this point in time, I have no other PS4 games that it can be used on.
All right, it's not superior then. However, you've still not actually lost any money, just changed when you would spend more or less the same amount of money. I get that it feels pretty annoying, but you're not going to suffer any significant losses from it.

You could still lose money though, if there later will be a way to make older wheels support PS4, by the use of something like an adapter that includes the cryptography chip required for PS4 peripherals. If something like that becomes available, I fully understand being pissed off at buying a new wheel, but we don't know if something like that will ever be made. Better to save your anger for something like that :P
5 months is a lot, but it was pretty clear from the latest build that the game had an insane amount of bugs and crap AI. However 5 months just to polish it.. damn i bought 2 weeks ago the ps4 for nothing. I'm really pissed off by this trend of stating a release date and than do not respect it. Really pathetic planning.

Same here, also Bandai with more exposure. Would be bad for them if PD would announce GT7 for july 2015:lol:
I'm not immature.

I just found out very disappointing, not to say amateurish, this kind of news come out a month before release. My first reaction when I read the news was "how Poliphony of them".

This is something they've must know for a long time. It's frustating.

Actually, what you fail to gasp is that they did not make this delay decision Thursday morning and quickly whipped up a press release within 5 Minutes. If you want to delay such a big project, you first have to coordinate this with your publisher, you vendors and retailers (or do you think they would be happy if they would hear from the delay at the same moment and on the same way as the general public? Nope.) and the console parties. So I suppose the delay has been in the works for about 3-4 weeks. If you want to feel frustrated, sure, understandable. But please understand in return that not everything is as easy as it may seem to us uninitiated masses.
How childish those that keep telling the upset to get over it. How about you get over the fact that there are some folks who are upset for good reasons to THEM. Telling folks how to or not behave is actually none of your business. It is human to be emotional after all, it is what gives us colour in our lives, both what is incorrectly referred to as "the good and the bad", so you and the rest like you get over it! People get upset, get over it.

Doesn't bother me if you're upset, not in the slightest. I'm as calm as a Hindu cow. Seems you get upset at the smallest comment. Only goes to reinforce my comment about prams and toy throwing.


I can get why you're upset, in fact I said so in my post. But to lambast people for something that was out of their control, to attack a company who are acting in your best interests, and to attack the defenders of the project, to me at least, seems wrong. I am not saying you cannot be upset, but your repeated arguments, and an unwillingness to accept and move on from what has happened do nothing for the impression that you give (and yes, I know your next comment would be 'But I don't care what you think of me, you're a nobody on teh internetz). There are bigger things in the world to be worried about, and if the release of a game ranks that highly amongst your problems, then you can count yourself blessed.

That aside, it is getting a little irritating to hear the same complaint bandied around; 'SMS took our money and have given us nothing'. Nobody within the organisation has taken any money from the general public (community excepted), SMS and WMD owes nobody anything, not even a game. To say that it is wrong to tell you how to feel or what to do, and then the next breath is telling SMS what to do is hypocritical. All I beg is that please be patient, and wait for the game to be released the way we want it to be, to enjoy it in its entireity, not a half-finished game that would garner a similar response by the people here at GTP.

BTW, the original comment I made was not aimed at you, or anyone in particular. If you found that the cap fits....
I'm as disappointed as the next guy , this is the game I've been waiting for for a long time as I love racing sims and I'm a huge fan of Endurance racing .
But I'd be even more disappointed if they released a game that wasn't finished , I have massive respect for the way this game has been put together using the sim community . A demo would take the sting away though just one car and track would do (SLS GT3 and Spa )
Surprisingly I am not all that disappointed. I was looking forward to the game but had not allowed myself to get to hyped up on it. Actually pretty much every racing game that I have gotten since Forza 2 has been a disappointment in one way or another so I try to limit my expectations now and when it comes to a new title I'll believe the release date when it is on the shelf.

