Do you believe in Aliens?

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Which best describes your stance on alien life-forms?

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There must be aliens out there. They also live among us. If not, then who keeps eating all those cow lips? Everybody knows that aliens love eating cow lips!
proof aliens exist ? go to the drifters forum..plenty of proof that aliens live right here among us !
Don't you eat cow lips? And how's the karting with the kid going?
It's not. He decided he didn't want to do it. I guess I tried to start him a little to late. He wants to play baseball instead. Good call, because he is awesome! No, I'm not just saying that because he's my son. He really is great at it! Right now, he's been going to baseball summer camp. He's the first one there, and the last one to leave. No joke.

However, the little one, my three-year-old boy, might be the racer in the family. I might get him something for Christmas. If I do, I can still relay on your help?
Don't you eat cow lips?
Anyone who eats hotdogs eats cow lips. And other cow parts too unsavory to mention. I do think there are aliens out there. Maybe even masters of space and time, watching us, wondering if we're worthy of survival. :scared:
Anyone who eats hotdogs eats cow lips.

But only those "meat weiner" things, that are often labled as hot dogs. Really, what the hell is "meat" anyway? The flesh in severed fingers can be described as "meat."

OK, right now I can put up a link for a game called "Meat, or Accident?" But, I wont. But, you can do a search for it on your own.
I don't believe that there are actual alien life forms in the universe
How could there not be? We're just one measely planet next to one measely star in the whole scope of the universe, but we are the only life forms that exist, or can exist? No other planet can sustain and does sustain life, throughout the whole universe?

but I do believe that there are humans on other planets (not humanoid or human-like, actually human).
How? We are a product of our environment; other planets conditions would have to be identical to ours to produce full fledged humans without any differences, right?

(I also hold that if there are any other intelligent life forms out there that Humans are superior)
Do you have any real reason to suggest this? They might have existed longer, and evolved and advanced faster than we have. I don't see anything pointing to us being the most advanced species out there.
Both concepts - the lack of alien lifeforms in an almost infinite universe, when several hundred thousand have developed in all conditions here, and the presence of a supreme creator (who apparently needs no creating him/herself - they just "are") - are scientifically implausible.

And you can blame Occam's Razor for that. Again.
Party for GT4
Its weird how people are willing to believe there might be aliens, yet say 'there can't be a God' or 'there can't be angels'.

Not really. They just base their theories on Science and logic, instead of a 2000 year old book.
But if God exists, he is an alien. Just a very powerful one. And besides, what was there before the energy that made the matter to make the planets etc.

But that's a different topic and I'm not going to bother with a huge argument about it, as I'm sure we woudn't agree at the end either.

Funnily, hundreds of years ago, humanity believed that the world was flat - and the church told everyone that you could sail off the edge. Then we all believed - thanks to that "good" book - that the Earth was the centre of the universe and that all revolved around us. Then Galileo and Copernicus turned up and proved it wasn't so - but they were cast out by the church (presumably in a vengeful God, great flood mode, rather than the usual merciful God we always hear about) and their science was declared heresy.

Now we're at the point where we know the universe is vast and we're just a tiny, insignificant speck, but still people like Jspec cling to the Genesis account - and since God made us better than the animals, we must be the very best in the whole universe. Aliens can't be as good as us, otherwise God wouldn't have wasted his time on us, or something.
Isaiah 40:22:

"There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth."

The Hebrew word chugh, translated “circle,” can also mean “sphere,” Some translations say “the globe of the earth” (Douay Version), and “the round earth.” (Moffatt)

Job 26:7:
[God] is stretching out the north over the empty place, hanging the earth upon nothing.”

Unlike most religions from that time, the Bible didn't claim the Earth was perched on elephant's backs or somthing else ridiculous.

It was the Church who was wrong, not the Bible.
Aliens , pfffs! Never , but I do watch Discovery Sience about Alines beacuse it's intresting. But I don't/can't belive in them.

why not? Because of your religion? Of course you can, you choose not to.
why not? Because of your religion? Of course you can, you choose not to.

This reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw yesterday,... it read:

"You CANT be CATHOLIC and PRO-ABORTION" (caps and all) ... seriously :lol:

....and yeah,... I dont believe that Earth is the only body in the universe with life on it.
you cant be Catholic and get laid either..or so it seems. Or maybe you cant be Catholic and actually ENJOY getting laid..I'm confused..must be that guilt thing again.. :crazy:
The majority of this forum seems to believe in some sort of life form beside humans. I fall into that category. Why? Well it had been stated before. This universe is be on huge, it’s gigantic, you know there is no word to describe it. I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT WE ARE THE ONLY LIFE FORM IN THIS UNIVERSE!

To tell you the truth, I am terrified of stuff like this. Although I am curious, I have a fear of stuff like this. Example ghosts, I cannot really explain why. But just like most of you guys I don't believe that we are the only life form.
It has been suggested that most people fear the concept of the human species being alone in the universe a lot more than the alternative. I think there may be something in that.
I do not know; not sure. I would say it is hard to imagine that there are no other life forms capable of interaction on a level beyond biological dictates, but I also think that probability needs some basis in similarities, not just as an induction from size; speculation built from speculation does not lend credibility to a claim.

If other planets contain the necessary elements for life, it is more likely, though not by much if only a few planets do, and if those planets have no evidence of the kind of life, currently or in the past, in question.

But, to be honest, I'm very ignorant on this and do not intend on trying to rectify that. I am not into aliens/e.t. and UFOs.
Would anyone bet money that we will ever meet an alien?

Even if you want to think that aliens exist there is no reason to think that they are more advanced than us. Even if they are far more advanced than us and can travel between galaxies there is no reason to believe they would ever stumble accross us. The tremendous size of the universe while seemingly increasing the odds of extra terrestrial life it also decreases the odds of contact. Besides being "infinitely" large the universe is "infinitely" old. Any aliens could have been exinct billions of years ago or could not evolve into intelligent life for a billion after we are gone.

I'd say people believe in aliens for the same reason they play the lottery... not understanding statistics.
Would anyone bet money that we will ever meet an alien?

Even if you want to think that aliens exist there is no reason to think that they are more advanced than us. Even if they are far more advanced than us and can travel between galaxies there is no reason to believe they would ever stumble accross us. The tremendous size of the universe while seemingly increasing the odds of extra terrestrial life it also decreases the odds of contact. Besides being "infinitely" large the universe is "infinitely" old. Any aliens could have been exinct billions of years ago or could not evolve into intelligent life for a billion after we are gone.

I'd say people believe in aliens for the same reason they play the lottery... not understanding statistics.

Not exactly.

The probability of aliens existing is <1 (that is to say almost certain, given the statistics mentioned earlier). However the probability of other "intelligent" life - the kind you can meet - is slightly lower, and the probability of meeting one is >0 (that is to say almost impossible, given the statistics mentioned earlier - including the vast distances evolved).

There's a vast difference vetween "believing in aliens" and "believing in aliens". They exist, almost certainly, but none has ever put his probe up my bottom.
riiiiight.............. :dopey:

But really, I know what you are saying and agree somewhat. With good ol' Occam and his trusty razor we can eliminate the aliens that we will never know about right? The real question is have aliens visited us in known history (ie. roswell) or will they in our lifetime. No need for the ones we will never know about.

There's a vast difference vetween "believing in aliens" and "believing in aliens".

I guess we could seperate it to "believing in" and "believing in the possibility".

Im not sure I agree with your definition of "intelligent" aliens. We haven't abducted and probed "them" (if they exist) but we are still intelligent (to a degree).
Everyone is saying that due to the math there has to be something else out there. I believe this but you also have to consider that the moon is in a perfect ratio to the earth for the tides to be consistant enough for a stable way of life to develope. There is soo much that is just perfect and very unlukly that makes earth suitable for life. But then again with god knows how many universes with hundreds of billions of galexies, each with hundreds of billions of stars, each with about (at least) 10 planets orbiting them you have to consider there is a high chance of multiple intelligent life forms.
You need to learn the difference between logic and speculation. You are now considering possible intelligent aliens evolved from possible life in possible alternate universes. It's possible that hermaphrodite mermaids are good drivers. Is it logical to "believe" that?