Did Kerry just swing an election ?

  • Thread starter ledhed
What I don't get is why ONE PERSON from either party supposedly represents the entire party. Okay, so all Democrats are un-patriotic pussies (per Kerry's statement), and Republicans are child-raping alcoholics (per Foley's IM 1337 5p33k). Who should I vote for? One party is going to blow up the world, and the other is going to let the terrorists blow up the world.

Anyway, of the roughly 540 members of Congress, exactly 2 of them are John Kerry or Mark Foley, yet we are supposed to label all 250+ of their party members based on one person's actions. This is what's wrong with politics in this country. It's bull****.

If Kerry's comments truly swing the election to the Republicans (which makes the crazy assumption that the Democrats were going to win), it will show nothing more than that this country is full of uninformed idiots, willing to buy into insane political propaganda.
What I don't get is why ONE PERSON from either party supposedly represents the entire party. Okay, so all Democrats are un-patriotic pussies (per Kerry's statement), and Republicans are child-raping alcoholics (per Foley's IM 1337 5p33k). Who should I vote for? One party is going to blow up the world, and the other is going to let the terrorists blow up the world.

Anyway, of the roughly 540 members of Congress, exactly 2 of them are John Kerry or Mark Foley, yet we are supposed to label all 250+ of their party members based on one person's actions. This is what's wrong with politics in this country. It's bull****.

If Kerry's comments truly swing the election to the Republicans (which makes the crazy assumption that the Democrats were going to win), it will show nothing more than that this country is full of uninformed idiots, willing to buy into insane political propaganda.

Amen! +Rep! 👍
What I don't get is why ONE PERSON from either party supposedly represents the entire party. Okay, so all Democrats are un-patriotic pussies (per Kerry's statement), and Republicans are child-raping alcoholics (per Foley's IM 1337 5p33k). Who should I vote for? One party is going to blow up the world, and the other is going to let the terrorists blow up the world.

Anyway, of the roughly 540 members of Congress, exactly 2 of them are John Kerry or Mark Foley, yet we are supposed to label all 250+ of their party members based on one person's actions. This is what's wrong with politics in this country. It's bull****.

If Kerry's comments truly swing the election to the Republicans (which makes the crazy assumption that the Democrats were going to win), it will show nothing more than that this country is full of uninformed idiots, willing to buy into insane political propaganda.

Actually Kerry DOES represent the Democrats , he was the PRESIDENTIAL candidate for them iin 2004 , what he says is supposed to reflect majority Democratic feelings and has much more substance than anything a shlub congressman has to offer.

Think for a moment what you just said . I guess george Bush doesn't represent the republicans by your logic , correct ? after all he is ONLY one man...but since we live in a representative democracy each person is supposed to represent a political veiw shared by many others .

What Foley did was be a perverted chicken hawk and was a personal foible..not a stement on policy and NOT a political statement . What John Kerry says reflects MAJORITY Democratic opinion and speaks to Democratic voters and explains how the democratic party feels on policy .

So your argument though on the surface logical , is a strawman basically.
it wont stand up to close scrutiny. you can't discount what one man says when that one man just happens to be a leader and policy maker for the Democratic party and represents at least 40 to 48 percent of the voters

Do you get the point I am making ? if you do it explains why Kerry's blunder is such a big deal .

And no thats not whats wrong with politics in this country . That what is politics in this country . Foley represents a group of republicans and is expected to represent them honorably and faithfully . when he fails the system suffers , that is why Foley is such a big deal . The people he represents were swindled and lost the representation that they faithfully voted collectively for . That is the people of Foleys district.
In Kerrys case he is a National figure and when he blunders it effects the entire countries attitude about the Democratic party ...because in most people's eyes HE is the Democratic party .

Just as Nixon destroyed the credibility of the Presidency and Clinton Buried it . John Kerrys actions on behalf of the democrats will further cement in the public mind the perception that democrats are soft on defense and do not care for the military. His actions set the Democratic party back . Just because he is only one man ...who just happens to be the former Presidential candidate representing the Democratic party and the 48 percent of the American voters that supported him .

Do you think he did those people proud by his handling of the joke incident ?
. I guess george Bush doesn't represent the republicans by your logic , correct ? after all he is ONLY one man...
I don't much care for the man, but should that dissuade me from ever voting for a Republican again? In theory, Bush also represents all Americans, but it's quite obvious that this is not the case.

