I can definitely feel differences in MW 2012, despite the B2D mechanism. Taking the hot hatches class for example, when drifting there is a clear difference between the FF based cars and proper 4WD. Same with GRID 2. Although the drifty physics are wonky each car has its own character. Again I'm not gonna say too much on this because I haven't played D5 myself.
If the comparison is on FF to AWD then I think D5 did that just fine, difference on FF cars to AWD cars drives as you expect it to be. My criticism on D5 is that a big AWD SUV like a Cadillac Escalade doesn't feel much different to a AWD Skoda R5 rally car but when comparing AWD and RWD cars on Group B class there is still a significant different there but also a significant class balance issue too.
The thing with arcade racers for me is like the AWD Subaru compared to a AWD supercar like LP700 in MW2012, it doesn't feel much different to each other.
Evo made WRC games on PS2 and MotorStorm on PS3, so I'm sure they could use their learnings there and apply it to Dirt (I'm not actually sure if they still have the IP to the actual physics engine, or is that in Sony's hands now).
Pretty sure the IP and engines is with Sony, if they still have engine that they used for DriveClub they wouldn't be rebuilding chunks of the old Ego engine for Onrush and D5.
The Madness engine is versatile enough to be used for an arcade game. Just look at PCARS3

Whether it's a good arcade game, is another matter entirely though
I've yet to tried pCARS 3 but isn't still fairly weird where the cars seem to just want to slide all the time? I might pick up a copy when it is cheap with all DLCs included.
I do hope all my liveries made for pCARS 2 still in it.
Exactly on your last comment. When a developer faces a money shortage, they either go down one or two routes. Make a last ditch attempt at making a great game to regain their reputation and sell in large numbers, or pump out numerous quick buck titles and hope they sell enough for them to keep making the next one. I guess business is business at the end of the day, but it's the paying customers that suffer in this scenario. The Take Two takeover is just the final nail in the coffin for me. What's maddening is they still have the F1 license and soon the WRC license. Nothing is fair anymore in the world it seems.
CM's games isn't exactly low effort quick buck games that barely did any changes, they just seem to do just sufficient amount of new stuff in it and release it. I've been skipping CM's games on day 1 since Grid Autosport until D5 because they often seems to be decent games but not enough content in it. I pre ordered D5 a day before release because I saw the track list seems to have a good amount of tracks but I experienced one of the worst racing AI in this.
CM getting WRC license was the worst news to me, when I bought WRC 7 back then I find it fairly decent but I skipped 8 thinking nothing much will improve. Did manage to try WRC 8 with Xbox Gold earlier this year and I love that game, I end up enjoying that way more than DR2 despite having a much more limited car choices. Now that WRC series is going to CM while under Take Two, best to just assume the worse will happen.
EDIT: Forgot to add, last I checked on steamdb the players numbers are really bad for D5. Like, orders of magnitude less than DR2 and matching D4/DR1 even though it's a much newer title.
I think D5 has quite a lot of launch issue on PC, I think the low count is expected since you can easily refund games on Steam. Also most arcade racing games just seems to be fairly unpopular and less well made these days, pCARS 3 turn more arcade-y and it launched with lower numbers than pCARS 2 based on SteamDB, Hotshot Racing kinda launched with not enough content in it and the online is fairly dead, Innertial Drift is just too weird and marketing might be a little lacking. I think Art of Rally was doing fairly well for a indie title, I remember seeing the SteamDB numbers during the launch weeks was fairly close to pCARS 3.
D5 Online is pretty much dead on Xbox for me, every time I get a match is a 1v1. Maybe I should pick up HP2010 Remaster for the PvP, it should be easier to find a full match with crossplay in it.