DLC early-buy gift is a kick in the nuts to Walmart pre-order buyers

  • Thread starter Elkay
I already have the GT-R (Best Buy bonus) and I could care less about exclusivity, I am happy for those who now have the car. I just wish that those of us who do have it could chose another Stealth car, maybe the 787b, R10 etc. Everyone should have access to the same cars, after all it is the same game so come on Kaz and do this for us.

agree 100%
my point is your hypothetical is completely out of context.

NOW if PD and SONY started pressing NEW editions of the coll. and sig. editions then your argument MIGHT hold water.

It's no different. If they can produce a Cobra exactly identically to how it was produced in the 60s, make it truly identical and can produce them in a large quantity like 100K units, and be able to produce them for sub-$20K, then why not sell them at $20K and make a huge profit? I was using $20K as an arbitrary number. Insert $30K, $50K, whatever if you want. This was just an example anyway, because there's no way they could make it "truly" identical.. if it came down to it, carbon dating could distinguish them.

Whether it's digital or tangible, it should make no difference.
I can't tell you how many times I have guys in Nascar rooms asking and wishing they had my Logano Game Stop car. I think if that car was given in mass to everyone, I'd be annoyed because I spent my hard earned money for a collector's edition that I thought would be massively good as the regular edition GTs before it. The only thing now that I can be happy with somewhat from the collectors edition is the stealth cars I got out of it.

For those who don't like the exclusive type way, I see why and I think maybe GT should go another route and just give us new production cars according to our region and thus make it to where we can trade with others. Or perhaps give us an ability to buy new production cars from certain regions and just add it to the new car dealearship so everyone has it, or add a stealth dealership.
Do we actually know why it was not available to the entire world? Whilst I agree with retaining exclusivity for purchasers the stealths should have been available to all countries as a 6 car pack IMO, can't see why the USA misses out? Same as the Jag, jus' doe'nt make sense :grumpy:
That is a question I could not find an answer to..
I remember searching for a Signature Edition, come find out it was never offered to NA... I had to settle for the Collector's Edition.

I do feel bad for those who preordered from Best Buy and Walmart.
That is a question I could not find an answer to...

It's an odd one no doubt... I was stoked to have been able to order the sig ed, it's an amazing release but they should have made more & released to USA, they'd have sold out within minutes!
I right now have the mclearen stealth car and I am sure that eventually it will also be released its not a big deal all those who are mad really have no idea how dlc works anymore.and are selfish I guess the lesson is do you really want to pay for DLC early...

Also for all of the rest of my GT5 bretheren that have the collectors edition you still have your collectable piece to put on your mantle ( mine is the GTR)

I bought Batman Arkham City alot of people got the collectors edition but all the DLC is eventually gonna be released for it.
It's no different. If they can produce a Cobra exactly identically to how it was produced in the 60s, make it truly identical and can produce them in a large quantity like 100K units, and be able to produce them for sub-$20K, then why not sell them at $20K and make a huge profit? I was using $20K as an arbitrary number. Insert $30K, $50K, whatever if you want. This was just an example anyway, because there's no way they could make it "truly" identical.. if it came down to it, carbon dating could distinguish them.

Whether it's digital or tangible, it should make no difference.

first you blew it out of the water for me....carbon dating....that would be a way tell whether its a "true" cobra or a copy.

btw this HAS been done,a person got ahold of all the pieces of the era to build a cobra got a vin to follow in line with actual production.

it was a "cobra" but it was built 30 some odd years later and guess what? the car went for way higher than a clone,but didnt come near the price of a true cobra even tho it was a true cobra just not built back then.hence we still have true era cobras going for 500k, why? because the car was not a true era cobra.

now in the digital world show me what proves that the car i can download right now is any different than the one from someone who got it included when they pre ordered the game?
only thing i see is the date aquired,but what is the difference in the digital world from someone who downloaded it the night the game released and one who downloaded it say a week later?....answer none.

again context.....comparing a car in RL to one in a game doesnt compare......if they said 500 stealth cars are gonna be released to only people who buy a preorder ed. or a sig. edition and then decidced a yr later to give them out for free you might have a point.

but in either case neither of those happened,and your exclusivity went out the window the first time someone duped one.

if pd and sony came out and said the first 100 people to pay 1k will get a copy of GT6 1yr before anyone else,would you then be mad that GT6 came out a yr later for 59.99?

how could you be? it is sony and pd's right to do what they want how they want...dont like it? dont support it they will get more feedback from you closing your wallet then they get from this entire site.
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I can see how the people who had the Stealth GT500 would be mad that now it's available to everyone. Thing is these days dlc hardly remains exclusive indefinitely. Take Fallout New Vegas for example. I pre-ordered that game and got the Classic Pack for doing so. Now you can spend 160 points and get all of the pre-order bonuses. Only difference here is that there is no money being made off of the free car.
Let's see... you got the Stealth car for PRE-ORDERING the game. You paid ZERO extra dollars to get only the stealth car. GT5 STILL costs 60 bucks, just as it did on release day. The collectors edition had the chrome lines in it, that version costing $100.

To recap: Nothing extra was paid to get the stealth car... only a down payment most likely before picking up the game for which you got a free car. Now you're whining that others get the same free car you got?

My head's spinning. Where'd I go wrong if I did?
Let's see... you got the Stealth car for PRE-ORDERING the game. You paid ZERO extra dollars to get only the stealth car. GT5 STILL costs 60 bucks, just as it did on release day. The collectors edition had the chrome lines in it, that version costing $100.

To recap: Nothing extra was paid to get the stealth car... only a down payment most likely before picking up the game for which you got a free car. Now you're whining that others get the same free car you got?

My head's spinning. Where'd I go wrong if I did?

I believe you're right.

Look at the pre-order details for Wal-Mart:


This is the regular copy of the game, yet you still get the NSX GT500 stealth for pre-ordering.
There is a guy on the Playstation forums that is threatening to quit the game because of this free car. I race with him on a regular basis but that's going to extremes imo. Everybody that already had this car paid the same amount as me or anyone else that didn't pre-order the game. If they had paid extra money like say for the chromeline cars and one of those was given to us instead of the GT500, then they have a case to argue. But with the Stealth GT500, why is everyone that already had it so mad when they did not pay any more than the rest of us? That's what I don't get.
I paid £129 for the Signature edition on release, having all the chrome line and all of the stealth cars. With the DLC problem 'gift' North America get the NSX GT500, and now the GT-R GT500, so in effect I have paid for these sets of vehicles and now 2 of the better ones are being given away for free. Big deal, they've been out for a year, people should just get over it. It's just a pixel car.
Oh, I didn't realize that there was a version available that had all the stealths and chromeline cars.

Obviously my point of view on this is different cause I started playing in February, well after the initial release of GT5. For someone like you I could understand any frustration but like you said, it's only digital cars.

For my racing buddy at the Playstation forums, I think he is over-reacting just a tad LOL.
You wouldn't care about a $480K+ instant depreciation? You can't even begin to tell us you wouldn't care about that.

Nope I wouldn't care. Because I'd never get that money anyone. I'd be enjoying my car.

And in the case of Stealth cars, you wouldn't be able to sell them anyway, not legally.


Well I guess there is the case that you buy the whatever edition and don't open it, then sell it.
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Just as the title says. If they wanted to be fair to North American buyers, they would have made the Mazda 787B Stealth or Audi R10 Stealth the free gift. Those 2 cars were not available as pre-order bonuses in the North America and are still as of yet not obtainable with a North American disc.

Do you think it's not too late for them to fix this mistake? Not only is it giving away the Walmart exclusive to the masses, but also the Walmart owners then get no free gift because they already have the car. There's no point in having 2 even if it comes as a non-tradeable ticket for another one. Pre-order buyers from the other stores still maintain their exclusivity at this time then, too. I'm pretty pissed at this point.
Would I be pissed if they put my GameStop Camery and Stealth F1 out on the store from my GameStop preorder? No, in fact, I would prefer it.

Exclusive cars are a joke. Having to preorder 2+ games to get a couple "special" cars is just a waste of money, especially since NA and a couple other regions (Austraillia?) never got a shot at the Sig. Ed.- which has all the stealths and chromelines.

Would've been better if they threw all The cars out on the store with a price ($0.99 a car? $10 for all?) though- I would kill for that stealth 787B.
I'm simply sticking by what I said and saying they could have given away the 787B and R10 instead and everyone would have been happy and nobody would have been upset.

As far as the Signature Edition not available in some countries, I believe it had to do with the real-life prize car not being able to be won and/or registered in those countries.
Seriously, get over it. Its a video game car that if you pre-ordered you had it a year ago and at this point is likely inconsequential to your garage.
Seriously, get over it. Its a video game car that if you pre-ordered you had it a year ago and at this point is likely inconsequential to your garage.

If you're a collector such as myself that has every car in the game (I bought the UK edition, too, to have the other 2 Stealths that we don't yet have) then giving away a car that was meant to be exclusive is an issue, especially when they still have cars they could have given to everyone that nobody in NA has yet on a NA disc. The retailers *did* advertise the Stealth cars here as "pre-order exclusives".
Really? A stupid free car and people want to quit and moan and whine.Here PM me and I'll send you a car under million,fully tuned and ready to go.
I have the GT500 Stealth and believe it or not... I am not affected by others getting it now after I've had it for a year. :lol:

But I am a little bummed I can't get a second one to keep 0/0 :(

What? I don't mind everyone getting the GT-R free, but you should be able to get another one if you pre-ordered it.
It depends on how they handle it. If they flag you the same way as the first one's code does, it won't give you another. If they decide to award it as a ticket, you might get a second one. The problem with this is that the game checks on every start up if you have the code entered for any of the Stealth cars for your logged in account. If it doesn't find that DLC code, it permanently removes the Stealth cars from your garage before you get in game. That's why if you bring your save game to a friend's house and log in, even on your own PSN ID, if you boot the game with your save then you will find all your Stealth cars gone. When you get home and copy the save back, they re-awarded to you, but you lose all of the modifications you paid for. This would mean you'd lose both cars, and only get one back if you use your save in any portable sense. They'd have to remove the startup check with the next update for this to work right.
Yes that would be fair - but please do not make the same stealths available to everyone, these cars should be kept as "rare" and not just dumped en masse for everyone to have in their current state, they should be modified so the differences in appearance and performance are notable so that they are indeed two different cars; The integrity and rarity of the stealths must be maintained!

Nopety nopety nope. That would make the problem worse, not solve it.
The problem is DLC packages that differ between regions... as I see it, eventually every region should have a chance to collect them all.