Just because Kerry won the Democratic nomination two years ago does not mean that all Democrats think that the troops are un-educated simpletons.
I don't much care for the man, but should that dissuade me from ever voting for a Republican again? In theory, Bush also represents all Americans, but it's quite obvious that this is not the case.

Just because Kerry won the Democratic nomination two years ago does not mean that all Democrats think that the troops are un-educated simpletons.

Correct but again you are missing the point. The whole reason its a big deal is not because one person said anything , its the person and who that person represents that gives power ,to what words he may utter...for good or bad .

Believe me the majority of the country is sick of these buffoons and how they act. But even saying that when it comes down to individual races in each state the voters get focused . When you have such close races locally you depend on turnout...people NOT being sick of the whole pile of steaming turds....for your candidate to get elected. Thats why polls suck so bad...they can have someone ahead by ten percent , great that means the people they sampled feel better about one candidate ...but what good is it if they stay home and do not vote ? Why do you think its so funny to wake up the day after elections and see everyone so stunned to see who won ?

But the polls have been saying all year that Kerry is ahead and Kerry is going to Win and according to the polls 10 minutes before the election John Kerry is President.

But who won ? The person who got the most people to come out and vote won .
Thats how politics work in the United States . Take a look at voter turnout its among the lowest in the world when compared to other Democracy's .
That leaves a whole huge pool of voters to be tapped to swing an election.
And is the biggest reason a buffoon like Kerry can all by himself convince a bunch of "pissed of at republicans in general " , for the war for Katrina ..for whatever...that were staying home and saying "screw them , they deserve what they get" , to get pissed at what he said and turn around and VOTE.
They vote the Democrats lose....the numbers are against them . Its a math thing, see more moderate to conservatives and right wing nuts in the US by a huge margin over liberal to your left wing nuts .

Kerry more and more is reminding the center how far left he is ...almost into nut terrain...if he scares them by being Herman Munster they will vote in self defense.

Do you get my point now ?
ledhed is very correct here.

Kerry is the speaker for the democrats since it was highly possible for him to win the last presidential election. Just as Bush is the speaker for the republican party(though he's not very conservative).

I'm not saying it should make all the democrats vote republican, but what I am saying is that when you're in a position like that, you have to realize that people are going to think that's the party's position on whatever issue you're speaking on. Kerry doesn't get that I guess.

Also, Bush got better grades at Yale then Kerry, so why is he trying to call him stupid?
ledhed is very correct here.

Kerry is the speaker for the democrats since it was highly possible for him to win the last presidential election. Just as Bush is the speaker for the republican party(though he's not very conservative).

Kerry != all democrats. Not even most. Do you think he represents the democratic party's opinion of soldiers in Iraq by saying what he said? Obviously not.

This shouldn't sway anyone from voting Democrat if they were planning on it. It was Kerry's mistake, not anyone elses. People should be looking closer at individual candidates anyway, not just voting blindly Dem or Republican.
Kerry != all democrats. Not even most. Do you think he represents the democratic party's opinion of soldiers in Iraq by saying what he said? Obviously not.

This shouldn't sway anyone from voting Democrat if they were planning on it. It was Kerry's mistake, not anyone elses. People should be looking closer at individual candidates anyway, not just voting blindly Dem or Republican.

Ok, see, you're using logic. Logic that I actually agree with. The challenge is that the vast majority of Americans do not use logic. They WANT to look at one or two people and say, "See, that's why I am(or am not) voting for that party." That's just the way the voting populous of America is.

If more people were as informed as those in this thread, our government would be comprised of some very different people.
It really all goes back to the "voting with your emotions" discussed in another thread. People don't want to put enough objective thought into politics.
It really all goes back to the "voting with your emotions" discussed in another thread. People don't want to put enough objective thought into politics.

That was my thread about Liberals and emotion and you're quite right!
Guys I work as a volunteer for the Casey campaign in PA. I have worked in local politics and national politics since 1976.
I started out making phone calls for young republicans for the Nixon campaign.
I spend 2 to 4 hours three nights every week talking to registered Democrats and trying to get them to commit to show at the polls and get Bob Casey elected .
I was a registered republican but I vote as an independent. I changed my registration as a protest over the Terry Shiavo debacle...and swore to help remove Santorum from office even if I had to knock on every door in Pennsylvania.

