Did You See Anything Good Today? [Read First Post]

  • Thread starter GilesGuthrie
Thought that Audi didn't count as a good one?

Why does it matter if a car is 'good or not'. Unless said person is a repeat offender and has a full post of average cars (PT Cruisers, etc.) then there's really no need to go after every car "Oh that's meh." etc. Why was the opinion thread even created if people continue to discuss in here?

If a car is meh, disregard it and look at the good cars of the post.

Basically, great! There's another thread for people who aren't sure and want some 2nd opinions. But for people who post here confidently, you're still going to get feedback when we don't care, or if you post something uninteresting. Yeah, I'll take that feedback too. So unbunch your panties, SVX.
Basically, great! There's another thread for people who aren't sure and want some 2nd opinions. But for people who post here confidently, you're still going to get feedback when we don't care, or if you post something uninteresting. Yeah, I'll take that feedback too. So unbunch your panties, SVX.

I'm just annoyed by people that constantly put down other people's spots. I mean, sure, if they have a whole post of meh cars, speak up. But if it's one or two... is there really a need to go on about it? If you're that sleepless about a person posting an A8, quote it into the opinions thread. That's what it's for right? If you're just going to continue posting your opinion of people's spots in here I don't see the point in the other thread.
Well, I haven't been in the other thread yet... so, if we see something here and we think it's meh, we go over there and say so and hope the person posting here also goes there to see our post? Yeah, that sounds rather complicated.

I do generally agree, mostly, if you don't like it, don't say anything, that's how we've been running DYSAGT for a long time now. But GotBeef wasn't dissing, he was asking, is an A8L a good spot. I just added, a W12 is good for sure... And the guy posting the G8 and Celica GT was new here, and it's always good to give new folks feedback on expectations before they get carried away with loading us up with junk (Dagger for example, after some feedback, has become one of our best posters, but if we didn't harsh on him at first...)

Though I'll go on the record (and obviously there are situations which nullify this) that a G8 or a Celica GT is not a good spot (if it's at your school, or someplace else funny or unexpected for you, sure, they're good cars, and so that makes it a good spot, given the context.) And again, context makes a huge difference, sometimes! So give us the details of where, when , why, etc.

Also, who here constantly puts down other peoples spots? And, who the heck is SVX? I've never even seen you here before, have I? As far as I know, GotBeef, myself, and every other regular poster here, may sometimes put down, but also regulary congratulates, likes, celebrates, etc. There's nobody here who does nothing but put down, so I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you shouldn't talk like you're a regular here...
Well, I haven't been in the other thread yet... so, if we see something here and we think it's meh, we go over there and say so and hope the person posting here also goes there to see our post? Yeah, that sounds rather complicated.

If you quote someone and copy-pasta that quote into the opinions thread, they will receive a notification.

Also, who here constantly puts down other peoples spots? And, who the heck is SVX? I've never even seen you here before, have I? As far as I know, GotBeef, myself, and every other regular poster here, may sometimes put down, but also regulary congratulates, likes, celebrates, etc. There's nobody here who does nothing but put down, so I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you shouldn't talk like you're a regular here...

Way to talk down to others. You are aware that quite a few lurk but don't post in here, right?
@jeffgoddin The "Did I see Anything Good Today?" thread is used to post cars in there if the picture taker is uncertain if the car(s) are worthy of being posted in here. If the general consensus say yes, the picture taker posts the car(s) in here and filters the "unspecial" cars out.
There used to be a quote button (and multiquote), but I can't find it any more. And again, the guy who posted the G8 and Celica GT was new here, right? Did he go through the other thread before posting here? Since I'm not in the other thread, I was just giving common sense feedback. Yeah, they're both good cars, but common in many places, and so uninteresting without context at least. Am I wrong?

And as far as I'm concerned, the people who are out spotting own this thread, and I haven't seen SVX post anything here ever, so... AND, he's accusing people of only ever berating others, which is essentially towards either GotBeef or me, but which is not true of anybody I know here. So basically, I'm saying to him, don't talk about things you know nothing about. How is that talking down, Doog? If anybody was talking down, it was SVX.
There used to be a quote button (and multiquote), but I can't find it any more.
The quote button got replaced by the reply button, but it's still the same thing. A bit better actually since you can now add multiple quotes from different users now at once by simply clicking the reply button.

You can also type '@' before a username to tag someone rather than quoting them if you want.
How is that talking down, Doog?

It appeared to me like you were making him out to be a nobody, like his say didn't mean anything.

Also, who here constantly puts down other peoples spots? And, who the heck is SVX? I've never even seen you here before, have I? As far as I know, GotBeef, myself, and every other regular poster here, may sometimes put down, but also regulary congratulates, likes, celebrates, etc. There's nobody here who does nothing but put down, so I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you shouldn't talk like you're a regular here...
Okay, yeah... I basically agree with him, as I said. But I still think it's okay to give both positive AND negative feedback here, again, as Dagger proves, community self-moderation is a good thing, and can help everybody to contribute usefully, and as, again, the new guy who posted just the A8L and Celica GT, might be just as enthusiastic as Dagger (sorry for using you as an example so much, but you're a great example of somebody who was at first painful but almost mind-bendingly quickly became great) and so with proper feedback might also become a great contributor...

But I'll go to bed now before I get ban-hammered again for being overly combative... @Azure something who pissed me off too much in the Anime thread long ago and I wished him to die or something inappropriate
Thought that Audi didn't count as a good one?
The A8L is an exception. They're rare and expensive.

More pics:

Two Plymouth Furys


Dodge Power Ram
Out on another daily walk. Here is what I managed to photograph.:gtpflag:

@Slash 1966 Mustang.


C2 Corvette


Dodge Daytona


SRT Wagon


4 door Raptor


Porsche 928s


Awesome Maita




Cool GP Mini


Morris Minor woody?


BMW Mr Pickle edition :sly:


Ferrari f430

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I didn't know SRT tuned Dodge Magnums... Those are the wagon of choice for donks and customization though.
Ah thanks, that really shows the difference :cheers:.

The 64-65's didn't have the factory silver trim piece on the quarter panel before the wheel either, but people put them their anyways so I don't really go by that anymore. The grill always tells. The same thing applies to 1967-1968 models...67 had a 65 type grill, 68 had a 66 type grill.
I didn't know there was a limited edition version of the 430. There's a black spider around Leeds with the exact same wheels, though.

I could be mistaken? The license plate says something about being 1of??? I assumed that meant some type of limited edition.

It could well be my mistake though.:scared: