• Thread starter JKRACING23
I'm gonna do a NASCAR heat evolution lets play and I need help what car brand I should pick other then Chevy. What should I pick :) Ford or Toyota. :)
Races as of now are:
520pp Street S2000s
520PP Street 4WD non evo mitsubishis
500pp Street Nissan Silvias

R's race if he doesn't pick: 550pp Toyota supras

I don't know about the tracks because Im still waiting on Contender at midnight my time Ill decide and if he doesn't pick then Ill pick for him and he'll get his next week. If he doesn't give me a track with his pick then which one should we do
I'm mixed about it. Toyota looks like a Chevy to an extent. The Ford looks different then the rest so. I still have to make a choice.
Races for week 6 in this order
**RECO** Shelby mustangs motegi full
520pp Street S2000s track vote
520PP Street 4WD non Lancer evo mitsubishis track vote
500pp Street Nissan Silvias track vote
Races for week 6 in this order
**RECO** Shelby mustangs motegi full
520pp Street S2000s track vote
520PP Street 4WD non Lancer evo mitsubishis track vote
500pp Street Nissan Silvias track vote
Is the S2000 race Honda only, or any? Some of the tuners are kind of on the fence between street and not.

Also, if anyone wants it I posted my TS030 time trial tune on that forum of GTP. I'm ranked 21st in the world as of an hour or so ago.
Everyone else seems to like it. When you left last week someone said something about that and most of us laughed.

Or are you playing baseball? A game that is called 'Americas pass time.' When now there's a lot of players coming from the Caribbean, Japan and South Korea. lots of players are out of shape and look more like sumo wrestlers then someone who has to run to get on base or catch a ball. The dugouts look discussing when ever you see a shot of them covered in a million sunflower seeds and with buckets full of gum that they chew constantly with their mouths wide open. There's 5 mins between each pitch cause the pitcher has to spit on the ball a few times and then roll it around in his hands. Im sure most of them are doping considering every season another guy gets catch and then promptly dose it again next season. The teams dress 40 players per game so most just sit on the bench chewing gum and spitting sunflower seeds everywhere and only play maybe 20 and half of those are pitchers.

This is more about it in my city. Everyone thinks after last season that the jays are going all the way (saying that everyone says that about every team in this city) after 1 year making the playoffs for the first time in 20 years. Which as Im sure you've noticed they probably aren't. Gregg Zaun is a total idiot who said for 3 years after every game they played good with losing records year after year. The only reason why they started winning is cause the GM decided to be a GM and make the team better by getting players that had contracts ending which they couldn't afford to re sign after so they were basically renting player who didn't get the job done. And can someone explain why they keep playing RA crappy. He must have one of the worst records in the league. I called it the other night when he came out in the 11th as a reliever cause I watched a few mins of the game cause my parents were that they were going to lose and I think the 2nd guy up after he got called he let the guy get a flyer and they lost. Baseball bores me to death 90% of the time theres rare moments where I can say the few games I watch a year that its exciting.
Everyone else seems to like it. When you left last week someone said something about that and most of us laughed.

Or are you playing baseball? A game that is called 'Americas pass time.' When now there's a lot of players coming from the Caribbean, Japan and South Korea. lots of players are out of shape and look more like sumo wrestlers then someone who has to run to get on base or catch a ball. The dugouts look discussing when ever you see a shot of them covered in a million sunflower seeds and with buckets full of gum that they chew constantly with their mouths wide open. There's 5 mins between each pitch cause the pitcher has to spit on the ball a few times and then roll it around in his hands. Im sure most of them are doping considering every season another guy gets catch and then promptly dose it again next season. The teams dress 40 players per game so most just sit on the bench chewing gum and spitting sunflower seeds everywhere and only play maybe 20 and half of those are pitchers.

This is more about it in my city. Everyone thinks after last season that the jays are going all the way (saying that everyone says that about every team in this city) after 1 year making the playoffs for the first time in 20 years. Which as Im sure you've noticed they probably aren't. Gregg Zaun is a total idiot who said for 3 years after every game they played good with losing records year after year. The only reason why they started winning is cause the GM decided to be a GM and make the team better by getting players that had contracts ending which they couldn't afford to re sign after so they were basically renting player who didn't get the job done. And can someone explain why they keep playing RA crappy. He must have one of the worst records in the league. I called it the other night when he came out in the 11th as a reliever cause I watched a few mins of the game cause my parents were that they were going to lose and I think the 2nd guy up after he got called he let the guy get a flyer and they lost. Baseball bores me to death 90% of the time theres rare moments where I can say the few games I watch a year that its exciting.
Old repetitive "jokes" aren't funny. I can start making more JK's fail videos again and see if those are still funny.
You just do that cause I keep beating you. So have at it barrett cause if I could be bothered I could make some pretty stupid looking videos of you dive bombing the hole field and missing everyone. The points show it all your on pace to end up close to 200 points behind me by the end of the season.
Everyone else seems to like it. When you left last week someone said something about that and most of us laughed.

