Disney+ MCU

  • Thread starter 05XR8
I wish they'd been less ambiguous about Agatha early on. When the reveal came I just didn't believe it. I'm in two minds whether Wanda deserves punishment if she wasn't in her right mind and didn’t know what she was putting the Westviewers through until the end after which she let them go. Besides, who was going to stop her from escaping? Monica had already forgiven her.

I don't really believe communofascism is an actual thing at Disney but wouldn't pay money for premier access unless it was a mainline MCU cinema release like Shang-Chi.
I agree with the above thoughts about Wanda. Maybe she's not out of the woods just yet. We'll see what Dr.Strange has to say.
I've found it relatively amusing that you could probably stitch together the entirety of WandaVision from the clips YouTubers have used for their episode reviews/spoilers/theories videos, without needing to give money to the evil muroid empire...

... but also Screen Rant's Pitch Meeting (and I'm obsessed with these videos) seems to cover all the bases as far as I can tell:

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Yeah, Disney should just press the binge button. The sitcom weekly thing wasn't working for me. Good thing the days fly by so fast.
I liked all the speculation each week. Same with The Boys. If you want to binge it just wait until the series is complete. Don't know whether the weekly thing'll work so well with Falcon and Bucky though.

It sounds like there are enough people doing recaps of the show without anyone having to piece it together from clips if you don't want to watch it. That seems like going the long way around.
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It sounds like there are enough people doing recaps of the show without anyone having to piece it together from clips if you don't want to watch it. That seems like going the long way around.
I mean... I'm pretty sure no-one's actually doing that, but these were 20-25 minute episodes (aside from the last one, I'm told) and there's enough clips spread about each episode's review/easter egg/theory fan and media site YT videos to account for every second of the episode. Like every second, no matter how incidental it might seem, has been analysed.

If you did, you'd probably get some of it out of sequence, but I wonder what the legal position would be to owning a copy of an episode of the show stitched together from public domain YT videos but not having Disney+.
I mean... I'm pretty sure no-one's actually doing that, but these were 20-25 minute episodes (aside from the last one, I'm told) and there's enough clips spread about each episode's review/easter egg/theory fan and media site YT videos to account for every second of the episode. Like every second, no matter how incidental it might seem, has been analysed.

If you did, you'd probably get some of it out of sequence, but I wonder what the legal position would be to owning a copy of an episode of the show stitched together from public domain YT videos but not having Disney+.
Are YouTube videos of copyrighted material really public domain? there's a case for fair use but I don't know whether those rights transfer to everyone who watched them to do what they like with them.
Are YouTube videos of copyrighted material really public domain? there's a case for fair use but I don't know whether those rights transfer to everyone who watched them to do what they like with them.
It's fun to think of though :D

If YTers are using clips of the original show (under fair use) and creating their own content around it, could you use clips of several different YTers shows (under fair use) and create your own... which happens to be the original show? :lol:

I mean, as we've seen recently with all the noise about AC mods, all it takes is for someone to claim you're infringing their copyright (with no proof) and YT will strike you unless you can prove otherwise, so it probably wouldn't last for long given Disney's legal teams, but it would be an amusing legal test.
It's fun to think of though :D

If YTers are using clips of the original show (under fair use) and creating their own content around it, could you use clips of several different YTers shows (under fair use) and create your own... which happens to be the original show? :lol:

I mean, as we've seen recently with all the noise about AC mods, all it takes is for someone to claim you're infringing their copyright (with no proof) and YT will strike you unless you can prove otherwise, so it probably wouldn't last for long given Disney's legal teams, but it would be an amusing legal test.
For a given value of amusement and fun...

You'd think there'd be some kind of safeguard against people creating a whole copyrighted show out of other people's clips. But you'd have to be either insane or incredibly cheap to try it anyway, so maybe not.
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For a given value of amusement and fun...
This is the internet. It's full of people who gain amusement from all sorts of weird crap.
you'd have to be either insane or incredibly cheap to try it
This is the internet. It's full of people who are insane and incredibly cheap :lol:
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This is the internet. It's full of people who gain amusement from all sorts of weird crap.
Erm... okay...

