Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
I have no time for religeon, after studying the history of medicine and understanding the length of time Christianity (and others) have held it back it's hard to see it as a force for good/bad or anything other than another form of control.

Luckily it doesn't carry as much weight these days and other forms of control have evolved (tv/media), just think there's entire generations who don't know anything except what they've seen on tv.

Christianity is just sun worship anyway according to the YouTube vid zeitgeist ;) and manages to find real world facts relating to stories in the bible (son of god is the sun, dies for three days then returns refers to sun lowest point in sky for three days etc.). Has had some debunking attempts tho none more convincing than the vid itself, make your own mind up.
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People do what they want and are sometimes not doing the right thing. Doesn't change who god is. And God disciplines people and punishes people for their sin. What those people did doesn't make them right no matter what they believe.

Just believing in God doesn't save you. No, you have to make him your lord. Believing isn't enough. You have to come to him and make him your lord.

Lots of people think they're saved because they believe in God. But belief is the first step.

Saved from what? an eternity in hell i presume?

If you don't believe God exists, and obviously don't make him your lord, then heaven and hell won't exist either.

So in effect, you only need to not believe in God to avoid going to hell.

Would this not be a fair conclusion?
I blame schools for the early indoctrination of people into belief in religion. Every morning, regular as clockwork we were made to go to assembly, sing hymns and listen to speeches. Faith is not necessarily a bad thing to have - faith in yourself is a good thing. Faith in the man in the sky, is an ambiguous and almost irrelevant concept.

When the 🤬 hits the fan, where is your man in the sky? Oh, that's right, conveniently he doesn't interfere with anything going on down here. But the devil does? One day science will make religion an outmoded concept just like email upstaged the carrier pigeon.
And no mucking about with "natural knowledge of God" please, you would not know a thing about Christ if you hadn't read a Bible... just like every single Christian over the past thousand years.

A lot Christians had never read the Bible, or read anything at all as they couldn't read. For a long time the Bible was prevented from being translated out of Latin.
Bibles were first translated/published to English in the 1500's.

So a lot people believed in what they were told not even what they read.
But before the 1500's a lot more people could speak and read Latin than is the case today.
1. You truly believe.
2. You pray and ask Jesus to save you.
3. This is you tell him you believe what he did and you admit you sin and want him to be your lord and Savior.


So, what you're saying is, just as the Red Army were marching through Berlin, if Hitler confessed his litany of sins, he would go to Heaven?

That's 🤬 up.
No. Not believing doesn't change the fact God is alive and loves us.

Bye bye. Hope you all have a nice life.

Proof please, and no the bible isn't proof of anything.

Also, why did you come to this thread if you're not prepared to discuss?
And no proof that disproves the flying spaghetti monster or the pink fluffy turd called Harold that rules the universe.

But I agree with you. One shouldn't judge people solely on their beliefs.
Without the holy spirit no one can come to understanding and truth. So none of you will not ever change without the holy spirit. I have the holy spirit so I know the truth and see things and I understand stuff. Nothing I say or other Christians say means anything to you. God actually prefers his children stay out of debates and arguments like this because God knows none of you will believe and understand. So there is no point.

Also notice how this is true because for the most part this thread makes up of mostly non believers. So there's no point.

God actually prefers his children stay out of debates and arguments like this because God knows none of you will believe and understand. So there is no point.

Yourself not included? That's a poor excuse for having no explanation. What then do you think of missionaries?
I can guarantee you, you do not have the holy spirit. I'm sorry, I just wrote a book, titled.
"Why buggs1a does not have a holy spirit, and how I told him so"
In hardback at all good bookshops next month.
The more I sell the more it's true.
Without the holy spirit no one can come to understanding and truth. So none of you will not ever change without the holy spirit. I have the holy spirit so I know the truth and see things and I understand stuff. Nothing I say or other Christians say means anything to you. God actually prefers his children stay out of debates and arguments like this because God knows none of you will believe and understand. So there is no point.

Also notice how this is true because for the most part this thread makes up of mostly non believers. So there's no point.


