For some reason whenever I go to Bungie to get a picture of my character, it only loads the helmet, boot clips, part of my gloves and my arm band thing.
I did really well with the Crota loot drops. It took only a few weeks for me to get to 32, Blackhammer, and the Hunger. I received the auto rifle, scout, and hand cannon last week. It seems like I'm in the minority for doing that well, though.@mcfizzle, you've already seen this but it feels good man.
View attachment 299794
Take it from me, the loot table is definitely more generous in CE but still utterly frustrating.
View attachment 307572
Finally! If you have to ask what I'm on about, leave. Leave this thread right now.
That female hunter has one humongous thigh, @Awong124 !
EDIT: Actually, its just the cape behind it blending in to the leg
Use the new screen shot feature! Duh!If I could figure out an easy way to post mine here I would.
It's getting it from there to here that's more the problem.Use the new screen shot feature! Duh!