This is the internet. It's full of people who are insane and incredibly cheap :lol:
I'm not sure how full. The show doesn't make a lot of sense unless you've watched the previous movies. Can't help thinking it'd be less effort to obtain them by other non discussible means than cobble them all together yourself and end up with a result like the sculptor in this Peugeot advert. It'd be a lot of effort for negligible reward. But everyone's sense of humour is different.

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Erm... okay...

I'm not sure how full. The show doesn't make a lot of sense unless you've watched the previous movies. Can't help thinking it'd be less effort to obtain them by other non discussible means than cobble them all together yourself and end up with a result like the sculptor in this Peugeot advert. It'd be a lot of effort for negligible reward. But everyone's sense of humour is different.

"Gamestonks" pretty much proved that there are people out there who will almost ruin themselves just to troll what they see as the establishment. In fact Gamestonks only worked because nobody in the finance industry could conceive of people acting in this way.

I am actually slightly surprised no-one's done it yet - though not massively surprised as it's pretty likely anyone who wants to watch it without giving Disney+ any money will just have downloaded it from wherever people get these things.
"Gamestonks" pretty much proved that there are people out there who will almost ruin themselves just to troll what they see as the establishment. In fact Gamestonks only worked because nobody in the finance industry could conceive of people acting in this way.

I am actually slightly surprised no-one's done it yet - though not massively surprised as it's pretty likely anyone who wants to watch it without giving Disney+ any money will just have downloaded it from wherever people get these things.
I don't see how what happened in your first paragraph has any bearing on the second - it involved a lot of people acting in concert, for one thing - and think you are one of the few people who are surprised noone's frankensteined a whole six hour series out of little bitty clips to stick it to the man (or mouse). It'd definitely fall into the insane category, especially if they'd done the same with the previous MCU installments.
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I don't see how what happened in your first paragraph has any bearing on the second
It's an example of people acting in totally strange ways for the fun of it (whether or not you or I think it's fun; they do), which is the premise I conveyed with the concept of someone reconstituting an entire show from clips of the show shown on YT thanks to the sheer volume of YT shows featuring different clips of the show. It seems ridiculous, time-consuming, and not worth the effort, but then people on the internet do that sort of thing "for the lulz", as they used to say.
and think you are one of the few people who are surprised noone's frankensteined a whole six hour series out of little bitty clips to stick it to the man (or mouse).
It's an example of people acting in totally strange ways for the fun of it (whether or not you or I think it's fun; they do), which is the premise I conveyed with the concept of someone reconstituting an entire show from clips of the show shown on YT thanks to the sheer volume of YT shows featuring different clips of the show. It seems ridiculous, time-consuming, and not worth the effort, but then people on the internet do that sort of thing "for the lulz", as they used to say.
I get the idea that there were quite a few people gamestonking to make a bit of cash once the phenomenon snowballed, unlike with your example. I don't think they were all in it for ***** and giggles.

WandaVision: The Famine Cut - coming to a YouTube channel near you soon.

I did see a version of the movie Swing Shift that someone had attempted to recut according to the director's interviews. That at least would have some kind of intrinsic value.
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I get the idea that there were quite a few people gamestonking to make a bit of cash once the phenomenon snowballed, unlike with your example. I don't think they were all in it for ***** and giggles.
Not all of them for sure, but a lot of the people after the initial stock inflation - buying at already high prices and holding onto them - knew they were going to lose money and didn't care*. That was the thing the hedge fund chaps didn't account for, because it was incomprehensible to them that people would deliberately buy stock to lose money just to force them to cover the short.
WandaVision: The Famine Cut - coming to a YouTube channel near you soon.
Oh, if only I had that kind of time, and any decent video editing software :lol:

*And I'm willing to bet more than a few who didn't know and were just there for the ride to fight the power, or whatever, and now have some serious buyer's remorse!
Maybe it'll start a trend.
It does seem curiously MCU-focused though, this whole YTer analysis of literally every second of a thing. I think I saw almost all of Endgame across various YouTube channels - and, of course, memes - long before I ever saw Endgame; I don't recall the "fight on Vormir" (I know it's two years old now, but I'll still swerve on spoiling it) or anything on Asgard, but other than that I'm not sure of anything in the film that I hadn't seen previously. It doesn't seem to be the case with other media - there's certainly videos out there discussing the latest episode of Mandalorian or whatever, but it doesn't feel like there's anything like the volume.

