Of course science works. The fact is that science explains, only a fool would disagree that it doesn't. The existence of God is a logical explanation as to why science explains.
No, it's not. There's nothing logical about believing in god. Logical things are supported by evidence. There is no evidence for the existence of god, so belief in god is not logical. Instead, you could say "The existence of god is one of many explanations as to why science explains," and you'd have a somewhat acceptable statement on your hands.
Of course, there doesn't have to be an explanation for the "Why?" at all. The real question to everything around us is "How?" Insisting that there must be a "why" to everything seems to me to serve only one purpose: To provide the question that religion can then be an answer to.
Look, the universe just is. We, the human race, just are. Things we have observed and learned through science just are. There's no reason for any of it other than the implications of infinite probability. Asking "Why?" is folly.
I want to bring people to the realisation that scientism (the belief that science is all knowledge, or that science can or will explain everything) is totally false.
This is a baseless opinion. For the hundredth time TankAss, if you're going to state something as if it's unequivocal fact,
provide some evidence to support it. Alternatively, you could choose to state is as an opinion. Then you could continue to not back up any of your claims.
At first, your habit of passing off unsubstantiated opinions as fact was easier to forgive. The longer you keep doing it though, the more irritating it becomes, and the more arrogant, ignorant and narrow-minded you sound. I suggest that for once, you really take a moment to try and understand this.
EDIT: The above sounded a little harsh in retrospect. I don't mean to say that you are those things, but it comes off that way when you continue to pass off religious belief as fact, even when numerous people have asked you to stop or to provide evidence.
First of all scientism isn't a statement of science, it's a philosophical statement. And, as Sir Peter Medawar said, Science can not hope to answer the elementary questions we asked as a child - What is the meaning of my life? Why am I here? What happens after I die? Science cannot deal with culture, art, ethics, and so forth. Science is the art of the soluble.
As I said above, you're operating on the assumption that these questions need to be asked, and that they have an answer. You're detracting from science for it's inability to answer unanswerable questions. It's illogical, and a waste of time.
I know you people get really frustrated at me for saying this, but I see God as being the most powerful conceivable substance - and the most powerful conceivable substance is the most reasonable explanation for the first cause. I see God as being necessary rather than unnecessary, personal rather than absent, infinite rather than finite, eternal rather than mortal, because these traits are beneficial rather than the alternative.
Notice how you presented this as an opinion? This is what I mean. I have no problem with you writing things like this. No matter how much I disagree with it, I have to respect your opinions and thoughts.
I will (once again) be absent in this discussion for a while. I simply don't have enough time to research such a wide range of topics although I find it very interesting. I will make a return, and respond to the objections to my evidence for the resurrection. In the mean time, I strongly recommend those who are interested to read/listen to Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis. The audio is available on YouTube, and the apologetics is basically at the start (after the introduction) and then the topic changes to Christian behaviour, etc. Thanks.
I'll save you the time: there isn't any. Evidence for Jesus having been a real person? Yeah, there's some. For his divinity and resurrection? None that I know of. If there was, the question of god's existence would be a lot easier to answer!