"A NeoGAF post pointing to a GT Planet post raised our eyebrows at the possibility that Force Feedback (an Immersion-patented tech [the rumble guys, remember]) would not function on Sony's PS3. Force feedback response control is a big deal to racing fans and fans of Sony's Gran Turismo series are likely jonesing for the fifth installment of the game with a slick FF wheel.
Sony Computer Entertainment America confirmed that there would be no supported force feedback technology with its PlayStation 3. They told 1UP the following:
All PS3 games are programmed for the SIXAXIS which doesn't have force feedback, therefore the force feedback in the wheels won't be recognized.
No word this time on whether there will be a racing wheel that supports "leaning technology" where the SIXAXIS motion-control functionality can be integrated into a wheel. We're joking, but it's through tears."
There we have the most arrogant BS coming from Sony once again.
The reason they dont have it is because they dont want to pay up, and they dont belive they need it, they have lost touch with what gaming is about!!
EDIT::The MOOSE. This Just Prove that Sony talk bull. EA paid for the license!!!!
GT is one of the Premier titles thats PS exclusive, to not be able to have force feedback with a wheel will detract from its overall appeal, it seems it may look nice and have loads of content, but it will be just an average ok play for the driving game enthusiast.
Taking away an element that was really brought to the forefront in the last gen, and added emmensley to one of PS2 major selling brands,which helped sell its system could well be one of the biggest mistakes SONY ever makes.
Sony has relied on the GT series again to instill interest in the PS3, but it has been recieved poorly by the gaming press, saying yeah it looks good, but whats new,now with feedback missing,which you would expect from every driving sim now to include, even on the PS2 i think GT,PD and Sony will take a hammering.
I wonder how Kazanuri Yamauchi feels about this, Gran Turismo for him has been about delivering a driving game as close to real life as possible,now he has the technology in PS3 in his hands, but the consumer will not be able to trully feel the simulation part of the game he delivers!
I read an interview with Hideo Kojima who was immensely dissapointed that rumble was not available, he believes it was integral to the enjoyment of the MGS series, and even though he stated he will try to push the Sixaxis elements, it will never replace the loss of rumble.
I can Sense Microsoft and turn 10 to be wryly smiling among themselves over this.
Wheres the next gen immersion????

pardon the pun!
If Forza2 delivers a polished superb product and makes good use of its feedback wheel to go along with its already great online capability, i feel GT may well lose its crown!
IMHO Sony have Dropped the Ball and totally lost he plot, theyve been far to worried about getting the Multimedia home entertainment stuff into PS3 to tie up sales for their back catologues, relying on the Gaming brand to sell the system, But after all the PS fanboys have their system, whats gonna sell it to others?? Blue Ray? Graphics alone arent going to this time!