Depression and Anxiety Thread

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
Just had my last appointment with my psychologist and she basically admitted, in the most respectful manner possible, that she can't help me, she literally said its my personality and not something that can be fixed.
I've found that kind of unprofessional but shes at least correct with one thing - she can't help me even a bit, a dozen appointments later I feel worse and not better, not even a little bit.

So at least now I can say I gave this whole ''Help'' thing a try.
Well, don't give up. Life is never easy nor fair. I always say so many things bring us down, and not enough things keep us up. Remain strong and stay positive. Keep good faith also. You WILL get through these rough times.
One of my cousins taught me some yoga and meditation exercises to help relax my soul and mind. I also am watching some people that do the same thing so it help my depression and mood. What techniques are you guys using everyday to help you and your families get through stress and daily life situations?
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I was getting better at the start of this year but slowly declining again with a few spikes of feeling better here and there.

Been going to the gym since February, started going less and less because it's too crowded for me and I ended up getting anxious and irritated.

My overthinking went overboard and it's taking a toll on me too. I couldn't trust people to talk about my issues because I just feel like other people always have it worse than me and I think I'm just weak. I don't know how worse it's going to get by the end of the year

The decent news is that I'm don't drink much anymore.
Been having more bouts of depression lately—usually only a day or two, but there's a deep dissatisfaction with my life that is not going to go away until things start looking up for me. Things are stable but stability only gets you so far.
Just had my last appointment with my psychologist and she basically admitted, in the most respectful manner possible, that she can't help me, she literally said its my personality and not something that can be fixed.
I've found that kind of unprofessional but shes at least correct with one thing - she can't help me even a bit, a dozen appointments later I feel worse and not better, not even a little bit.

So at least now I can say I gave this whole ''Help'' thing a try.
Not all psychologists are good. I would look for someone else if at all possible. I've had a mix of bad and good, and while the bad can be frustrating and make you doubt yourself, finding someone who can reassure you that you're not "unfixable" can be such a relief. I bet most psychologists would tell you that it was pretty strange for her to say that.

I remember the worst shrink I had. He already made me feel pretty uncomfortable, and when I showed up a few minutes late, he asked me something I can't remember, and when I didn't know how to answer, he let me sit in silence for the whole session without any questioning or trying to get on track. He basically watched me fall into deeper depression in real time and didn't try to stop it. I don't know what he expected me to do. I don't have a plan for a session. He's the psychologist.

I emailed him shortly after saying it didn't feel like a good fit and moved on. The next one I found was much better.
Just had my last appointment with my psychologist and she basically admitted, in the most respectful manner possible, that she can't help me, she literally said its my personality and not something that can be fixed.
I've found that kind of unprofessional but shes at least correct with one thing - she can't help me even a bit, a dozen appointments later I feel worse and not better, not even a little bit.

So at least now I can say I gave this whole ''Help'' thing a try.
As dylan said, they're not all born equal. Please do yourself the favour of trying someone else. A different approach to therapy (and your struggles) on their part could go a long way.
What techniques are you guys using everyday to help you and your families get through stress and daily life situations?
Consuming significant amounts of alcohol 👍

Just had my last appointment with my psychologist and she basically admitted, in the most respectful manner possible, that she can't help me, she literally said its my personality and not something that can be fixed.

Perhaps you're internalising your struggles to the degree that it's become part of your personality, and she's identified that you're resisting letting that go because your own coping mechanisms have become part of you and your life.
What techniques are you guys using everyday to help you and your families get through stress and daily life situations?
I don't get to do it as often as I'd like, and I don't have a driveway or anything to work on, but I like doing car projects. Most recently I stripped the interior on my other half's 20-year-old Toyota Yaris and filled it with sound insulation.
My form of therapy is basically trying to up-cycle old cars so they get a new lease of life (save the planet, drive an old s***box). Rare I get to do that, though.
Perhaps you're internalising your struggles to the degree that it's become part of your personality, and she's identified that you're resisting letting that go because your own coping mechanisms have become part of you and your life.
That's what I suspect since she also mentioned that my depression is extremely deeply rooted into my mind.
Though I genuinely and honestly want to get out of that, that's why I started therapy in the first place. Its a depression, its not my normal state no matter how long this has been plaguing me and no matter what she said.

Guess I'll have to try on my own then.

