Do you believe in Aliens?

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Which best describes your stance on alien life-forms?

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GTP_event / kevinr6287 (farming account)
I do believe in them. The Universe is too huge to have just one life-form. I also believe in intellegent life on other planets. We cannot be alone in the universe. I do believ, however, that we won't be visited by these aliens anytime soon. The universe is too huge and since nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, it will take them millions of years to reach us, excluding the possibility of using wormholes...
I really don't know, I've never seen any real evidence that shows proof that there alive. I guess there has to be some sort of life form out there.
Sure, why not? The universe is so darn huge, there's almost no reason why another planet wouldn't have the necessary aspects to support life, and for that life to actually form.
Sure, why not? The universe is so darn huge, there's almost no reason why another planet wouldn't have the necessary aspects to support life, and for that life to actually form.
Exactly what I was gonna post. It's not a case of believing in them 'cos they will exist somewhere.
Ditto here. I'm sure that there are numerous other planets in the universe with a large and diverse ecosystem, including intelligent life. The math is just so strongly in favor of it.

Do I believe we've been visited by or in contact with aliens? No.
The possiblitiy is certainly there. As duke said, probability may even point to it. It's hard to tell how unqiue intelligence is though - since we've only encountered one (us) it's hard to tell what the probability is that others exist.
Aliens , pfffs! Never , but I do watch Discovery Sience about Alines beacuse it's intresting. But I don't/can't belive in them.
I think it's possible there are aliens, but the stories about people being abducted is ridiculous. I, too, agree with Sage that the universe is big enough for it to happen. Didn't scientists discover a solar system much like ours not too recently?
The universe is too big to have just us. There has to be SOMETHING out there. I just hope that if they visit they are short, fat, waddle, and are nice like ET.
The universe is too big to have just us. There has to be SOMETHING out there. I just hope that if they visit they are short, fat, waddle, and are nice like ET.


I hope there babes.
The universe is too big to have just us. There has to be SOMETHING out there. I just hope that if they visit they are short, fat, waddle, and are nice like ET.

Heh. I don't rule out the possibility of something being out there, but taking in terms of how hard it is for life to exist at all, let alone develop to 'intelligent life', how big the universe is, how old, and how comparatively young we are ourselves as an 'intelligent' life form that has eyes beyond the atmosphere, I'm not holding my breath for us to meat anything tomorrow morning.
I hope there babes.

That's funny... but in all seriousness if there were aliens, they would probably be as sexually attractive to you as any other species on earth.

How would you like to cozy up to a baboon??? :lol:
I believe that there a almost certainly alien lifeforms out there somewhere, but I don't believe they're visiting Earth in flying saucers and abducting people.
I don't see any way to believe that there isn't one single living organism out there that isn't on Earth. The universe is probably infinitely bigger than you think it is. It's infinitely bigger than I think it is.

There is just no way that the only life forms in the entire universe are on one dinky little planet. A planet that isn't even the largest in its own solar system.
Not all organisms are intelligent. Also, in typical human thinking you overestimate our own importance in the equation. Just because there could possibly be life doesn't make it likely that "thier" existance coincides with ours. The age of the universe is as important as the size.
Its all relative. Our universe could exist on a germ in a rodents colon and have lasted less than a second but to us its an eternity and we do not even know we are dead. ( I blame the republicans for this post and the school system, along with some really bad acid I may have ingested at some time in my former life as a toad stool.)
We've only been around for what? 150,000 years or so? (I'm only counting homo sapiens).

And the universe is how old? About 15 billion years.

Seems pretty ridiculous and egotistical to think that we're the only intelligent life form around.
Aliens could also be dancing all around you while you sit there and you just can't see or feel them. Space to us is "nothing" but actually 60% or more of the universe has almost no interaction with our existance. So why speculate weather there are aliens millions of light years away when for all you know they are in the same room as you right now.

we are up to 88% believers!
I don't see any way to believe that there isn't one single living organism out there that isn't on Earth. The universe is probably infinitely bigger than you think it is. It's infinitely bigger than I think it is.

There is just no way that the only life forms in the entire universe are on one dinky little planet. A planet that isn't even the largest in its own solar system.
Exactly my opinion on this matter. The universe is just too damned big to be the source of only one life-bearing planet.
I don't believe that there are actual alien life forms in the universe; but I do believe that there are humans on other planets (not humanoid or human-like, actually human). It might sound crazy, but I cannot believe that there is nothing else out there in the universe (I also hold that if there are any other intelligent life forms out there that Humans are superior).