did someone forget the 10 commandments ?
though shall not kill
because in the bible it talks about in the end of days, there will be people who will believe that they are serving God by killing other people.
and we can see that is happening, what happened to the though shall not kill ???
here is what happened to me one time, i was in church and a preacher said that if you sin and repent and keep sinning and repenting, it will come to a point where God will not forgive you, so i thought that i was really deep in sin,and so i thought to my self that if God won't forgive me, then God can't help me. well a few days later i went to church and i didn't say a word to anyone about it, so when we started praying, and during prayer i heard a voice coming from the front of the church and everyone got a little quieter to hear, and this person was directing there words at me, and said "why are you saying that I am too deep and that God can't help me, i am ready to forgive you and accept you and i am ready to accept anyone who comes to me, and call them my son's and daughters").
now i say to you how did that person know what was inside of me, in my heart ?
if this is not enough proof then how much more stubborn can you be, your dis belief is whats causing your faith not to grow
you see a person that was christian and you see he died at 60, you see a non christian and he is alive and well at 90, you may think how can that be, but in reality it was time for the 60 year old and God is being Gracious and extending the life of the non faithful one giving him time to repent so that he could be saved and not be damned for eternity.
there is more proof than you know, God gives the Holy Spirit unto anyone who asks him and believes without a doubt that he will receive it from the Lord, because that's how you are born again, through the Holy Spirit and then when you pray with it, you start to grow and learn to talk and say words that you don't understand but God understands and it comes from our heart, because we don't really know how to pray but the Holy Spirit within prays for us because it knows our deepest intentions. who knows what are God's deepest intentions to be able to give him advice ?
or who understood God's wisdom to give him advice ? no body but the Holy Spirit Knows, just like it knows our deepest intentions etc
Jesus Saved us from eternal suffering because we angered God with our sins and stepped away from him, and took his most important laws that he gave us and read them as they were someone else's, and so through Christ we became close to God because his Love for us was so great that he wanted to save us, and the only way was through bloodshed because without bloodshed there can be no forgiveness, and thank Jesus that he took that upon himself shed his blood for us and showed mercy to us, and even now he shows mercy to us wanting to save each and everyone of us and wash us clean with his blood from unrighteousness.
think about it how many times have you been in a situation where you could have died and yet you are alive.
some people are bringing animal sacrifices every year and every year they bring them, it reminds them of sin, because it can't wash your sins away, because if it did, they would have stopped bringing them because they would not have any more knowledge of sin on them, but Jesus's blood washes away all our sins because it was God's will, so who are you to tell God what to do or to argue with him, can a pottery made by a human tell him, why did you make me like this or like that ? no , so who are you to argue with God. or can you stop God from doing what he see's fit, because our knowledge and wisdom are as far apart from God's wisdom as the land is from the sky. We are just people and nobody is perfect, but thank God that he showed his Grace to us and shined his light upon us because before Jesus people lived in fear from Dying/Death and even now notice how people get afraid from a strong wind or a thunder storm etc, and why? because of sin, when you repent in your sins, and accept Jesus into your life, you stop being afraid and instead feel happy and safe because you know God is watching you and is protecting you and you stop living in fear. and all that thanks to who?, thank God through our Lord Jesus Christ Amen.
i have more to say but it would be best to talk in person, but i hope everyone who comes to this page takes the time and analyzes their life and control what you are doing because that's what you will be asked about, what have you done on earth living in flesh and blood, was it Good or Bad, and then... consequences
one more thing i would like to add is the guilt that a person has when they do something bad, when you sin allot it goes away, but when you repent it comes back because you have done the right thing, and by it telling you that something you did or are doing is wrong, it is teaching you to do the right thing
God Bless You All In Jesus's Name
people who are voting no way for believing in God, you are denying yourself the salvation or you are living in fear and maybe feel embraced inside about believing in God, but you should get out of your comfort zone into the unknown where God is, because the Word of God is God's Strength to salvation of all who believe, through the unbelievers it is cussed/laughed at, but through believers it is being Worshiped,
Jesus said I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the End, the First and the Last, and will Judge everyone by there doings (and he doesn't look at what you look like, its what you are or have done that will judge you)