It must be great knowing the ultimate, unquestionable truth. Great to see you coming here showing us the light so that we may all be saved!

No but seriously though, if you don't want to discuss then I think you should leave. Your preaching won't do any good here.
I love the all too common assumption that no meaning has been lost through the translation process. Studying the KJV or any translation really, is equivalent to reading the Bible Cliff Notes Version.

Do you know how many different Bibles we had to buy back in primary school? It seemed like every year there was new "more accurate" edition that would come out... :nervous:
It must be great knowing the ultimate, unquestionable truth. Great to see you coming here showing us the light so that we may all be saved!

No but seriously though, if you don't want to discuss then I think you should leave. Your preaching won't do any good here.

That's what I been saying. That's why you don't see Christians here. Cus all you bleep don't believe and probably never will thus you'll go to hell and hate it. You don't believe me but it will happen weather you believe it or not. So many stupid people make bad choice of anything other then God's kindness and love.
That's what I been saying. That's why you don't see Christians here. Cus all you bleep don't believe and probably never will thus you'll go to hell and hate it. You don't believe me but it will happen weather you believe it or not. So many stupid people make bad choice of anything other then God's kindness and love.

What if you're wrong, and have worshiped the wrong god out of thousands and go to their equivalent of hell. Thing is, they have just as much evidence as christianity has.

We're all atheist, I simply believe in one less god than you do.
That's what I been saying. That's why you don't see Christians here. Cus all you bleep don't believe and probably never will thus you'll go to hell and hate it. You don't believe me but it will happen weather you believe it or not. So many stupid people make bad choice of anything other then God's kindness and love.

According to you. Luckily no one cares if you think we're going to hell, because we're all sure we're not. If there is a god who would send someone to hell for using the critical thinking skills he supposedly gave them, that would make him a pretty massive jerk. I think it's far more likely that if there was a god, he would reward people for making the most of their life and learning as much about the world as possible, not punish them. Of course, it's more likely there isn't a god, and the only reward we get is whatever satisfaction we get from living by our own standards.

If all you can say is "You're going to hell whether you believe it or not," then my response is "when you die, there is no afterlife to reward you, whether you believe it or not."

Have a nice life! :)👍
I'm not wrong.
I'm sorry too. I just get so frustrated and other stuff when people just don't get it.
Without the holy spirit it is impossible to believe. I don't know why some get saved and some don't. That's one area I struggle with.

I don't know why I say anything in here. Maybe it's my ocd. I don't mean any harm or anything to anyone. I just share hoping some will take it to heart and at least think about it.

I'm not wrong.
How do you know?
I'm sorry too. I just get so frustrated and other stuff when people just don't get it.
You'll find that everyone in this thread including me feels the same way.
Without the holy spirit it is impossible to believe. I don't know why some get saved and some don't. That's one area I struggle with.
Well I encourage you to continue thinking about it. That's the only way to find answers
I don't know why I say anything in here. Maybe it's my ocd. I don't mean any harm or anything to anyone. I just share hoping some will take it to heart and at least think about it.
Exactly how everyone else feels. No one's trying to tell you you're stupid for believing what you believe (except maybe Tic Tach), but we want to encourage you to think of the other possibilities. We've all considered religion and the existence of God, but without evidence, you can't convince anyone. Deciding not to believe in something because there isn't evidence is a virtue, not a failing. If you believed in everything, whether it had evidence or not, you would be very far from reality. To an atheist, there is no difference between believing in an invisible teapot orbiting the Earth and believing in a god, other than the fact that many people believe one and very few the other. The only basis on which we can decide these things is what we can observe in reality, and niether God nor invisible teapot have yet shown any measurable effects on the world or universe in which we live.
I encourage you to remain in this thread and discuss your feelings. There are people here who want to show you a different perspective, just as you want to do with us. As long as you are willing to at least consider other possibilities, you can have a civil discussion here.
But see. There's only one truth and to consider anything that god isn't real is foolish. Nothing can change my I know for a fact there is a God and he loves me. I know because after I made Jesus my lord and Savior things happened and I began to see and understand things. I began to change and understand the bible. God has shown me stuff too. And there's been medical miricals that people have been healed by God with medical reasons. Like there's just no way a person could have been healed without god. Also these people knew things that they could not have known without god. Specially when one is, was so young.

