Do you believe in Aliens?

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Which best describes your stance on alien life-forms?

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When you factor time into the equation you can consider that itelligent life has already existed and has become extinct in places and is begining to develope in others and will at some time in the future develope in others while we ourselves are reaching extinction. We are a very micrscopically small part of the universe. And when you consider our place in time we have been in the universe as long as that thought took to form in your mind.
Im not sure I agree with your definition of "intelligent" aliens. We haven't abducted and probed "them" (if they exist) but we are still intelligent (to a degree).

I didn't define them - other than "the kind you can meet".

Bear in mind though that there isn't a species we've encountered on this planet - other than the ones it's quite difficult to carry - that humans haven't "abducted" from their environment and studied (including dissection).

It is reasonable to assume that any lifeform of similar intelligence (we're talking about anything from about the same level as humans 6000 years ago) and up have done the same on their planet. The stories simply come about from a combination of that assumption and a natural human fear of helplessness.

I seriously doubt whether any alien lifeform has come into contact with this planet, ever, let alone thieved people and stuck medical instruments up their poopipe.
I think you guys have been watching way too much Sci Fi channel and South Park. Besides, what would a superior species want with us? Why probe our a** with an 80 ft sattelite dish? (Ala South Park) How would they find us, either? We are just one blue marble in a giant-a** Chinese Checkers game. What can you do about something you can't control? Look, if they do visit, you will know it because CNN will have a 3 week special on it. Past that, who cares?
Aliens believe in me.

Don't we all...:rolleyes:

I really believe there are other life forms in the universe, its almost impossible for us to be the only life forms in an ever expanding universe.
It does'nt seem incredible to believe that in the vastness of the Universe that there isn't life, even intelligent life in existance. The only problem I have is why have'nt we picked up some kind of signal, radio wave, something that can prove it?
It could be we are doing something wrong or that intelligent life is thousands of light years away in another galaxy, like Andromeda. But considering there are millions of stars and probably hundreds of thousands of planets in our own Milky Way why no signal? We've been producing radio waves for over a hundred years (though the early ones were rather weak). These radio waves are now 100 light years away more than 20 times further away than our nearest star. If life began elsewhere, thousands or millions of years before us then they've either never discovered radio waves or they don't produce any for some reason.

Actually there is no reason to presume that life "out there" HAS to be intelligent. After all the Earth was covered in Dinosaurs for millions of years and Dinosaurs were dumb..very, very dumb. Possibly they may have evolved into something intelligent. But even then they may have discovered things differently, never discovered radio but discovered gunpowder and then wiped themselves out! Evolution would probably be completely different on another planet. Apart from the statistical possibility of intelligent lifeforms there is no way of knowing if life could be intelligent or un-intelligent. Still, there almost certainly is some kind of life "beyond the stars"!

Apologies if I've repeated something someone else has said and for the post being a bit long winded. :)
We've been producing radio waves for over a hundred years (though the early ones were rather weak). These radio waves are now 100 light years away more than 20 times further away than our nearest star. If life began elsewhere, thousands or millions of years before us then they've either never discovered radio waves or they don't produce any for some reason.

In which direction have our radio waves gone though?

Assuming that they're radiating out from a point (Earth) in all directions, the energy they emit reduces by the inverse cube rule - if they have an energy of "9" at the distance of the Moon, they have an energy of "1" at twice that distance... This also applies to extrasolar radio sources - they'd have to be at a detectable level when they reach us, and the chances of us detecting them diminshes by a cube factor the further you go out.
My head is a bit more shrunken than Mr. Brain up there so I'll explain it in a different way. To recieve the radio waves you must be looking in the exact place at the right time . If you are not you may by pure luck, catch something and even if you do it may be a billion years old and the people that have sent it may have long been dead.
Makes you wonder if it's even worth trying! :boggled:
Well, the only chance we have of finding extra-terrestrial life is here in our own solar system, and that is a very, very, very, very slim chance. Probably never happen.
So, given as how big the universe is and how unlikely contact will ever happen we are essentially living alone in a Godless (well some may disagree with that), inhospitable Universe. That's a nice thought!
I know exactly what you mean by the tearm "godless". i once questioned the thought of weather or not their is actually a god, until I recently came up with the conclusion on my last post, while talking with my grandfather.
I do somewhat beleive their is a god, but its always wise to keep an open mind about the other possibilities their are.
who's to say god didnt make them too? who's to say god did'nt leave us a huge mess of a puzzle and leave us to figure it out?

I know sarcasm doesn't carry well on the internet, but damn you missed the point. Read some of my other posts.

Quantum mechanics comes up with very a compelling reason why "God" cannot exist as an entity.
Your mechanic says he dosnt exist but my caddy mehanic says he's always existed and in fact he made the other mechanic ! Hmmmmm so who came first ? I never drove a quantum are they nice ?
I know sarcasm doesn't carry well on the internet, but damn you missed the point. Read some of my other posts.

Quantum mechanics comes up with very a compelling reason why "God" cannot exist as an entity.
I know you were being sarcastic. I didnt miss the point, I was making a point.