Demo shocks during TT

  • Thread starter Calcifer12
The only other thing I can think, the demo seems to rely quite heavily on the internet, maybe it's people with slower connections that get the glitches?
Not in my case. My connection is fast as hell and smooth as silk. ;) Still get the occasional hickup at cross of start/finish. I don't get it in other places though.
Thanks for the explanation as I had no idea what you were talking about when you said "shocks". I would have thought "stutter" a better fit. Anyway yeah, I get it maybe 50% of the time crossing the start/finish line, but not much at all on he rest of the track.
Not in my case. My connection is fast as hell and smooth as silk. ;) Still get the occasional hickup at cross of start/finish. I don't get it in other places though.

Same here, only happens once per lap right at the start/finish line. Its like you just got done by a speed camera.
60gb PS3 on 125cm Full HD LCD.
I tried to tweak my settings a little, like not using the Vibrate function if you don't have a DS3... doesn't help. Changing the display settings to 'Reduce Flickering' or 'Sharpen'... doesn't help. When you press triangle at the GT5 icon, you can check the version of the game. Mine says version 1.00, so the game can be patched, I think. :dopey:
I've got the same problem, but after changing the PS3's video output to 720p (from 1080i) the hickups are far less frequent and when they occur it is mostly at the start line.
Stutter here too, every time at the start/finish and random places and moments on the track. 40GB PS3 upgraded to a samsung momentus 250GB with tons of space. Alsa on a fast connection with low lag. Have no issues when playing GT5P or any PC games incl MW2 and tonnes of PC car sims.
It's definitively there, but... I 've noticed, if you drive in cockpit view it's almost not existent, at least very hard to notice. However in 3rd person view it's very evident, impossible not to notice. Luckily I started using cockpit view, just because I now can drive with it and the sense of speed is excellent. :D
In Prologue I couldn't get past a single turn in that view for the life of me. :-/
I have a hard time to believe it's something to do with different PS3 models, rather people using cockpit view thus don't notice anything. :)
Same here.

40Gb EU PS3 upgraded to 320 5400rpm on 1080i modes.

It's random and always on start/finish and since everyone has this i don't count that one but the otherones are quite irritating.

After some laps i also noticed it's not always happening, i'll explain.

I have that hickups just before you enter a corner or getting out of it, mostly on chicanes and sometimes it happend on speedtrap points.

This will happen 3 rounds in a row and then suddenly lap 4 , nothing or very less hick ups.

I see suggestions to del and reinstall it but didn't see any comments that it helped by the ones who did this, did this help?

Forgot to mention but i also noticed when driving the best line the glitches seems less.

the non-slim PS3 might have some diificulties, modern warfare 2 seems to brick a lot of them. slim version here, not a single hiccup or lag.
This is complete nonsence imo, just a simple google didn't gave any results about this.
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Ghost car does it (when you go past the finnish line) So if you can turn off ghost car, it think stutter goes with it.
yeah, same here. I have the 80GB EU PS3 (Phat edition). I seriously hope that Polyphony ignore this problem if it works better on the slim edition. I haven't really counted when it happens but thankfully, for most of my laps, it usually happens in a long sweeping corner (so constant turning and holding the throttle at a steady point) but no doubt still frustrating.
Original PAL 60GB from AU here, upgraded to 500GB 7200RPM, both were Seagate Momentus for those that care.

I believe the stuttering is happening when either you or the ghost car crosses a track section, eg. start/finish or other sections throughout the track, particularly when you set a faster time for that section.

Having said that, this is just a theory, can anyone confirm or deny?
Stuttering only happened in my first run, I've put in quite some laps and did not experience it anymore.
No change in hardware or PS3 software set-up, so can not prove a test case.
I do drive without Ghost and background music now (standard on).
Since I have the PS3 output on 720p the hick-ups are much less pronounced, but yesterday I had such a big hick-up that for a long second there was no signal at all (only noise on the screen). And that was on a lap where I came way ahead of my ghost out of the S-section onto the back straight. Naturally I found myself on the grass at the next left-hander. :banghead:
Demo might also be sending laptime info live to server which causes stutter. Or there might not be data streaming coded to demo and demo has to get textures to memory from HD that time. Who knows, GT5:P had stutter allways when there was multiple cars braking into a turn at same time.
One thought...

Could it be the lags affect the recorded laptimes ?


If so PDs got a problem...
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Running a PB! 0.3 secs ahead of myself! Going into the corner before the chicane.

Hicks right before the braking point. I miss the braking point. But can still correct it.
Lost some time, but still ahead of my time.

Going in the chicane, right turn goes alright, I give some gas. Hicks up, and hicks up again. I've given a tiny bit too much gas. Can't nail the corner and corner exit.

Lost my lap. PB gone. 0.3 in the gutter.

If it stuttered at 1080p I could understand. But I'm running 720p. Shouldnt be a problem hardware wise.
I have a 20mbit connection. I get 2.3MB/s down and 350KB/s up (real speeds).

I do like the new physics and also the slightly improved graphics are nice. Especially the track asphalt detail is much appreciated. I didn't start the thread to crack down PD, I like GT a lot and always will.

But hey, if it's a competition, and millisecs matter ... it's gotta be fair.
For example: I am now 0.002 sec above nr 12 (Dutch ranking).
I had frames misses on some part of the circuit (specially in chicanes and start/finish line) and only when the ghost car was activated

60Gb EU (first gen) PS3.

Yesterday I have added a hdd Western Digital WD Scorpio 500GB WD5000BEVT and now I have no frame misses. The problem has disappeared...The problem is the speed access (speed reading) of the original hdd in the first gens ps3.
Switched my 40Gb hard drive out today for a 320Gb Western Digital Scorpio Black (7200rpm) and no more hitches or freezes and stuff seems to load marginally quicker :) 👍
Switched my 40Gb hard drive out today for a 320Gb Western Digital Scorpio Black (7200rpm) and no more hitches or freezes and stuff seems to load marginally quicker :) 👍

What the hell? So it is the HDD after all? That's bad news... I hope I don't have to buy a new HDD for the final game :(
I don't think that resolves it. Maybe for some, but now for me. I upgraded my HDD last week with this one:

I still get stutters. 👎

Well all I can say is that I was hitching at every single checkpoint enough to put me off my driving, but since swapping the HDD out it has vanished, no other settings or hardware has been changed.

As has been mentioned earlier in the thread, it's probably to do with access times. 7200 rpm drives pretty much always have faster access times than 5400 rpm drives. Chances are the replacement disk you put in isn't significantly faster than the original. Sorry dude :(
Switched my 40Gb hard drive out today for a 320Gb Western Digital Scorpio Black (7200rpm) and no more hitches or freezes and stuff seems to load marginally quicker :) 👍

I've ordered one today, but I won't have it till the 7th of januari. Hope it will help for me too 👍