BTW she called me and said she can still squeeze in some extra appointments into her busy schedule if I want to.
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That's what I suspect since she also mentioned that my depression is extremely deeply rooted into my mind.
Though I genuinely and honestly want to get out of that, that's why I started therapy in the first place. Its a depression, its not my normal state no matter how long this has been plaguing me and no matter what she said.
I get that, but it's a barrier I think a lot of people have to get past. "You don't want to get better" is a terrible diagnosis for a therapist to give a patient, but I'm going to guess it happens a lot, and in fairness, what you're doing and saying externally might not be the same thing as your internal monologue - you don't have that perspective. Don't take this the wrong way, but it sounds like you don't have much respect for her, and I get the vibe it's not a scenario you enjoy - and if she's picking that up as resistance in your body language, speech patterns/emphasis, or micro expressions, it could be an obstacle. You might do better with someone else, I think starting therapy is the hard part, and you've done that already, be a shame to lose that momentum.
I get that, but it's a barrier I think a lot of people have to get past. "You don't want to get better" is a terrible diagnosis for a therapist to give a patient, but I'm going to guess it happens a lot, and in fairness, what you're doing and saying externally might not be the same thing as your internal monologue - you don't have that perspective. Don't take this the wrong way, but it sounds like you don't have much respect for her, and I get the vibe it's not a scenario you enjoy - and if she's picking that up as resistance in your body language, speech patterns/emphasis, or micro expressions, it could be an obstacle. You might do better with someone else, I think starting therapy is the hard part, and you've done that already, be a shame to lose that momentum.
I actually have a lot of respect for her since she is one of the most intelligent people I've had the pleasure of knowing and she was pretty much the only person genuinely interested in trying to help me get better.
I enjoyed talking with her, we laughed a lot and she tried to implement her ideas but they simply did not result in any relief, in fact things only got worse.

My problem is that I'm extremely convinced that my ideas and my view of the world is correct, I back it up with logics and its just a bastion that refuses to fall. No amount of trying results in even cracks in the walls, its exceptionally frustrating and I hate myself for it.

As for continuing therapy, that's really hard. Most therapists here don't even accept new patients because they are fully booked for 1 year plus. I'm also working 9-6 6 days a week so no idea how I could incorporate some kind of therapy in my life.
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I actually have a lot of respect for her since she is one of the most intelligent people I've had the pleasure of knowing and she was pretty much the only person genuinely interested in trying to help me get better.
I enjoyed talking with her, we laughed a lot and she tried to implement her ideas but they simply did not result in any relief, in fact things only got worse.

My problem is that I'm extremely convinced that my ideas and my view of the world is correct, I back it up with logics and its just a bastion that refuses to fall. No amount of trying results in even cracks in the walls, its exceptionally frustrating and I hate myself for it.

As for continuing therapy, that's really hard. Most therapists here don't even accept new patients because they are fully booked for 1 year plus. I'm also working 9-6 6 days a week so no idea how I could incorporate some kind of therapy in my life.
If you don't mind having sessions in English, try online ones at a more convenient time.
I’ve come to realize that I might be experiencing compassion fatigue from years of prolonged exposure to medical crises. Not sure how to keep my head above water anymore.
I’ve come to realize that I might be experiencing compassion fatigue from years of prolonged exposure to medical crises. Not sure how to keep my head above water anymore.
When’s the last time you took a holiday away by yourself?
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I belong into this thread too.
For more than 20 years I'm fighting with heavy depression, schizophrenic disorder, organic disorder and some else I don't know English words.
For the years, I tried many therapies (pills) and current one is the best, I can say I feel better.
But still confronting lack of confidence and pain/pressure in the chest.

I have some little personal joys that helps for a short time.
Like this morning, when I started FC 25 for which I was saving money couple months...
Been having more bouts of depression lately—usually only a day or two, but there's a deep dissatisfaction with my life that is not going to go away until things start looking up for me. Things are stable but stability only gets you so far.
How did the career decision go?
I belong into this thread too.
For more than 20 years I'm fighting with heavy depression, schizophrenic disorder, organic disorder and some else I don't know English words.
For the years, I tried many therapies (pills) and current one is the best, I can say I feel better.
But still confronting lack of confidence and pain/pressure in the chest.

I have some little personal joys that helps for a short time.
Like this morning, when I started FC 25 for which I was saving money couple months...
That's good the current regimen is working.

How long have you had the pain/pressure?
I need to read this thread through.

I've been on a journey through therapy for the last 18 ish months and I'm lucky enough to have an amazing therapist who has helped me understand the demons so much.

If you think you need help, you do, and if you don't think you need help, you also do.

No shame at all in trying not to suffer through.

I don't have any great anecdotes or stories but I just wanted to say to all you in here struggling, keep on. You can do it. If I can be on this journey, anyone can.

You all are beautiful and deserve not to feel otherwise.
After seven years... I am single again. Just recently discovered from a friend that my girlfriend had cheated on me.

