• Thread starter JKRACING23
Good for you Barrett unfortunately it looks like a lot of your country likes the tangerine tinted trash can fire.:banghead:
I think it's on pace to be really close at the end. I don't know how the popular vote is going, all I'm seeing is Electoral.
Don't make fun of him he is a much better option than crooked Hillary.
We'll see I guess. Apparently Trump won Florida, so the man who coined the phrase "You're fired" might become the most powerful person on the planet.
We'll see I guess. Apparently Trump won Florida, so the man who coined the phrase "You're fired" might become the most powerful person on the planet.
Trump is very close to winning but I have my doubts I'm not getting my hopes up.
Fire up the PS3 and let's race tonite
I don't have cable at college and I'm using the PS3 to watch election coverage.
@kz204 if only the nation voted like your state did.
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Or California. He wants to make America 1950s again.

I can't believe this but I think that crazy dude might get it. I honestly don't get you country how you could possibly even come close to running a country thats as important as yours is to the worlds economy. And Im especially annoyed that he called our PM a disaster and didn't even call him a prime minister and probably doesn't even know his name.:(:ill::(:ill::nervous::nervous:

PA might go red. That will be the last nail in the coffin.
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I can't believe that around 75 million people like his message. That scares me. A LOT.

Even though we've had our differences barrett I hope the ridiculousness of the rest your country doesn't bleep you over. Everything he's said makes me scratch my head and think how is he going to get that done. As the results have come in the Mexican paso has fallen massively so even if they were going to pay for the wall which they weren't they probably won't be able to anyways. Countless people have gotten under his thin orange skin just by tweeting him. The reason why Putin loves him is cause he can play trump like a puppet. He doesn't realize that he can't just 'fix' the economy which by the way is doing ok I think your unemployment rate is around the 5% mark (Canada's is more like 8 or 9) he needs help from foreign investors and people in the country who have money to spend which if the stock market crashes will be very few. Which is entirely possible I don't care what kz says. I'm worried for me and my country if he changes some trade deals it could hurt both us and you guys. I might be going down there 3x in the next 10 months and I'm worried about what could happen if I go there. Or if Ill be able to go because of the economy.

To paraphrase Bill Maher McCain and Romney were honorable guys they might have different opinions on some things but they weren't any sort of threat to the world. Trump is a very different story. You guys b***h about obama for some of the things he did but he had to do a lot of those things with a republican congress which probably slowed down plenty of the things he wanted to do. I doubt trump can do many of the things he's promising. And Im guessing in about a year every ones going to start hating him like they should have in the first place and theres another 4 years wasted and or destroyed by his policies. I feel for you barrett you seem like a pretty decent Democrat but your in a state that is about as republican as they come which will probably make what ever he does hurt you the most. In States with Democratic Governors and what not it might not effect them as much. And I feel even worse about the LGBT community there cause Pence is about the worst thing for them as well.

Good luck you guys.

Have fun with our immigration system.
I can't believe that around 75 million people like his message. That scares me. A LOT.

Even though we've had our differences barrett I hope the ridiculousness of the rest your country doesn't bleep you over. Everything he's said makes me scratch my head and think how is he going to get that done. As the results have come in the Mexican paso has fallen massively so even if they were going to pay for the wall which they weren't they probably won't be able to anyways. Countless people have gotten under his thin orange skin just by tweeting him. The reason why Putin loves him is cause he can play trump like a puppet. He doesn't realize that he can't just 'fix' the economy which by the way is doing ok I think your unemployment rate is around the 5% mark (Canada's is more like 8 or 9) he needs help from foreign investors and people in the country who have money to spend which if the stock market crashes will be very few. Which is entirely possible I don't care what kz says. I'm worried for me and my country if he changes some trade deals it could hurt both us and you guys. I might be going down there 3x in the next 10 months and I'm worried about what could happen if I go there. Or if Ill be able to go because of the economy.

To paraphrase Bill Maher McCain and Romney were honorable guys they might have different opinions on some things but they weren't any sort of threat to the world. Trump is a very different story. You guys b***h about obama for some of the things he did but he had to do a lot of those things with a republican congress which probably slowed down plenty of the things he wanted to do. I doubt trump can do many of the things he's promising. And Im guessing in about a year every ones going to start hating him like they should have in the first place and theres another 4 years wasted and or destroyed by his policies. I feel for you barrett you seem like a pretty decent Democrat but your in a state that is about as republican as they come which will probably make what ever he does hurt you the most. In States with Democratic Governors and what not it might not effect them as much. And I feel even worse about the LGBT community there cause Pence is about the worst thing for them as well.

Good luck you guys.

Have fun with our immigration system.
Now that Trump has won, I hope he does a good job. I'm just not sure he will.
He isn't. Hes every one but Putin's worst nightmare.

If we have to deal with kevin O'leary in 3 years I don't know what Im going to do.

Im worried for the reason of the worlds sake that you won't be the first country to fall to someone like trump and likely we'll be next.

On the bright side if there's one I find it hard to believe he'll get a 2nd term so your probably only going to have to look at his stupid face for 4 years.
He's leading the popular vote as well.

I just hope there's no big immediate fallout. Hopefully there isn't at least for the last little bit Obama is in Office.
Not yet, also what would Canada have that is better than Kentucky except for more Democrats.
We were tired of the same old nonsense that's why he won people want change and they know that Hillary would be the second coming of Obama and just sit there.
Barrett it sounds like you like our sort of way of thinking. Cause our concervitive party is probably similar to the democats. I also find it hilarious that people were saying that they would move here if he won and they are trying at least. CNN had some exit poll questions and most of them said that people would be more scared if he won and stuff like that so clearly they must have gotten more of her supporters.

She won the popular vote. You gotta be kidding me. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Barrett it sounds like you like our sort of way of thinking. Cause our concervitive party is probably similar to the democats. I also find it hilarious that people were saying that they would move here if he won and they are trying at least. CNN had some exit poll questions and most of them said that people would be more scared if he won and stuff like that so clearly they must have gotten more of her supporters.

She won the popular vote. You gotta be kidding me. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
We were tired of the same old nonsense that's why he won people want change and they know that Hillary would be the second coming of Obama and just sit there.
I think if Obama was allowed to run again, he would've won. People just don't like Hillary as much as other candidates (even though the majority voted for her, what the people think doesn't count though), so now we have a TV star. If I knew that a TV star would have won, I would have voted for Homer Simpson.
I think if Obama was allowed to run again, he would've won. People just don't like Hillary as much as other candidates (even though the majority voted for her, what the people think doesn't count though), so now we have a TV star. If I knew that a TV star would have won, I would have voted for Homer Simpson.
Why would people vote for Obama again? So he can sit there and watch his people suffer and still not do anything about it?