Do I think all Democrats are liberal morons ..? NO that should be fairly evident , I doubt anyone who knows me would think I would compromise my core beliefs . The Same reason I wont Vote for santorum even if it means my vote alone would lose the republican majority . Tough noogies. Santorum is bad for the US and doesn't deserve to be a senator. Thats my opinion and I believe in it strongly enough to change my registration and take my gun and go work with a bunch of liberals ...:) :) :)

I am not he only "token "conservative as they call me working for or voting for Casey . http://www.bobcasey.com/

If you can find something in his platform that you feel conflicts with or contradicts opinions I have expressed on this forum ...let me know .

Dear Michael,

We really thought it would be impossible for Santorum to stoop any lower than airing an ad with Bob's face next to a mushroom cloud. We were wrong. This week, Rick Santorum claimed that Bob's work as State Treasurer was supporting terrorism and genocide:

You don't need me to tell you how ridiculous these claims are but if you want to end these smear tactics once and for all, we need your help now.

As I said politics in the US is a blood sport .

And if you think that is bad ( first go to the link and read what Casey is about...then read the smear ..) .

Look into the races elsewhere...makes us Pennsylvanians look like a bunch of " poofs' as I believe the Brits call them .

The biggest point I want to make to all of you who can vote this Tuesday is to judge your candidate first as a man or a women and a fellow AMERICAN ..then maybe take a look and consider what party he represents.
All politics start at a local level ...we the people will decide a huge amount of important issues and this election is important because it will help shape the POLICY of the United States government.

I cant stress enough how important it is for you to cast your vote for the person you feel is best qualified to represent YOU in the Senate or in congress or Governor or whatever office.

Get your ass out and VOTE ! Its your obligation as an American citizen .
And helps keep our country an example for the rest of those struggling for just the right to be heard.
And try to remember we have troops dying every day so that Iraqis could do the same .
I am not he only "token "conservative as they call me working for or voting for Casey . http://www.bobcasey.com/

If you can find something in his platform that you feel conflicts with or contradicts opinions I have expressed on this forum ...let me know .

Does he plan on raising taxes?

Also, are you saying Casey didn't use any smear tactics?
wow ledhead, that last post of yours truly impresses me!
we might not agree very often, but i admire your approach towards this election.
I cant stress enough how important it is for you to cast your vote for the person you feel is best qualified to represent YOU in the Senate or in congress or Governor or whatever office.

Even if they have no chance of getting elected? And even if there is a close race between two candidate, which you care about the difference between?
Even if they have no chance of getting elected? And even if there is a close race between two candidate, which you care about the difference between?

You must be talking about a libertarian candidate :) :)

Thats your decision and its a personal one becuse you must weigh the effects of you NOT voting for the candidate you feel best represents you VS the damage / good , either candidate you think may win will cause if elected.
If you vote for your guy and he loses it stilll has a use , because you are forming a base of power for him to use to influence the FUTURE elections and to get more of your concerns heard by the people in power now who want to STAY there.

Example ; Bob the Libertarian runs and loses the election ...but...he gets 160,000 votes state wide . The winner of the election wins the race by 92,000 votes.
Next time he runs what happens when BOB says to the other guy ..look either you include my concerns in your party platform or I throw my weight over to the incumbent and guarantee he wins .
Thats POWER and thats politics. On the other hand if you do not vote for YOUR guy and others follow your example he gets less votes and less power to influence those that want to STAY in office .
Thats what you have to weigh when you make your own personal decision who you will be voting for. And thats why the libertarian party needs to build its base and why they endorse republicans who espouse " libertarian" values..I check the site all the time because I myself am a hybrid.... libertarian / consevative / socialist .:) ..Figure that out dannoff ...:)

Does he plan on raising taxes?

Also, are you saying Casey didn't use any smear tactics?

