As has already been said, these quotes are all purely speculative opinions from people who obviously have an existing bias towards religion.
Frankly, when somebody shows a willingness to believe in something without evidence, I can't look at them as an "expert" on these theories that we've been discussing. My knowledge on theoretical physics is admittedly lacking. So when I want somebody to explain it to me, I want that to be a person who actually studied the theory, and is simply providing me with an explanation that was arrived at by an open mind. These people that you quote obviously don't have an open mind about it, because they're choosing unfounded ideas over theories backed by evidence.
And from our perspective the universe is very fine tuned for the possibility of life.
For life to exist on earth an abundant supply of carbon is needed. From what I've gathered, Carbon is formed either by combining three helium nuclei, or by combining the nuclei of helium and beryllium. For this to happen, the nuclear ground state energy levels have to be fine-tuned with respect to each other. This phenomenon is called 'resonance'. If the variation were more than 1 percent either way, the universe could not contain life.
Theoretical physicist Paul Davies said that if the ratio of the nuclear strong force to the electromagnetic field had been different by 1 part in 10^16, no stars would have been formed.
It is argued that an alteration in the ratio of the expansion and contraction forces by as little as 1 part in 10^55 at the Planck time (just 10^-43 seconds after the origin of the universe) would have led ether to too rapid an expansion of the universe with no galaxies forming or too slow an expansion with consequence rapid collapse.
I could go on.
And you do. Again and again. This cycle is going to keep repeating over and over again until you take the time to truly understand what infinite probability implies.
Everything that's possible to happen, no matter how improbable it seems to the inhabitants of our tiny little rock,
will happen. Be amazed by our "fine-tuned" situation all you want. But in the end, it had to happen. Somewhere, at some time, these conditions had to happen. Lucky for us, here and now is the place and time that it did.
The fact that it did is proof of nothing more than simple mathematics playing out. End of story.
As I said above, the astronomer with the finite universe assumption.
And you have no evidence that the laws of nature will continue. Prove to me that the sun will rise tomorrow. By accepting that the sun will rise tomorrow (which is faith) I can continue with progressing my knowledge and understanding.
Baloney. Faith means believing in something without evidence. You have evidence (the sun coming up every day for the last few billion years) that the sun is going to come up tomorrow. So faith is obviously a completely incorrect word for the situation.