Do you know how many different Bibles we had to buy back in primary school? It seemed like every year there was new "more accurate" edition that would come out...
lol. I know exactly what you mean. I still have the huge Ryrie study bible and Strong's concordance and a number of other reference books and translations in my bookcase. I can see four bibles from here but, I think the Coloring book version is my favorite.
I have a few really interesting syllabuses on angels and demonology tracing it back to the days of Cain too.
But yeah, the fact that it is translated, and then taken verbatim, seems insane to me when there are books from more recent history that we can't even agree on translations for.
Much less to base one's li(f)e on.
I think really the Art of War is a good example too. It is a little older than the NT and has been found in many different places in different versions throughout the region much like the bible, but the different translations vary widely in meaning and effect.
But see. There's only one truth and to consider anything that god isn't real is foolish. Nothing can change my I know for a fact there is a God and he loves me. I know because after I made Jesus my lord and Savior things happened and I began to see and understand things. I began to change and understand the bible. God has shown me stuff too. And there's been medical miricals that people have been healed by God with medical reasons. Like there's just no way a person could have been healed without god. Also these people knew things that they could not have known without god. Specially when one is, was so young.
Medical miracles are a big thing in the healing movement but it's really hard for a removed and objective person to put much creditability in these since they are easily faked. Unfortunately, I had parents that believed in this as a child and I myself have been to many different preachers and even televangelists for this reason but I knew even as a small child that this was a show. I struggled with it as you said because I was wanting to believe it so much. I wanted there to be a supernatural healing but that just isn't how it works. The fact that I have the sense of hearing at all right now, is not due to Benny Hinn putting his fingers in my ears and praying, or to Jimmy Swaggart anointing my head with oil, though both of those events did happen. My 'healing' was due to modern medicine and the time that was spent waiting on god to work was likely only making things worse.
The Bible talks about events in our history that have happened and will happen.
It talks about many things, but not very accurately. Many many details are just plain wrong and clearly cannot be the words of an all knowing god. The bible even describes the earth as being both flat and round. It says you can actually fit two (two to fourteen-depending on the translation) of EVERY animal on this planet into an wooden ark that a (then) 600 year old man constructed. Deep inside our psyche we know these things are false. That is why faith is so encouraged and necessary, to bypass what you know can not possibly be true on the principle of strong belief and desire for virtue. Having 'faith as a child' is beneficial to anyone trying to encourage irrational faith based responses. Child like thinking and reasoning skills are abandoned as we grow older because this is natural and we shouldn't glorify reverting back to them.
I repeat " Child like thinking and reasoning skills are abandoned as we grow older because this is natural and we shouldn't glorify reverting back to them." lol