There is proof in this world all over. I believe this. Just look around. Trees, water, oceans, how complex the universe is. How incredible human anatomy is. How the earth is so perfect distance from the soom and earth.

The Bible talks about events in our history that have happened and will happen.

I understand all of this and believe. I see where the world is headed. Also after I made Jesus my savior my therapist said that I changed a great deal in many ways.

And as I've said. Without the holy spirit it is impossible to believe and understand. We come to God by faith and only faith. Then the holy spirit comes into your heart and then you will believe and understand.

I don't know much about faith. Just that without it no one can please God. Faith is very important to God. God knows that even if you saw him, he did some miracle some still won't believe. Some won't believe no matter what. Just like when Jesus was alive. The pharisees and other leaders at his time did not believe and nd they saw Jesus and all he did.

No one here will believe anything I say and its not good for me because I get angry easy and I shouldn't. That's something I need to work on.

Anyway i've said all I care to say for the most part. I try to be the way Jesus wants me but it's hard for me. This is for me to love you all, be gentle and share in love. I have a hard time with all that.

Now back to Jeff Dunham.
Do you know how many different Bibles we had to buy back in primary school? It seemed like every year there was new "more accurate" edition that would come out... :nervous:

lol. I know exactly what you mean. I still have the huge Ryrie study bible and Strong's concordance and a number of other reference books and translations in my bookcase. I can see four bibles from here but, I think the Coloring book version is my favorite. :dopey: I have a few really interesting syllabuses on angels and demonology tracing it back to the days of Cain too.
But yeah, the fact that it is translated, and then taken verbatim, seems insane to me when there are books from more recent history that we can't even agree on translations for. :dunce: Much less to base one's li(f)e on.

I think really the Art of War is a good example too. It is a little older than the NT and has been found in many different places in different versions throughout the region much like the bible, but the different translations vary widely in meaning and effect.

But see. There's only one truth and to consider anything that god isn't real is foolish. Nothing can change my I know for a fact there is a God and he loves me. I know because after I made Jesus my lord and Savior things happened and I began to see and understand things. I began to change and understand the bible. God has shown me stuff too. And there's been medical miricals that people have been healed by God with medical reasons. Like there's just no way a person could have been healed without god. Also these people knew things that they could not have known without god. Specially when one is, was so young.
Medical miracles are a big thing in the healing movement but it's really hard for a removed and objective person to put much creditability in these since they are easily faked. Unfortunately, I had parents that believed in this as a child and I myself have been to many different preachers and even televangelists for this reason but I knew even as a small child that this was a show. I struggled with it as you said because I was wanting to believe it so much. I wanted there to be a supernatural healing but that just isn't how it works. The fact that I have the sense of hearing at all right now, is not due to Benny Hinn putting his fingers in my ears and praying, or to Jimmy Swaggart anointing my head with oil, though both of those events did happen. My 'healing' was due to modern medicine and the time that was spent waiting on god to work was likely only making things worse.

The Bible talks about events in our history that have happened and will happen.
It talks about many things, but not very accurately. Many many details are just plain wrong and clearly cannot be the words of an all knowing god. The bible even describes the earth as being both flat and round. It says you can actually fit two (two to fourteen-depending on the translation) of EVERY animal on this planet into an wooden ark that a (then) 600 year old man constructed. Deep inside our psyche we know these things are false. That is why faith is so encouraged and necessary, to bypass what you know can not possibly be true on the principle of strong belief and desire for virtue. Having 'faith as a child' is beneficial to anyone trying to encourage irrational faith based responses. Child like thinking and reasoning skills are abandoned as we grow older because this is natural and we shouldn't glorify reverting back to them.