In response to the notion above about a demo with a single track. I would rather have something other than Spa as that is in GT already. I would rather see something like Watkins Glenn or Imola or Road America or maybe even the California highway.
Canceled my pre-order today. Might revisit this next year, but I was ready to buy this in a month and then they push it back like that? No thanks. I'm sure there will be other racing games to come out on the PS4 by Spring 2015.
Don't talk rubbish, it's nothing like that. What use is a game if you have nothing to play it on or with?

The analogy should be more like having a car but no roads to drive it on. Duh!

No, we were promised a November release. If the game was not ready and it was so obvious, then someone i.e. project leader? who decided to announce a release date messed up big time and should apologise to the disappointed public. Don't promise what you can't deliver it causes bad feeling.

You don't really understand PR do you.

And telling that disappointed public to shut up and stop complaining really goes down well... NOT!

No, there are off-road vehicles. It's more like without a console or PC you lack access to the car keys. But whatever.

Well, you seem to think I am some SMS employee. I am not. So let's get that out of the way first. I am talking from my own person here.
You say the public is disappointed but the public stops to think about what evils are better or worse when it comes to decisions like this. And it are exactly people, that act rash on the first well up of a feeling, like you who are first in line to whine when they find the first bug.
So what the heck is wrong with delaying and fixing up the game. Sure the game won't be here for Christmas, but you will get your pre-ordered copy or have the right to cancel it if you see fit, and if you do you have not gained nor lost anything.

Also a BIG misconception is that pre-order money goes directly to the developer. Actually it's just a transaction and agreement between the customer and the retailer that the customer will buy a copy of game X for a total sum of and that the retailer will deliver said copy on release that. On which the contract is finalized with a transaction from the customer to the retailer, which can be cancelled and the money will be returned.
The retailer will at some point in time order a sum of copies of game X at the distributer and again a contract is finalized with a transaction of a sum of money the total of the cost of the amount of ordered copies by the retailer.
At the end of each month the profits minus distributer costs are transferred to the development studio. At which point they will than pay any bills from it, pay employees and in this case also share profits with WMD members.

So at the end of that story, what I want to say is that even though the game is delayed your money will not have left the retailer's hands. He will not have payed for anything until shipment of his order. That shipment is delayed, and thus the money transaction from retailer to distributer as well.

Moral of a story... Slightly Mad Studios does NOT have a single cent of your pre-order money, and can't run away with it either. Or have for any other suspicious reasons been taking pre-orders.

As far as PR goes... what does that have to do with my comment?
Besides, I am not in PR but I am an IT guy at most. So I rather deal with logical computers than irrational emotions of humans. :P
All I was saying that as an adult one should stop for a few moments, breath in and out a couple of times to relax and than start to think logically about a few things.

Sure you are allowed to be disappointed, and that is an understandable thing. But I think you will also agree that Watch Dogs was an even bigger disappointment due to it being buggy at release. The same with DriveClub now as well, where the multiplayer (and thus club) aspect doesn't work. So in DriveClub you have the drive without the club.

So I am not saying "shut up", I am just saying "breath & think" before reacting.
Canceled my pre-order today. Might revisit this next year, but I was ready to buy this in a month and then they push it back like that? No thanks. I'm sure there will be other racing games to come out on the PS4 by Spring 2015.
PCars is it for "racing" games for the forseeable future my friend and at this point it looks like it's the only planned true "sim" for XBone or PS4, unless someone else is secretly working on something.
PCars is it for "racing" games for the forseeable future my friend and at this point it looks like it's the only planned true "sim" for XBone or PS4, unless someone else is secretly working on something.

Still, I think he's made the right choice. He's disappointed, and so he's voted with his wallet, as is right.

When the game comes out I hope that he'll be impressed enough to buy it then. It doesn't really matter if people buy the game in the first day or the first week or the first month. There will be plenty of time post-release for those who aren't sure to find out if it's the game for them.

The only racing game that I know of that might come out between now and then for PS4 is F1 2015. The Codemasters F1 games haven't really changed much over the last five years, so I think we know what to expect there. pCARS is pretty different.
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