Desire Spawns Dreams

  • Thread starter Paulie


VF Ute Driver
QLD, Down Under
Paulie LDP
I think it's safe to say that GT5:P has run its time now, yes some of us will keep playing it until GT5 comes out (like me), but it has otherwise run its course. Now, as we all eagerly await GT5 and with no news on it at all, desire for something can cause some crazy dreams! (Why else do men dream about the ladies and cars?:sly:)
So, in this thread, let's here some of the crazy dreams you've had spawned from a desire for GT5.:sly:

I dreamed the other night that GT5 finally came out, and that it was so massively huge (the content), that in order to cover the entire spectrum of the cars available and types of races, you had to buy something REALLY crappy for your first car (In my dream I was unable to afford a 2nd hand Opel Tigra for my first car :crazy:). Then, once you had your car, you didn't even start racing straight away. You drive it around town (in a normal road going fashion), doing your job, giving your mates lifts, until one day you can afford to go to a track day.:lol:

Note to disclaimer: This thread is similar to one we had a while back, but I consider this different in that I'm looking to hear about the crazy dreams in the wake of GT5.
I dream every night about GT5, cant list all....
Mostly i am dreaming that i drive an LMP in Le Mans and that i collect classic cars just to see their cockpits. lol

Yeah, most of my dreams include the cockpit view, i dont know why....
Yeah, most of my dreams include the cockpit view, i dont know why....

Hmm, perhaps a Freudian thing? haha j/k

I've had at least one dream. In it, I learned that there was news of GT5, and then to my surprise it had already been released. 👍 But I couldn't go buy it, and knew even if I could I wouldn't get to play it. :nervous: I realized I'll probably never play it, like I'd never even get to the menu screens. :ill: The game was sitting on a shelf down the street but might as well have been on the moon. :scared:

I was really busy and overloaded at work at the time, didn't have time for anything let alone gaming so... I figure this was a nightmare from all that.
I had at least two dreams about GT in which I was driving in a race, in the game, but I was actually driving though actual traffic. I remember it very well because I was driving though a area similar to one of the area in Grand Theft Auto III and Liberty City Stories. you know, The construction area in Portland (I Think) that's covered by a Huge Canopy. well, I had a dream that I was racing On something similar to that and there was traffic I had to work around and it was kinda like Need For Speed Underground and, well you know, it was kinda weird.

So, that's my dream.
I was dreaming a month ago about driving a car. I think it was a white Subaru STI (from the game) I was behind the wheel, racing I think suzuka, and BOOK i miss a turn, or lock my brakes up, hit a wall. I got out from the car, I look at front, and WOW DAMANGE!!! Then I see myself in my Playseats evo with some wired looking wheel and looking at GT5 poster behind me!

An awesome dream until I woke up.
i had a dream where i played gran turismo 5 in an arcade machine :D
i remember i used the shelby GT350 around a new fictional track
...driving that Xanavi Z (with actually realistic engine/gear/tire sounds) on Suzuka against other S-GT cars:)

GT5p has more or less become a dead stick... no more real updates has got to mean that PD has something up its sleeve.
Yeah, now I only play GT5P for .. about 2-3 times a month, and each time is not too long. Mostly test drive a car, maybe one or two online races and I get bored. I hope GT5 wont disappoint with body kits and my dream with damage!

By the way does day dreams count too?
I remember I had a few awhile back, a little bit before created his "hint" thread.

I think it just had to do with seeing a crazy amount of cars that have been wanted in the series for a long time. If I remember correctly, I thought I was racing in a Lambo Murcielago, and that the sound was spot on that it gave me goosebumps, but it was definitely in game, not just me thinking about driving a Murcielago in real life haha. I can't quite remember, but I know I had a couple of dreams.

What I like about dreams the most is that it lets the creative mind flow, without the daily conscious hindering our creative thoughts. Interesting dreams everyone.
I just want to add that most other people would think we're mental for dreaming of a sony game release.:lol:
I had a dream, that i was going to the gamestore and without any info or releasedate
GT5 was there, with on the jacket of the game, a Porsche GT2, a Lambo LP560-4 and a Scuderia F430, also mentioned on the box was the damage the weather changing and private rooms....

Then my alarm woke me up :(, i was so pissed that day....
:lol:....that would be hard...same thing happnend when I dreamt of driving an EVO 8 when I was my real age of 15....damn I hate those moments.
I had a dream, that i was going to the gamestore and without any info or releasedate
GT5 was there, with on the jacket of the game, a Porsche GT2, a Lambo LP560-4 and a Scuderia F430, also mentioned on the box was the damage the weather changing and private rooms....

Then my alarm woke me up :(, i was so pissed that day....

