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Mr. Kerry said: “You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”
Senator Kerry IMO just called every single one of America's troops..." stupid "
Last time I looked around the United States was at war . The troops that serve us and fight and die for our country do not nor did they determine who to fight and when . The troops serve all of us.... the American people and go where we send them , when we send them and do the best they can to fight and win for us..... Democrats and Republicans and independent...every man women and child in the US .
They do not deserve nor did they earn this type of disrespect . The US Military is the finest in the world . It is all volunteer and sets high standards for enlistment . we operate some of the highest technology ever seen on a battlefield.
How can this elite piece of crap ....this still warm dog dropping of a human specimen....... have the gall to say such a thing ?
*** Bias alert * I can't stand the man..I even hesitate to use the term man because I think it gives that turd too much credit and do not want to insult men in general. ***
Back to being objective ..... We are down to the last days of a close election ...in many states polls show virtual deadlocks and voter turn out will determine who wins . Its bad enough he made the statement ...it could have been just a few days of Democrats and Kerry are just idiots..and gone away.
All the slime had to do was apologies .
guess what He did?
He blamed Bush.💡
Can you think of anything a Democrat could do ...outside of buggering a cocker spaniel on National TV , that will do more to drive Republicans and undecided voters out to vote.. ?
Could this guy have done more to put the focus on himself and energize all those who feel the democrats suck on security and military issues ?
Those remarks were denounced by Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona and, like Kerry, a veteran of the Vietnam conflict, as well as a group of House Republicans.
"Senator Kerry owes an apology to the many thousands of Americans serving in Iraq, who answered their country's call because they are patriots and not because of any deficiencies in their education," McCain said Tuesday.
McCain said any suggestion that only the poorly educated would agree to serve in Iraq is "an insult to every soldier serving in combat."
Representative Jack Kingston of Georgia, vice chairman of the House Republican Conference, wrote a letter to Kerry in which he called for "a clear and simple apology, without caveat or explanation." The letter was signed by 18 other House Republicans.
The White house spokesman, Tony Snow, asserted that Kerry's speech "sort of fits a pattern" of criticizing American troops in Iraq. "This is an absolute insult, and I'm a little astonished that he didn't figure it out already," he said. "If I say something stupid, I apologize as quickly as possible."
But if anyone should apologize, Kerry said, it is Bush and his administration officials who started the ill-conceived war. He said his remarks had been distorted and called the criticism directed at him the work of "assorted right-wing nut jobs and right-wing talk show hosts."
"If anyone thinks a veteran would criticize the more than 140,000 heroes serving in Iraq and not the president who got us stuck there, they're crazy," Kerry said in a statement. "I'm sick and tired of these despicable Republican attacks that always seem to come from those who never can be found to serve in war, but love to attack those who did." * Note 1
At a televised news conference Tuesday in Seattle, Kerry said he was "disgusted" by the Republican attacks, which he noted were coming at the end of a bloody month in Iraq. "Sadly, this is the best this administration can do," he said.
Kerry did not mention McCain in his statement, although at the news conference he said McCain should seek an apology from Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney if he wants an apology from anyone.
Kerry and McCain, separated by party and political philosophy but united by their experiences in Vietnam combat, have been described before as having a friendly relationship. McCain is also viewed as a potential rival in the 2008 presidential race.
Bush stepped up the language on Iraq on Monday while campaigning for Republican candidates in Georgia and Texas. "However they put it, the Democrat approach in Iraq comes down to this," he said. "The terrorists win and America loses."
Did Kerry blow not only his own chances of ever running for President ...but did he also screw the democrats in this coming election ?
*** Kerry's war record is up for dispute . But what he did after the war calling every soldier in Vietnam a rapist and a terrorist and criminals is NOT . This FOOL counts on no one remembering him being a radical activist after his tour in Vietnam . And all the not so nice things he called every American soldier then .
If I was a Democrat I would do a Chenney on the guy and take him out hunting...maybe blow his mouth off...he is working hard to make the Democrats an endangered species....he is too far left..along with his scum bag aspects its killing them .