• Thread starter JKRACING23
JK! Remind me to work with ER or Barrett next time, because at least they know a little something about logistics! How was I supposed to:
  1. Push you
  2. Block Barrett
  3. Block ER
Two of the best at it! Thank GOD kz's loose cannon butt wasn't there. I would have been dead and you would have been at the funeral blaming me! Thanks for throwing me under the bus buddy! I would have been glad to be mouse for one more, just so I could show you how to do that properly!

I wasn't sitting there watching. I was trying to block Barrett, who was driving a BRICK, push ER out, who was driving a better version of my car, and trying to find you amidst all of your girlish screaming. I have less trouble with my autistic twin sisters and they are bat**** crazy!!!!

See and Doctor and get some Clonopin or Ativan. You really need it. I'm going to have Danica slap you in the mouth after she finishes last in the next race. Maybe that will calm you down. Jesus. Sorry CHEESE and CRUST man.

I bet your parents love when you ask for something.

"What is this? A dollar! You have me all alone out here! I might as well be homeless! I know a black guy from Baltimore who has more money than that and he's on welfare! I'm dying and you two are just standing watching!"

Is that about how it goes JK? HUH?! HUH?!

You got my adrenaline up so bad I'm going to have to play Farm Simulator 17 (good game) for two hours just so I can go to sleep for a minute before one of the twins wets the bed and I have to deal with that! I'm not on welfare by the way, but you can tell them I am broke. IF it will help you get more money out of them. But damn brotha! I really was trying to get behind you and get some speed under you. Once you realized who was double teaming us, you should have called for back up though. ER and Barrett? I wet my pants when I saw them. You should have just hit the ejector seat!

You're like driving a Delta Wing! But I still love you bro. Have a great day. It was a great night with everyone. </rant>
Obviously welfare is needed but if there were more jobs available it wouldn't be needed as much is what I was trying to say. Obviously things happen and people become poor, possibly not there fault in that case welfare is needed, I know people in my area that are on welfare for no reason whatsoever and that's irritating me.
None of the political stuff bothered me JK. I was just irritated you were screaming like a nut and accusing me of doing everything but trying to protect you. You should know better than that by now. You have played with me before. Now if you go back and read the situation we were in, you should know exactly what was wrong. Now why no one came back to help is beyond me. That's what I would have done. If my mouse is in that much trouble, who cares about that others?! They will probably win anyway, but coming back for and sticking with your buddy comes before everything else. We learn that in the military of this bodyguard of a country. I am US Air Force Retired. And we don't criticize our brothers for dying with us. Understood?

Now are far as driving past you, you might remember that I usually use a ZZII or Audi Wagon when I play? But I was using an R33? Because the color situation was out of hand and my menus were freezing up and taking 30 seconds to do anything. So to go out and paint my ZZ yellow would have resulted in everyone getting impatient or you guys starting without, like it did the race before when I went to paint it to be a bulldog. So I have the grab a car as fast as I could, that was as close to the PP and yellow as possible. It was a WIP that I barely had time to put racing slicks on. But I did what I could with it. I hate telling everyone that, because I hate excuses like I hate cockroaches. But that is my fault. I should have told everyone to WAIT, and done the right thing. Or not played at all. I will take responsibility for that.

Perhaps we should have some standard (non changing) colors that we always work with. Then I can set up 4 or 5 mice and 10 or so cats that I can quickly choose and we can organize quicker. That might also keep people from popping in and out of the room and changing the teams so bad in the future. That way, when my menus start acting silly, I know it will only take about a minute and a half to select a car. I don't know what the deal is with that, but it happens and I haven't figured out how to prevent it yet.

As far as kz, I could never be mad with him. We've only ever had one fight and he settled it with me like an adult. So we've been friends ever since. I have a ton of respect for him and would go to war for him. I call him a loose cannon because you never really know what he is going to do once you light him up! Google "loose cannon." My Southern Brothers already know where the expression comes from, lol.

The money thing was an overblown exaggeration of what I would see of you asking your parents for money and your reaction if they only gave you a dollar. It has nothing to do with how you feel about money, but how you feel about being helped out. Or not, in your opinion. So that was for you.

I've been on food stamps, unemployment, and when I worked for GM, made 6 figures. So I have been all over and none of it is a big deal. I agree with kz though and I see a lot of that here around the Baltimore area. It's one thing to need a hand. Quite another to decide not to do any better than that. Not counting people on disability. (Soon to be one of them myself. I am falling apart faster than I thought I would). Most people want to do better. They just need to be shown how to do it. I would be one of them if I had not followed up on a "Learn while you earn" ad in the news paper back in 1992. It started me on a path that would lead me to getting and engineering degree, and working in GM's transmission engineering Building #5 in Milford MI. Imagine if I had not called that phone number? I try to pass on that experience where I can. What people do with it is on them, feel me?