Now back to Jeff Dunham.
I repeat " Child like thinking and reasoning skills are abandoned as we grow older because this is natural and we shouldn't glorify reverting back to them." lol
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I think really the Art of War is a good example too. It is a little older than the NT and has been found in many different places in different versions throughout the region much like the bible, but the different translations vary widely in meaning and effect.

I've read that many times in many different English translations. I've also tried to read it in Chinese (unsuccessfully) and it has very different meanings because some of the metaphors don't translate well.

I wonder how many western Christians have read the Bible in it's original language? I willing to bet that even in it's original language people will still interpret it in different ways. That's the beauty of the written word.
I've read that many times in many different English translations. I've also tried to read it in Chinese (unsuccessfully) and it has very different meanings because some of the metaphors don't translate well.

I wonder how many western Christians have read the Bible in it's original language? I willing to bet that even in it's original language people will still interpret it in different ways. That's the beauty of the written word.
Agreed. Translations really are subject to the knowledge and opinion of the translator. It would be literally impossible for us to have a English copy with the exact original meaning of either text, whether sacred or not.
God loves us so much that he won't force himself on anyone.

You're right, he has minions to do that for him.

Also after I made Jesus my savior my therapist said that I changed a great deal in many ways.

Since I've never been broken enough to need a therapist in the first place, I don't see religion as providing me with any benefits. When you're happy with life and "love your neighbour" even without religion, then God can bring no further benefits.
There may be a god, a god that doesnt want me to do cardio on my bike!! My last two flat tubes have had holes in the same spot, I locate the spot on the rim and cant find anything sharp!!! I turned the tread inside out and felt up the whole side that touchs the tube and still cant find anything sharp!!! What should I do?

Please pray for me!!! Pray the next flat away!!! Or do spells on a pentagram to stop the devil, he may be responsible!!!

But see. There's only one truth and to consider anything that god isn't real is foolish. Nothing can change my I know for a fact there is a God and he loves me.

You know that god exists 100%. Nothing can change you, not even evidence against (if you somehow could)? That is an incredibly unhealthy sign.

And there's been medical miricals that people have been healed by God with medical reasons. Like there's just no way a person could have been healed without god.

There hasn't been even one proven case of god healing people. It's only hearsay from religous (often extreme) people. You don't find that strange? It would be quite easy to prove, but yet it hasnt.

There is proof in this world all over. I believe this. Just look around. Trees, water, oceans, how complex the universe is. How incredible human anatomy is. How the earth is so perfect distance from the soom and earth.

You've got to do better than that. The fact that there are trees water humans etc. is not proof for anything other than there are trees, water and humans. I can't remember who said this but:
Can't a garden just be beautiful, must there necessarily be pixies in it too?
As for Earth being the perfect distance from the sun, it's not quite true. Life may still have developed if the Earth was slightly closer/farther away albeit differently from the life that is on Earth today. It is life that has developed for Earth, not the other way around. There's also plenty of weaknesses and imperfections about the human anatomy.

The Bible talks about events in our history that have happened and will happen.

It's true that there are some historical events recorded in the bible, but that's not a proof for god's existance, simply that people recorded history. And a key difference between the historical events described in the bible as opposed to the supernatural things is that they are supported by outside sources.

I understand all of this and believe. I see where the world is headed. Also after I made Jesus my savior my therapist said that I changed a great deal in many ways.

If the changes were positive ones then congratulations. I'm happy for you. :)

I don't know much about faith. Just that without it no one can please God. Faith is very important to God. God knows that even if you saw him, he did some miracle some still won't believe. Some won't believe no matter what. Just like when Jesus was alive. The pharisees and other leaders at his time did not believe and nd they saw Jesus and all he did.

I will never believe that a perfect omnipotent being would cherish and reward such a flawed and irrational thing as faith. Quite the opposite, a supreme being would love critical, logical and intelligent thinking.

Anyway i've said all I care to say for the most part. I try to be the way Jesus wants me but it's hard for me. This is for me to love you all, be gentle and share in love. I have a hard time with all that.

People will always have different opinions and beliefs. There is no point in being upset unless someone forces it down your throat.