:lol: You never got to play it then.
Sleepless nights,telling myself "you have to go to bed now" but NO , just 1 more race,then that turns into 1 more race,then that turns into one more race,and so on,and so on,and so on..................yawn,I may as well stay up all night now. :lol:
I dreamt about the day of the GT5 release, got it immediately, then I saw you were forced to start off with a KEI car, because that was the only thing in price range, and the only thing worth entering it in was the Lightweight K-Cup. But for some reason, you get a Daihatsu Sirion Rally Car for winnng it (???) and it just overpowered the field in the Sunday Cup.

Also, you only got a car for all-golding the respective licenses, like in the other GT's before 4.
Do androids dream of electric sheep?

Do GT racers dream of a massive garage filled with exotic shiney supercars,racecars,weather,damage,awesome online..................

I feel left out, not had any dreams of GT,is there something wrong with me?
I can't remember all of it, but I dreamed that GT5 came out just before my birthday in August. I got a G25 wheel and went crazy, sped the whole way just like when GT4 released here a day early. All I can remember is that the game was incredibly immersive, much more so than Prologue. Driving everything was just incredible, and the trackside was photoreal. In fact, it was used by Nissan to advertise their cars.

When I woke up, I was going to race either GT4 or Prologue, but the dumb dream had me bumming for GT5. So I went out to get the next best thing which was HAWX and a Thrustmaster flight controller to make up for it. Naturally, there were no flight controllers I wanted or were compatible everywhere I went! So instead, I ended up spending $120 on GTR Revo, RFactor and a DVI to HDMI cable so I could use my Bravia. And of course, GTR doesn't want to work right with my DF Pro wheel, and if RFactor doesn't either, I'm going to destroy something in this house tomorrow. No more PC racing after this!

If only Ferrari Challenge had a driver view which worked for me... meh...
not dreaming about 5 (because I know it's not coming for sometime), but I had a dream about 4 3 days before the release date. I dreamt of the 92CP in the Red and blue livery - but i'd never seen that car or colours before in my life - no GT4 ads, no anything.

I though it was weird when I got the game and saw it:dunce:
Do androids dream of electric sheep?

Do GT racers dream of a massive garage filled with exotic shiney supercars,racecars,weather,damage,awesome online..................

I feel left out, not had any dreams of GT,is there something wrong with me?

No I think you're normal and probably have a life unlike some of us (Me) :sly: No just kidding, perhaps you get more preoccupied with job and other stuff, so you don't have time to daydream about GT all day. :D
Does falling asleep while doing offline TT, count??

Trouble is my with my job, im in my car loads,sometimes i have mini daydreams of tracks,cars and not driving Gt with a DS3 but a nice shiney G25!!!

Nite time im too busy sleeping, 22 week old future Gt racer to look out for!!
I had a dream just last night that I was a scientist in the Stargate program, and I found out a way to use the Stargate as a time machine and accidentally transported myself to the year 2022. Once there, I checked GT Planet's database on the internet to find out what cars would be in GT5 when I returned to the present. While there I found that GT5 was still the current GT game, and there had only been 5 major updates to it since release in 2009. The car list wasn't fully listed on GTP because of a server overload during the hype of nonsense and useless thread starters in the lead-up and during release of GT5, but most of the cars that were listed were from extinct brands and little known brands. I did see a HSV Clubsport R8 on the list though.:lol: One hell of a dream eh?:lol:
Last night I had a dream i was in japan swimming in the ocean and a fish that looked kinda like a swordfish stabbed and was stuck into my left foot. The last thing I did last night was play GT5P so maybe theres some relation there?
Last night I had a dream i was in japan swimming in the ocean and a fish that looked kinda like a swordfish stabbed and was stuck into my left foot. The last thing I did last night was play GT5P so maybe theres some relation there?

This could mean GT5 will have announcement tomorrow!..
Slightly off topic but, I went to visit my sister and she had a friend that was a fortune teller that read Taro cards. Anyway he then proceeded to ask me about cars or driving cars because he could see in my fortune that I was getting into a lot of car accidents. He asked me if I raced cars and I told him that I gave up club racing when I had kids and sold my club car. So he told me that I have an injury or going to get injured from probably a racing accident but he could not be sure because it was not making sense to what I was telling him as my feedback. Anyway long story short I got to tell my wife about it and as I was laughing about it. She say's to me he was probably getting visions of me driving my video game GT and it all made sense since I actually froze my left shoulder a few months back and had to get theraphy for it. My wife proceeded to tell me that it was what caused my injury. Too much SIM Racing from GT5P...LOL I guess the fortune teller was spot on haha!!. Anyone else getting any Injuries from playing GT5P.
Do androids dream of electric sheep?

Do GT racers dream of a massive garage filled with exotic shiney supercars,racecars,weather,damage,awesome online..................

I feel left out, not had any dreams of GT,is there something wrong with me?
Do some people dream about being the STig?