None I am aware of . Santorum seems more than able to smear himself without any help. Some actually think he is a smear of some sort...google " santorum " and look at the top definition for it ..:) Santorum took away the last bit of dignity from a dying woman to make a political grandstand...I will not forgive or forget it. As I said I will knock on every door in Pennsylvania to get the guy OUT of office for that reason alone.
His comparing Gays to people who screw animals also really went over well :) along with countless other santorum foibles...
Casey is Pro life but reasonable about it..Santorum is pro life and radical about it. Pennsylvania is for the large Part a pro life -anti gun controll -pro military state..in short CONSERVATIVE . The Radical left and liberal and ultra liberal arte concentrated in Philadelphia and Pittsburg and are a minority thaat can't swing an election yet . In fact most of our nuts move to New Jersey to get away from us conservative types...:) As far as taxes go I thought if you read his position he was VERY clear on taxes.

Kinda explains why we consider New Jersey .." The Peoples Republic Of New Jersey " when we talk about it.

OMG talk about the DEMOCRATS being morons ! I just watched ABC world news tonight...you see that sign ?

They not only went and identified the Minn National Guuard involved but want the PROSECUTED for making a " political statement "

UCMJ says soldiers in uniform are not allowed to make political statements .

Now lets arrest the *&*%^%$# troops because they made fun at a guy who they think called them stupid !

The party that insist on dying by its own hand....:yuck:

Minnesota Guard unit in Iraq behind send-up of Kerry comments
Associated Press
MINNEAPOLIS - A group of soldiers in the Minnesota National Guard is behind a comically misspelled sign mocking recent comments by Sen. John Kerry about people who didn't study in school being "stuck in Iraq."

The photo shows eight soldiers holding a white sign with heavy blue letters spelling out, "Halp us Jon Carry - We R stuck hear n Irak."

The photo has appeared in numerous newspapers, television newscasts and Web sites. It was apparently first posted on the Web by radio host Charlie Sykes of WTMJ-AM in Milwaukee on Wednesday. It was provided by a listener, the station said.

The photo includes an image of the "Red Bull" mascot of the Minnesota National Guard's 34th Infantry Division. About 2,000 members of the Minnesota Guard in Iraq are attached to the 1/34 Brigade Troops Battalion, and one of the trucks has "1-34" painted on it. It's impossible to tell if the soldiers are Minnesotans, as the unit has troops from five states.

Capt. J. Elaine Hunnicutt, a spokeswoman in the Joint Operations Center in Iraq, confirmed in an e-mail that the soldiers in the photo were from the Minnesota Guard.

"The soldiers' intent in taking this photo was meant as a humorous response to the current debate in the media and the command recognizes it as such," she wrote.

Earlier this week, Kerry, D-Mass., told a group of college students that people who don't study and do their homework were likely to "get stuck in Iraq." Kerry has since apologizing, saying he botched a joke meant to be about President Bush.

The photo caught the eye of the White House. White Press Secretary Tony Snow, in an interview with WDAY-AM of Fargo, N.D. on Thursday, said the photo was "wonderful and shows a great sense of humor."

so now they should be arrested ? Why cant they name the democrats calling for that brilliant move ?


Its just breaking news so its hard for me to get a positive confirmation...but I hope it was just a mistatement by an idiot....
UCMJ says soldiers in uniform are not allowed to make political statements.
I always thought fighting a war was a political statement. Wow, this is getting out of hand. I can't beleive anyone is stupid enough to do that. This will have ghastly repurcussions if it turns out to be true.
I always thought fighting a war was a political statement. Wow, this is getting out of hand. I can't beleive anyone is stupid enough to do that. This will have ghastly repurcussions if it turns out to be true.

I'm quite sure that it is true. But if they dare to prosecute these soldiers, they will be committing political suicide. No matter how people feel about the war, they won't tolerate a stupid prosecution of their troops.
Even if they have no chance of getting elected?
Maybe that's why those types of candidates (those aligned to the Libertarian, Green Parties) aren't a force to be reckoned with. If people actually voted for who they wanted to represent them, instead of voting for someone who's second best that is more popular, maybe those third-party candidates who normally get passed over will actually have a chance.
Here you guys ...this is politics.

I did not want to start a new thread for this as deserving as it might be ...they got me REALLY busy 'till Tuesday.

But if this doesn't illustrate my point better than ANYTHING I myself have ever posted ...and you could read,,:) I do not know what does.

Read this ...remember now who it was sent to..I am relying on YOU to look at each individual mentioned and laugh your butts off as to why or why not, I would vote for them ( ummm it means you have to google them and look at what they actualy stand for )...the point is they want it all..they EXPECT my support for some of these morons...use your own judgement...its a simple google thing..and you can see what I mean .

