Right guys I have been studying evolution over a short period of time now, and I have came to a conclusion. I believe in evolution, but only at the micro level. Macro evolution seems , at this point in my study, complete rubbish:
'A proportion of favourable mutations of one in a thousand does not sound much, but it is probably generous... And a total of a million mutational steps sounds a great deal but it is probably an understatement... However, let us take these figures as being reasonable estimates. With this proposition, but without any selection, we should clearly have to breed a million strains (a thousand squared) to get one containing two favourable mutations: up to a thousand to the millionth power to get one containing a million. Of course this could not happen, but it is a useful way of visualising the fantastic odds against getting number of favourable mutations in one strain through pure chance alone. A thousand to the millionth power, when written out, becomes a figure 1 with three million noughts after it; and that would take three large volumes to print! No one would bet on anything so improbable happening.' -Julian Huxely
Also worth pointing out that almost all mutations are universally harmful, if not lethal...
'This is fortunate, for in virtually all instances they are harmful. Recall that the DNA is a molecular message. A mutation is a random change in the message, akin to a typing error. Typing errors rarely improve the quality of a written message; if too many occur, they may even destroy the information contained in it. Likewise, mutations rarely improve the quality of the DNA message, and too many may even be lethal.' -Magnus Verbrugge
Classing macro evolution as a clear fact is nothing more than arrogance in my opinion. I will continue to study further, but micro evolution however seems most certainly fact.
Micro-evolution=Highly probable
Of course I still have much to study and my opinion may change, but the theory of macro evolution seems not to be the thing that kills the story if Genesis like everyone says it does. I will not currently accept the existence of such theory as a valid point against Christianity, or ultimately against the existence if the monotheistic, Christian God whom I believe in.