DIRT 3 Video Thread

  • Thread starter MrSchwarz
<object width="560" height="349"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/9aWSmAri9zA?version=3&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/9aWSmAri9zA?version=3&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="349" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

First video

I suck at this.

Heres a link http://youtu.be/9aWSmAri9zA
I'd say gripping through is a safer option, because it's faster than sliding and there is only a small chance that you screw this up. I love those crazy angles in the hairpins, so that's why i do that, far less effective but far more spectacular. :D

Exactly, I tend to chuck my car into hairpins unnecessarily alot especially on tarmac. I would say the quickest way is a small angle slide in, hook it up on the apex and power out. Most fun way, MOAR ANGLE!
^I had a ridiculous flip in the Camaro online last night. Fun car though.

Here's my first stage run in the new Lancia, not exactly perfect ha.

And here's an absolutely lucky save in the next round

Awesome driving bro! Especially that perfectly executed barrel roll at the end

Gymkhana looks a lot better when it's done properly
Thanks 👍 I'll confess to using a flashback though, at 1:15, as I didn't know where I was going first attempt and just ended up stopping to see which way I wanted :lol:. Surprisingly the double barrel roll no less was a one shot deal, thanks to some practice in a Joyride earlier with Aldo when getting him the Road Trip trophy.
No idea if these this was discovered by anyone yet, but I found out this wicked hiding spot yesterday, and it works so long as you get over the girder fence :lol:

The car sits on an invisible barrier, and you won't get reset (at least when your wheels are pointing down).

I want to expose all the lame outbreak hiding spots so I'm just going to reveal what else I know of.

There's also one where someone was sitting underneath the big scaffolding that leads to tthe parking lot.. Haven't figured out how they did it yet.

Messing around with ramps and discovered that this is a much faster way to get to the first level of scaffolding. It's useful for losing your tail from zombies or people after your flag in Transporter. It's also useful to do surprise interceptions via Outbreak or Transporter, and if the flag was on the scaffolding, this is useful for that too given the right parameters are met.
The car sits on an invisible barrier, and you won't get reset (at least when your wheels are pointing down).
I've found that if you go off the ramp (from the other direction) at the right speed - about 60-70km/h - you can get caught in the girders that hold the scaffolding up. But I've only ever done it once.

I want to expose all the lame outbreak hiding spots so I'm just going to reveal what else I know of.
Those first two aren't too bad. You don't have to exploit bugs to access them. They're just difficult to get to quickly.

There's also one where someone was sitting underneath the big scaffolding that leads to tthe parking lot.. Haven't figured out how they did it yet.
I've seen that one. It's a glitch. I've found that if you're an infected car, you can get to them quite easily - you just have to hit the ramp at the right angle and jump into them.

Messing around with ramps and discovered that this is a much faster way to get to the first level of scaffolding.
That's nifty! Must have a go ...

I've had that happen before. I came hurtling around a corner on the Lake Gratiot stage in Trailblazer - and found a pair of cars had tangled right in front of me. And since you can pretty much take the entire first sector flat out, it didn't end well for me or my Tacoma.
I've seen that one. It's a glitch. I've found that if you're an infected car, you can get to them quite easily - you just have to hit the ramp at the right angle and jump into them.

Which ramp? I haven't seen any ramps that can remotely take you to that spot. I did notice there were openings to the both sides of the scaffolding so I started exploring which ramp can let me jump over the fence so that I can get in there. Still haven't figured it out yet.
Okay, maybe we're talking about different places. I'm thinking of the scaffolding on the waterfront side, facing the depot. There's an awkward little ramp up that gets narrower as you go up, and you have to execute a handbrake turn if you want to get onto the scaffolding proper. It's actually a bit of a pointless section of the Compound since it's difficult to access and there's nothing interesting up there. But people have found a glitch that enables them to park in mid-air under the overhanging scaffolding. I don't know how to exploit that bug, and I don't care to, but I do know that if you angle the car right, you can leap up under them and infect them.
Following the 500k+view success of Ken Block's DiRT 3 Battersea Gymkhana video, we're (Codemasters) excited to release this stunning new footage of his spectacular run at Battersea Power Station, as filmed through a tilt-shift lens....
Short Audi video with sound mod


As an Audi fan, and Quattro fan as well... I must say WOW!

I'm assuming this is the PC sound mod and not the way the car sounds like in the game?
Don't have Dirt3 yet, in the middle of specking out a new PC but I do have Dirt1 and 2 on 360. I thought about buying Dirt3 on PC specifically for the mods you get and this one sounds awesome. 👍
I'm not sure if the PC has better sounds but the mod has just tweaked levels of the games already pretty good sound, no additional sound files added. There's lots of adjustment in the files on many sound effects. I haven't heard the console version but I guess with it being a console game foremost they'd be similar. Maybe they've included higher samples in the PC version.

PC has Rapture3D sound which has high quality doppler effects and various high end filters but I've never looked into whether its hype or not. Dirt 2 on PC had rapture too.
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can you when recording export the clips to the ps3 video files because then you use the video editor on the ps3 to make a video and save it im not if you can upload to youtube from the editor but jusp put on pc then uplload
this is how i did a just cause 2 montage
@willfred.....I do not think it is possible. I have seen no way to export the video files to the ps3, only uploads to Youtube after you record your video.