Did You See Anything Good Today? [Read First Post]

  • Thread starter GilesGuthrie
Old Celica, not sure the year
photo 1.JPG
photo 2.JPG

Pontiac G8, haven't seen one of these since the Pontiac was dropped. The guy popped the hood and there was a highly modified LS engine, supposedly pushing on the higher end of 600 hp.
photo 4.JPG
photo 3.JPG

Did I see anything good?
Not even gonna guess, sorry for the bad picture. Rain, darkness, and walking don't work out well together.

Edit: Looks like a fleetline, doesn't it?
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It looks like an old Chevrolet 3100 pickup truck.

Pontiac G8, haven't seen one of these since the Pontiac was dropped. The guy popped the hood and there was a highly modified LS engine, supposedly pushing on the higher end of 600 hp.
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Did I see anything good?

Yes you did, Pontiac G8s are always good spots.
As for the Celica, I think a GT counts as a good spot if it is one.

Although, I personally steer away from Celicas unless it's an older one of one of the rare Alltrac models.
The weather today was cold, so nothing of a lot of interest (and my pictures sucked today.)

Some old Jeep truck.


Camaro Z2/8. 1970, I believe.


Beat up green Charger.


Tesla Model S. Funny-ish story about this one. We were driving on a road by this parking lot and I was thinking "I bet there'll be a Model S there." No idea why I thought that. Probably because it was such a rich area. There was a nice Lexus and Mercedes next to each other and behind them and to the left was a Model S. I was shocked. :lol:


3/4 of a Supra

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yeah, still looking for my first Alltrack, but they're only from the previous gen. imo, G8's are great cars, but fairly common (I see at least 50 per year) and Celica GT's (even that gen), even more so.

but here's something you don't see every day (sorry repost, but just looking throught my Flickr and this photo never ceases to amaze me...)
Why does it matter if a car is 'good or not'. Unless said person is a repeat offender and has a full post of average cars (PT Cruisers, etc.) then there's really no need to go after every car "Oh that's meh." etc. Why was the opinion thread even created if people continue to discuss in here?

If a car is meh, disregard it and look at the good cars of the post.

And, to the people that post spots/posts without pictures, seriously, what is the point? I'm sure I'm not the only one that comes in here to see pictures of good cars, not pieces of text that say someone saw it.


Loving that Pulsar @playnthru, kind of looks like a crappier, boxier, less sportier TR7 IMO. :lol:

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