This is just a guy who isn't even elected ...expecting people to support his " coat tails " ......

Taking back the Senate requires a victory against Rick Santorum, and at every key moment in this campaign you have stepped up and given us the resources required to fight back. But we also must win back the House - and today I need you to help the five people that can make that happen.

Democrats across the country are depending on victories by Patrick Murphy, Joe Sestak, Chris Carney, Lois Murphy, and Jason Altmire in key House races here in Pennsylvania. Each of these races is a dead heat, and you know what Republicans do in the final days of a dead heat.

You know that I'm in my own tough fight right now - and I still need your help. So, I hope the fact that I'm asking you to direct your last-minute contributions to these five candidates is an indication of just how important they are.

Help Five Democrats Fight Back - Make a Contribution

Patrick Murphy served in Iraq and came home determined to bring change to Washington. He is a young man who speaks with the wisdom of someone twice his age - and he has acquired that wisdom the hard way. Patrick is going to bring unique experience and total dedication to the U.S. Congress.

Joe Sestak, running against Curt Weldon, arrived at the U.S. Naval academy when he was 18 years old and ever since that day he has dedicated his life in the service of others. The Republicans are attacking Joe's 30 years of service with 30 second ads - but Joe has fought back hard. If Joe has the resources he needs to finish strong, he is going to win this seat.

Help Them Fight Back

Chris Carney, who is running against Don Sherwood, was a Senior Terrorism and Intelligence Advisor at the Pentagon. So when he speaks about fighting a more effective war on terror he speaks from experience. But this hasn't stopped his opponent from launching non-stop attacks on his credibility. Fortunately for Democrats across the country who want to win back the House, Chris has fought back. We need the kind of knowledge and leadership that Chris can provide.

Lois Murphy is running in what is being called the "the most competitive race in the country" - a race that could be decided by hundreds of votes. Your contribution is guaranteed to make a real difference to the outcome of this race. Lois has never backed away from a challenge and she has spent her life fighting for others. Now is our chance to help her overcome the final barrage of negative ads and win this race.

Jason Altmire is running against one of Rick Santorum's biggest allies in the House of Representatives. Melissa Hart votes in conjunction with President Bush and Rick Santorum 98 percent of the time. Jason is a health policy expert, and he is running for Congress because he can no longer stand on the sidelines while Congress leads this country down the wrong path.

And not for anything ...but does this make the point for KERRY screwing up being or meaning more than just a " guy " or ONE person ...any clearer ?
Here you guys ...this is politics.

I did not want to start a new thread for this as deserving as it might be ...they got me REALLY busy 'till Tuesday.

But if this doesn't illustrate my point better than ANYTHING I myself have ever posted ...and you could read,,:) I do not know what does.

Read this ...remember now who it was sent to..I am relying on YOU to look at each individual mentioned and laugh your butts off as to why or why not, I would vote for them ( ummm it means you have to google them and look at what they actualy stand for )...the point is they want it all..they EXPECT my support for some of these morons...use your own judgement...its a simple google thing..and you can see what I mean .

This is just a guy who isn't even elected ...expecting people to support his " coat tails " ......

And not for anything ...but does this make the point for KERRY screwing up being or meaning more than just a " guy " or ONE person ...any clearer ?

Ledhed, we've established that one person doesn't represent an entire party to the informed. But to most voters, they only look at few people and say, "See, that's why I'm voting democrat/republican. Because of that guy." You know and I know that most people that do not inform themselves on the issues and candidates just look at a few figureheads. Can we agree on that?
Ledhed, we've established that one person doesn't represent an entire party to the informed. But to most voters, they only look at few people and say, "See, that's why I'm voting democrat/republican. Because of that guy." You know and I know that most people that do not inform themselves on the issues and candidates just look at a few figureheads. Can we agree on that?

The sad part is I not only aggree with you 1000 percent and a half ...but the party leaders depend on it !

BTW that makes the case for Kerry's mouth being duct taped all the more stronger...:)
Hey I just got this from the Casey camp....I would have to leave now and drive 3 hours maybe four......hmmmm should I go ? ( and maybe sleep in the car if I sleep ...hehehe....).

If you're in the Scranton area tonight, join us at the Scranton Cultural Center, 420 North Washington Ave, at 8:00pm tonight to celebrate a great campaign.