Having lost my eldest cat (2022) and my grandfather (2023), plus the fact that I got cheated on (2024), all in consecutive years... this makes me feel like I just want to return to simpler times and regain some of that innocence I once had being younger.

This shall eventually pass, although I'm not in a rush in waiting for a miracle or breakthrough to happen any time soon.
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Weirdly enough as I'm putting my life back together piece by piece my depression is getting worse not better.
Got a new job with nice co-workers and boss, they drown me in praise for my initiative and my quick learning skills, I spend my off days hiking, going to restaurants or at the theater - and I am feeling just awful and it keeps getting worse slowly but steadily.
I feel like an ungrateful moron yet I cannot suppress those feelings.
This is confusing, I was absolutely sure getting back on track would make me feel better, it would have been illogical to assume otherwise - yet....
I’ve come to realize that I might be experiencing compassion fatigue from years of prolonged exposure to medical crises. Not sure how to keep my head above water anymore.
Sorry to hear that - how does it manifest? Do you suddenly have less empathy than before or does it feel like a burnout? Is it possible for you to step back and take a break from all that?
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I've been upset and depressed ever since I found out 2 weeks ago that my mom has cancer. She's going to see an oncologist today at 1pm. Wish her luck!
Today (October 10) is World Mental Health Day. Since this thread is about depression and anxiety, it is a good reminder to be sure to take care of yourself mentally. All of us have our own mental health issues, even if everything seems fine. Only you know you best. Self-care isn't selfish, so take care of yourself and your mind. Also, instead of mental shaming, try helping others. We all can do our part to help out our mental health even in dealing with depression and/or anxiety.

Hopefully you all are doing well. Don't let depression and/or anxiety win.
Enters dramatically....... I was in a coma, and have brain damage.

It's been a while now, but I had a bacterial infection in my brain (meningococcal and encephalitis) and it's left me with some rather crippling issues. One difficult thing to contend with is not being quite sure how far and wide the issues extend. For the most part, I'm dealing with chronic severe pain and nausea, along with intermittent dizziness, blurriness and impaired concentration - but I'm not entirely sure if / how much it's affected my intellectual capacity. I find it really hard to be at peace with the idea of being, and presenting, as noticeably dimmer than before the disease got me.

It has utterly destroyed my life in many ways. I could have easily lost everything I owned. I'm still effectively in financial ruin because of it, and much less capable of turning that around, thanks to my impaired physical/mental state. The new challenge, though, after struggling to just survive, is that I'm now having my old "friend" depression creep back in. I hadn't realised that focusing on non-mental survival challenges had put that in the low priority category - but the "demons" are now growing impatient and hungry for the other type of my brain function.

I know that it's actually bordering on ridiculous that I'm even alive (the neurologist I saw looked at me, shook his head and said that I should absolutely have died, given the severity). I know that I'm "supposed" to be thankful for that, but sometimes I wish that I didn't make it through. I survived, I didn't lose any limbs, eyesight, hearing...... but I inherited a slow, agonising crawl out of a very deep hole.

Anyway, if anyone wants to feel sorry for me a bit, that would be nice. Haha.
Enters dramatically....... I was in a coma, and have brain damage.

It's been a while now, but I had a bacterial infection in my brain (meningococcal and encephalitis) and it's left me with some rather crippling issues. One difficult thing to contend with is not being quite sure how far and wide the issues extend. For the most part, I'm dealing with chronic severe pain and nausea, along with intermittent dizziness, blurriness and impaired concentration - but I'm not entirely sure if / how much it's affected my intellectual capacity. I find it really hard to be at peace with the idea of being, and presenting, as noticeably dimmer than before the disease got me.

It has utterly destroyed my life in many ways. I could have easily lost everything I owned. I'm still effectively in financial ruin because of it, and much less capable of turning that around, thanks to my impaired physical/mental state. The new challenge, though, after struggling to just survive, is that I'm now having my old "friend" depression creep back in. I hadn't realised that focusing on non-mental survival challenges had put that in the low priority category - but the "demons" are now growing impatient and hungry for the other type of my brain function.

I know that it's actually bordering on ridiculous that I'm even alive (the neurologist I saw looked at me, shook his head and said that I should absolutely have died, given the severity). I know that I'm "supposed" to be thankful for that, but sometimes I wish that I didn't make it through. I survived, I didn't lose any limbs, eyesight, hearing...... but I inherited a slow, agonising crawl out of a very deep hole.

Anyway, if anyone wants to feel sorry for me a bit, that would be nice. Haha.
I imagine it's pretty normal to feel that way while dealing with something like this. It can't be easy, but I'm glad you're still here.

