it would seem to me that anything Sony are affiliated with, be it hardware or software based that makes use of immersions patents, including GT (which probably includes I's coding algorithams) are a no go area until Sony and Immersion resolve there differences and the matter is finally settled in court. It seems Sony are steadfastly digging their heels in over this, and therefore there will be no movement on licensing talks until all the appeals are settled.
Its all about the money for Sony, the arrogance they have in believing it could do without FF technology in the PS3 could well be there biggest ever mistake! It also shows gamer apathy in spouting the rubbish or believing that we dont want to feel the gaming inviroment in favour of waving our controllers around. lack of feedback is a step backward Sony, Advancement is to have both!
GT5 without force feedbackwill be a white elephant!! (other titles will sorely miss rumble/ff greatly) Using a wheel would be almost pointless without any feel for the inviroment and car physics.
We should all be shouting at Sony to settle this now before its too late, Consumers and game developers alike should be making as much noise as possible for Sony to Sort this!
If Sony fail to,it could well be the issue that helps playstation fall from the number one Gamers choice, which in turn leads to developer migration.
I for one will now reconsider my PS3 purchase because of this, I have an Xbox 360 which will take the multi platform games, and if Sonys expensive kit cant give me the feel of the PS3 exclusive games to enhance the experience then i Like many others will feel cheated.
GT is my game of choice and has been since day 1 GT1, money is not an issue when it comes to my console racing but i will not spend on a PS3 and GT5 if i cant feel like a driver, and take advantage of the feel of all the subtleties that PD are painstaikingly trying to recreate.
No wonder PD are gonna be able to take so long with this!
Im sure Kaz is Hoping mad that at this time, that no one would be able to appriciate the new Physics engine to its full effect, he would probably feel like why do i bother.
I read an interview with Kaz in a PS3 mag issue one here in the UK where he expressed suprise at the lack of FF support, and also sorrily confessed to being the one who suggested the motion sensing to Sony, as he wanted to incorporate it into the game, but he merely wanted this so he could tell if a gamer was holding the controller ready to play, or if it was on the table so he could have the game do something different, I dont think he ever expected to loose the most vital ingredient of Force feedback!
I have to wonder if Sony really understand just how big an issue Rumble/FF is to a gamer, or whether there blinded by the own arrogance.