Here's a turorial make on the Driver's Interior requested by Fyffe
This tutorial will show you how the make the layout of your interior from the driver's point of view. Its not detalied, it just a layout but it take some drawing skills. You can draw the yourself (HARD) or you can import pics of real interior parts and place them in the correct spot like in my scion update
1st--You'll need to take a pic of your car's hood and a pic with your car not in it which will be used as your backround. And open them up in photoshop.
There to ways your can get a pic or your hood, one, you can take a pic of the front of the car, isolated the hood and filp it around, or two, take a picture from the roof of the car pointing down at the hood, isloating it, then warping it around to make it look like the hood is in front of you while in the driver's seat of a car. the second way is the way i did it and will be the way i show you throughout the tutorial.
The height you are at can also affect how your view though the windshield looks. If it too high, it might look like you're driving a monster truck, if its to low, it will be like you're driving a Small go-kart, so adjust the height you are taking the pic in according to the car you are driving.
2nd--Use the Polygram Line tool to Isolate the hood from the rest of the car. It should those flahing marque line around the hood.
3rd--Double click and hold the isolated hood and drag it to the backround pic that is open. Make sure it has those dotted transform line around it. If not check the box on the tool bar where it says "Show Transform Controls". You can only do this with the first arrow tool eqipped.
4th--Click on to a tranform box and the dotted lines will become solid. Now right-click the hood and go to warp. BUT Before going to warp, try and remember where the center of the pic is for the next step. Use that dot when in transform mode.
5th--After clicking on warp you should see a grid with 9 boxes (3x3).

Click and hold the center, most lowest part of the hood and drag down until the line under the center of the hood , so it touchs the line on the bottom of the box. REMEMBER, try and keep the vertical lines of the box as straight as possible.
Now click and hold on the center, most highest part of the hood and drag down, how high and how low you drag it can partartially show how tall the driver is.
And then click and hold the bottom of the hood again drag it up a bit, or until you think it looks good.
6th--Right click the image and this time go to skew. Go near the bottom center box and there should be an icon with a line with two arrows pointing in opposite directions. You have to move it to the right if your driving a car with left-side steering cars, and move it to the left for right-side steering cars.
7th--Move the hood the left or right (depending on what side steering car you have). Too High might make it look like your poppin' a whellie. Too low might make i look like the front of the car is diving forward. So set it appropiately on to how you want it to look.
This is the hard part.Now its time for drawing, you can make a new layer of continue to use the hood layer (Layer 1 if you didn't rename).
8th--Make marque, resembling a windshield view from inside, using the polygram line tool. You can color the color of the windshield by seting the brush opacity, I set it around 25-40%. You can make it any color of design you want. Like this...
9th--Now go to select and inverse, then use the polygram line tool to make your interior layout. You use mine as an example.
It should look something like this
To add detail, you should draw on top of the make a new layer of use the hood layer. Everything out side the car, like headlight, use the backround layer.
This is what a base of a car interior can look, evn though i didn't put much work into it.
I might make a detailed interior and make it as an update