Or are you playing baseball? A game that is called 'Americas pass time.' When now there's a lot of players coming from the Caribbean, Japan and South Korea. lots of players are out of shape and look more like sumo wrestlers then someone who has to run to get on base or catch a ball. The dugouts look discussing when ever you see a shot of them covered in a million sunflower seeds and with buckets full of gum that they chew constantly with their mouths wide open. There's 5 mins between each pitch cause the pitcher has to spit on the ball a few times and then roll it around in his hands. Im sure most of them are doping considering every season another guy gets catch and then promptly dose it again next season. The teams dress 40 players per game so most just sit on the bench chewing gum and spitting sunflower seeds everywhere and only play maybe 20 and half of those are pitchers.

This is more about it in my city. Everyone thinks after last season that the jays are going all the way (saying that everyone says that about every team in this city) after 1 year making the playoffs for the first time in 20 years. Which as Im sure you've noticed they probably aren't. Gregg Zaun is a total idiot who said for 3 years after every game they played good with losing records year after year. The only reason why they started winning is cause the GM decided to be a GM and make the team better by getting players that had contracts ending which they couldn't afford to re sign after so they were basically renting player who didn't get the job done. And can someone explain why they keep playing RA crappy. He must have one of the worst records in the league. I called it the other night when he came out in the 11th as a reliever cause I watched a few mins of the game cause my parents were that they were going to lose and I think the 2nd guy up after he got called he let the guy get a flyer and they lost. Baseball bores me to death 90% of the time theres rare moments where I can say the few games I watch a year that its exciting.
You can't talk crap about me being good at a sport considering your not good at any sport.
You can't talk crap about me being good at a sport considering your not good at any sport.

He would win the championship in bragging.

You know I love the balance between camaraderie and bad blood around here. I think that's what keeps dragging me back. I come back just so I can hit kz once and listen to him ask what's wrong with me. :dopey:

Of course, I can't count the times I spin around mysteriously and find myself looking at his car as I slide back into the kitty litter. Or lead on the last corner, only to get a bumper from soy, which I greatly admire. Myself... I try to position myself to keep up with the pack and maybe sneak a win in somewhere, but figure that someone will lay the bumper to me at the last second (ala barrett at RouteX before the final turn), just when I start to think I might win one.

Somewhere between NASCAR+Demolition Derby=Dirty Racing. Hope to see you guys tonight. Trying to keep the twins from figuring out that I have something I want to do. :grumpy:
JK, I hope you realize that your making the league into what you said was a bad thing before. Tesla is targeting much worse than Mopar has ever done. I'm not going to put up with being targeted, so until you and your "teammates" drive as you forced Mopar to drive, I'm driving like you all do.
Again, I know words are becoming pretty much meaningless, but if I have to, I will make my actions speak loud and clear.
Im confused. I thought Ive been fine over the last little while. Or are you talking about ET? Ive been pretty happy with how things have been going lately. That is from my perspective so you clearly see something else. Anything specific cause I can't think of any moments of us targeting you. Cause then I might be able to remember what happened. I basically never saw you in the S2000 race so if its something from that then you talking to the wrong person.

Also we rarely if ever race as a 'team' so if thats part of the problem I think your in a different room.
Im confused. I thought Ive been fine over the last little while. Or are you talking about ET? Ive been pretty happy with how things have been going lately. That is from my perspective so you clearly see something else. Anything specific cause I can't think of any moments of us targeting you. Cause then I might be able to remember what happened. I basically never saw you in the S2000 race so if its something from that then you talking to the wrong person.

Also we rarely if ever race as a 'team' so if thats part of the problem I think your in a different room.
This week it was contender, but in general it's Tesla targets Mopar now that Mopar can't target Tesla. Also, I know you all don't race like a team, you all race as a collective blocker. It's not always the same person, but it is always someone.
A team races to help each other out, which I can see isn't necessary the best thing to do, but you all are starting to race mainly just to annoy others. Which isn't ever the best thing to do.
If the problem keeps on getting overlooked just so you can have things in your favor, nothing will go in anyone's favor because there will always be fighting.
Contender isn't apart of our team. Again I don't think Ive been targeting you at least and for the record you clobbered me in the mustang race when I was 6th on like the 5th lap and I didn't yell at you. When you say we race as a collective blocker do you mean we block for our teammates or something different cause if you do I don't think we do. Remember ER telling GOGO to beat me, I doubt he would have blocked for me at least in the last race. Barrett I think your just trying to find an excuse to start dive bombing the hole field again and claim you getting targeted when I think things have been ok lately. To quote cali everyone has a bad night from time to time. ET targeted kz at deep forest I told him to take a seat for a week. Barrett I think your overreacting if you bring up some specifics I might be able to work with you but if you just say 'we're getting targeted' and one of you examples if something about contender who isn't apart of my team and he wrecks me quite a bit as well. You don't give me much to work with.