Though I don't know the details of your health, from what I gather, there is a recovery process, even if it can be slow. Hopefully the physical symptoms reduce, and that may allow you better concentration, as I'm sure the pain and nausea doesn't help with that. Do your best to be patient, and be kind to yourself.
I imagine it's pretty normal to feel that way while dealing with something like this. It can't be easy, but I'm glad you're still here.

Though I don't know the details of your health, from what I gather, there is a recovery process, even if it can be slow. Hopefully the physical symptoms reduce, and that may allow you better concentration, as I'm sure the pain and nausea doesn't help with that. Do your best to be patient, and be kind to yourself.
Thank you for your kind words. It's nice to see a familiar name.

Officially my condition is a forever thing, but I'm not accepting that. I inject myself every three weeks with a drug called fremanezumab and that does a half- decent job of taking the edge off my symptoms. How far off I am from the ultimate recovery destination is daunting, but I need to continue appreciating the fact that I'm actually able to step toward that.
Enters dramatically....... I was in a coma, and have brain damage.

It's been a while now, but I had a bacterial infection in my brain (meningococcal and encephalitis) and it's left me with some rather crippling issues. One difficult thing to contend with is not being quite sure how far and wide the issues extend. For the most part, I'm dealing with chronic severe pain and nausea, along with intermittent dizziness, blurriness and impaired concentration - but I'm not entirely sure if / how much it's affected my intellectual capacity. I find it really hard to be at peace with the idea of being, and presenting, as noticeably dimmer than before the disease got me.

It has utterly destroyed my life in many ways. I could have easily lost everything I owned. I'm still effectively in financial ruin because of it, and much less capable of turning that around, thanks to my impaired physical/mental state. The new challenge, though, after struggling to just survive, is that I'm now having my old "friend" depression creep back in. I hadn't realised that focusing on non-mental survival challenges had put that in the low priority category - but the "demons" are now growing impatient and hungry for the other type of my brain function.

I know that it's actually bordering on ridiculous that I'm even alive (the neurologist I saw looked at me, shook his head and said that I should absolutely have died, given the severity). I know that I'm "supposed" to be thankful for that, but sometimes I wish that I didn't make it through. I survived, I didn't lose any limbs, eyesight, hearing...... but I inherited a slow, agonising crawl out of a very deep hole.

Anyway, if anyone wants to feel sorry for me a bit, that would be nice. Haha.

Thank you for your kind words. It's nice to see a familiar name.

Officially my condition is a forever thing, but I'm not accepting that. I inject myself every three weeks with a drug called fremanezumab and that does a half- decent job of taking the edge off my symptoms. How far off I am from the ultimate recovery destination is daunting, but I need to continue appreciating the fact that I'm actually able to step toward that.
Jesus that is unbelievably rough. So sorry to hear.

Which specialties are you under for rehab? Are you on any medication for the nausea?
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Wow guys, I just got done reading all your issues and stories, I'm praying for all of you. I'm so glad this thread exists for those of us who are depressed everyday. I'm depressed because my mom is going through a tough time, she has ovarian cancer, and it is at a high stage.
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Wow guys, I just got done reading all your issues and stories, I'm praying for all of you. I'm so glad this thread exists for those of us who are depressed everyday. I'm depressed because my mom is going through a tough time, she has ovarian cancer, and it is at a high stage.
That's why I created it many moons ago. You and everyone else are welcome to be part of this safe space to discuss depression. It was just depression, but it was then changed to depression and anxiety. Depression and anxiety are very real. Whether you are facing mild conditions or feel like you can't live any longer, we just want to help.

Having said all of this, I certainly hope you and LeMansAid and others can overcome depression and/or anxiety.

And as always... don't let depression and/or anxiety win.
That's why I created it many moons ago. You and everyone else are welcome to be part of this safe space to discuss depression. It was just depression, but it was then changed to depression and anxiety. Depression and anxiety are very real. Whether you are facing mild conditions or feel like you can't live any longer, we just want to help.

Having said all of this, I certainly hope you and LeMansAid and others can overcome depression and/or anxiety.

And as always... don't let depression and/or anxiety win.
Well, I'm staying in this depression club for as long as I can, and let me tell you; therapy has helped me 75% with any situation in life. I'm able to handle stress better and cope with hard situations. So I'm thankful for this thread.
Jesus that is unbelievably rough. So sorry to hear.

Which specialties are you under for rehab? Are you on any medication for the nausea?
I'm only on the fremanezumab. That tends to take the head pain down to some extent, and the nausea down to a usually acceptable level. I've had terrible luck with: a tainted injection, temporary unavailability of the drug, and doctor mess ups, that have meant that I've had times where I've experienced life without the effect of fremanezumab....... it's scary how bad that is.. Absolutely incapacitating.