But the major point JK. Don't assume that someone is not trying to help you just because they showed up to a gun fight with a knife. I was swinging like hell! Problem was, they were blowing my brains out!!!!
Kz on the last lap in the bus stop at Daytona I got squeezed into the inside wall and that with the grass is what spun me into you.

I'll do the rest of the results later today.

And Steve you weren't as close as you made it seem to winning that race.
Kz on the last lap in the bus stop at Daytona I got squeezed into the inside wall and that with the grass is what spun me into you.

I'll do the rest of the results later today.

And Steve you weren't as close as you made it seem to winning that race.
By who.
I doubt it was on purpose. It was the last lap of the race in a turn thats always a mess.

Ill get the results done tomorrow after I get home. Sorry about it being late since the race was delayed and finished really late I didn't get a chance to do it. So give me some good ideas if you think there's a good chance you won the night so I don't have to wait for you to respond. As of now I'm guessing its ER and he usually pays pretty good attention to this.
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Cards won the night.

I was thinking we could do maybe a Street scirocco race and a mark 5 Golf GTi race.

I need 1 more other then cards'.
Itll be hard to make it even.

Who could do a salute to the Mitsubishi Evo cause its going out of production. Either run the 10 or and early one.
My race: 559pp Honda/Acura NSX Concept (the 2013 model) at Trial Mountain Reverse. How about we run ALL of the Evos (Every Lancer Evo you can think of)
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I guess the best way to make the EVO race fairly equal would be to do horsepower and weight instead of pp. Maybe 400 hp and 1300 kg?
The problem is I think the 10 is best.

But Ill give it a shot with a weight and power reg. In theory that should at least take away some straightaway advantage some may have.

Races for this week are in this order
559pp 2013 Acura Honda NSX concepts trial MTN Rev
490pp street VW golf GTi mark V track vote
490pp street VW Scirocco track vote
350HP 1350KG street Mitsubishi Evos track vote

We'll see how weight and power does to keep things close. Good idea barrett.

Side not on sunday I saw a black NSX look like it was a mid 90s one it still looks so sweet.
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The problem is I think the 10 is best.

But Ill give it a shot with a weight and power reg. In theory that should at least take away some straightaway advantage some may have.

Races for this week are in this order
559pp 2013 Acura Honda NSX concepts trial MTN Rev
490pp street VW golf GTi mark V track vote
490pp street VW Scirocco track vote
350HP 1350KG street Mitsubishi Evos track vote

We'll see how weight and power does to keep things close. Good idea barrett.

In Your PSN message regarding race 3, you typed "490pp STREET VW GOLF GTI MARK V OR 5 (newest one)".
Are we racing the "newest one", which would be the Golf VI (they built the V from 04' to 08') or the Golf V?

What's with inserting "mark" in the name of VW cars. You did the same thing with the Golf I race?
These aren't 1960's LeMans cars.
The newest Golf GTi which is the V the VI is the R. I said mark to hopefully eliminate some confusion about what car cause at least I know what the roman numerals mean. And I refer to at least the VW Golf generations as MK I, II, III, or 1, 2, 3. I also said V or 5 and the newest GTi in the game. Last time I think only R was confused and hopefully now he'll know what I mean.

So we are racing the newest GTi which is the V or 5. I didn't say year in either of these cases cause I didn't know and thats what I did know. Sorry.
The newest Golf GTi which is the V the VI is the R. I said mark to hopefully eliminate some confusion about what car cause at least I know what the roman numerals mean. And I refer to at least the VW Golf generations as MK I, II, III, or 1, 2, 3. I also said V or 5 and the newest GTi in the game. Last time I think only R was confused and hopefully now he'll know what I mean.

So we are racing the newest GTi which is the V or 5. I didn't say year in either of these cases cause I didn't know and thats what I did know. Sorry.

VW did build a Golf VI GTI, until the Golf VII came out in 2013. I don't know if there is one in the game, but it does exist.
The newest GTI is the V the R is the VI.

Barrett cards my parents almost had a heart attack when they saw the early results out of Kentucky and I told them it's Kentucky it's pretty red don't worry.
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The newest GTI is the V the R is the VI.

Barrett cards my parents almost had a heart attack when they saw the early results out of Kentucky and I told them it's Kentucky it's pretty red don't worry.
1. If you're talking about the newest golf gti in the game i get it now
2. Meaning????