Destiny - Show Off Your Gear

Got Destiny as an early birthday gift last week and, well:


Good times.


Here's my character. Been a Hunter since the day I started playing (I dabbled with Warlocks and actually have a level 40 Titan as well though).
Might as well resurrect this too, am I right?




Why is my Warlock so low level is comparison? She isn't. I just hate the higher leveled armor I have. Also, I'm not breaking the sun with my Titan. For some reason.
My two friends and I glitched outside the raid and made it into The Gauntlet room. My friend on the right is doing his I feel ill emote.


Edit: Just reach 304, just one more to max power, which probably by the time I reach it. They'll probably raise the power level.

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Should probably start playing again, I don't think my gear or levels have changed since I last posted. :lol:
Destiny 2 is free now so I’ll finally see if I enjoy it as much as I did the first game.