I wonder if it will be the same with FWS, veering wildly back towards the original topic. There's some more preview videos from Marvel:

It doesn't seem to be the case with other media - there's certainly videos out there discussing the latest episode of Mandalorian or whatever, but it doesn't feel like there's anything like the volume.
Maybe the MCU is more popular or at least its dissection videos are. I've never seen the point of watching advance footage of something I'm going to watch anyway so personally tend to avoid trailers such as the ones you've posted for the most part.
As we know and have seen, many trailers post shots that aren't even in the final cut of the show/movie.

As for WandaVision, there were scenes/battles cut from the show. Some things didn't get a send off
Such as: Senior Scratchy the rabbit. From a popular YTber, it was supposed to be a demon controlled by Agatha. As it was guarding the book, the Twins were supposed to battle it, along with Monica and EVan Peters. Senior Scratchy was to literally scratch at the characters, in full demon guise.

Another scene cut, was with Darcy helping Woo. That's why we only see Darcy at the end.
Watching Falcon and WS right now.

Edit: Looks like this show is going to be dirty. Not The Boys dirty, but dirty. No post credit scene(s).
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I dig it. Like the exploration of not only Bucky’s personal goals to amend/living civilian life, but how the world is having to deal with the Blip. Really seem to enjoy these plots where we see superheros’ lives off the battlefield as much as we see them fighting.

The new “Cap” was the soldier working with Sam, right?
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I dig it. Like the exploration of not only Bucky’s personal goals to amend/living civilian life, but how the world is having to deal with the Blip. Really seem to enjoy these plots where we see superheros’ lives off the battlefield as much as we see them fighting.

The new “Cap” was the soldier working with Sam, right?
I'm not sure he worked with Sam. His name is John Walker from the comics. He's supposed to be more like Homelander, an anti-Cap, in terms of shoot first ask questions later or don't ask any questions. From what I've watched in speculation videos before the show and from the previous movies, he looks to be a soldier under General Ross' command. May be part of the Super Soldier Serum program, from the Ed Norton Hulk extra scenes. In that movie, Ross had a team that were still developing a serum. Not the same as Cap's serum. This soldier volunteers.
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I'm not sure he worked with Sam. His name is John Walker from the comics. He's supposed to be more like Homelander, an anti-Cap, in terms of shoot first ask questions later or don't ask any questions. From what I've watched in speculation videos before the show and from the previous movies, he looks to be a soldier under General Ross' command. May be part of the Super Soldier Serum program, from the Ed Norton Hulk extra scenes. In that movie, Ross had a team that were still developing a serum. Not the same as Cap's serum. This soldier volunteers.
Ah okay, so that's his first appearance then in the series, right? I thought I missed something & it was a character we saw in the episode previously leading to a twist.

It's interesting you say, "Shoot first, ask questions later". The first thing I noticed was that he had a gun, and that wasn't something I remember Cap using at all aside from when he was fighting back in WWII during his first movie.

Definitely gonna re-watch the episode tomorrow again.
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Ah okay, so that's his first appearance then in the series, right? I thought I missed something & it was a character we saw in the episode previously leading to a twist.

It's interesting you say, "Shoot first, ask questions later". The first thing I noticed was that he had a gun, and that wasn't something I remember Cap using at all aside from when he was fighting back in WWII during his first movie.

Definitely gonna re-watch the episode tomorrow again.
Yes, new to the series. I'm sure we'll find out where he's been. Maybe Rhodes knows him.
As much as I enjoyed WandaVision, I was looking forward to Falcon and the Winter Soldier more. Solid first episode with a cameo I wasn't expecting. Good stuff.

Another week to wait. I can’t believe there’s only 6 episodes though, gonna make me want more.
I had no idea Bucky could run that fast but I guess I should pay more attention to how he was saved/trained beyond being given his arm. :lol: