- 3,194
Originally posted by Talentless
Nice to meet you Mr. Nugent.
I've met him
Originally posted by Talentless
Nice to meet you Mr. Nugent.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
I'm confused about how that relates to the question of whether or not they have souls, and further more, how it dis-agree's with any sides I've taken on the topic,.... but a good point none the less.
Originally posted by Talentless
seems he refers to those on welfare as blood suckers. Some of them.
Originally posted by ledhed
Teds on the fringe without doubt, and I think you missed my points..If an animal had a soul would you still eat it ? Would you be a canibal ? And being a decent person should include respect for all forms of life. I don't know Nugents veiws on those subjects but I don't think a welfare reciepient is a blood sucker , I just think they must be pretty bad off to have to try and survive on welfare. Anyone who thinks welfare is a bad thing should really take some time to learn a bit more about it. Especially how it is now that its been "REFORMED". Do the math I can't see how anyone can survive on it and that may be just what the government wants.
Originally posted by ledhed
Look at a hamburger from Mac Donalds. The cow comes down the ramp . A worker takes an air operated nail gun and places it to the cows head and terminates it. the cow is chained to a hoist an lifted to the next worker who cuts its throat to drain the blood from the carcass. the body / produce goes down the line and is quartered and delivered to different divisions for production into various forms of edible materials that we then package and ship. When in this process ....before we consume the result ...do you suggest rights.. or wrongs should be involved ?