You don't know a thing about me, other than I refuse to accept the existence of god without evidence. So take it easy on the assumptions, please.
If your take on it actually contains something verifiable, observable, or even slightly logical, I'm more than willing to listen.
I'm open minded to arguments that are backed by evidence and reason.
Do I don't know anything about you, but I've just looked at the last couple of posts you made. Specifically the one I quoted gives the impression that you only wish to draw out responses so that you can further make a mockery of the subject.
Unfortunately, verifiable and observable are rather hard to come by with almighty powers that don't blatantly reveal themselves to the world.
As for evidence and reason, it's all a matter of perspective. What might make sense to me, may seem silly to you, and vice-versa.
With that said, I fail to see this post being an effective explanation to you. But nonetheless, these are my views. Not all of them are strictly stated in the Bible, but there are many other things not mentioned in the Bible so...
Firstly, yes, God exists outside of the bounds of mortality. He also exists outside of most people's grasp of reason, hence why lots of people find His existence hard to believe.
Specifically, people can grasp one aspect of eternity, that is: having no end. It just goes on and on... It's the other aspect, having no beginning, that most can't grasp. "If God created the universe, who created God?" Well, no one did, he always existed.
What makes me laugh about this is how some (not all) evolutionists say "Well He couldn't have always existed, He must have got here somehow." But wait, where did the material for evolution come from? It didn't just magically appear with the big bang, that makes even less sense. Yes, I know, many believe the material to have always existed, that the big bang (and/or evolution) was simply the material coming together to form stuff. Double standard much? How can God be required to have a beginning, but simple matter not be bound by the same requirement?
I chose to believe that God is eternal, and that he created matter; not that matter formed itself.
As for "God created man in his image." That's simple too; He did.
We are three-part beings; body, mind, and spirit.
Body and mind are physical, they are bound by the laws of physics and all that (and sin, but that's not relevant to this particular point). The spirit is, well, spiritual.
The body is the physical form we inhabit. It is operated by our mind. The mind contains our memories, logic, reasoning, personality, etc... The difference between the spirit and the mind is why spiritual things don't seem logical. For the most part, people are not very aware of their spirit.
Thing like morals or conscience are part of the spirit. But again, people are not always aware of their spirit. The more you shun it and ignore it, the easier it will become to continue doing so.
The spirit is eternal, it will never die. After the body is gone, there is either Heaven (eternal joy) or hell (eternal suffering).
God created us in his image (likeness) because that's what a spirit looks like. Were you able to perceive one, you see that it has one head, one torso, two arms, and two legs.
Now I've obviously not proved anything. More likely (to you) I've probably proved how silly our beliefs are.
But proof of God doesn't exist, not in a physical or logical form.
It wouldn't be a belief or require faith if we could prove it scientifically.
Anyway, that's what I think of it, I'm pretty sure that even other Christians will disagree with me. Oh well, I'm entitled to my opinion just as anyone else is the there's.