Odd that you have utterly failed to supply this evidence. Lots of conjecture and 'testimony' but zero evidence.
One way or the other all evidence is established through testimony.
You cite testimonies, explanations, as you call them and then declare that testimony is not evidence.
You discredit your own in the process.
Well which is it?
What makes you think I would want to go to your heaven if it did exist?
Better yet, why wouldn't you want to go?
Sounds pretty wonderful, to me.
No I mean it scientific explications for it exist, you simply chose to ignore it in favour of magic.
As I said earlier, there are known but not fully understood associations, none of which, exclude my point.
Explanations, but not full explanations.
No its not an assumption. Your body (and everyone's) contains energy, when we die that energy can't be destroyed and as such returns to the universe. That is not an assumption at all its one of the laws of thermodynamics.
Only partially.
Thermodynamics deals with heat energy.
Obviously when we die physically, our temperature lowers.
However this is an over simplification, based on a limited observable.
There is also heat energy called "latent heat".
There is nothing to confirm that the spirit(energy) does not return to him that gave it.
It is based on someone's testimony, testimony that happens to be backed up with countless studies of the effects of hallucinogens on the body and the body;s ability to produce its own at times of stress. You seem to have ignored the other piece I linked to or you would already be aware of that.
As I said earlier, there are known but not fully understood associations, none of which, exclude the realities or the validity of the clinically dead experiences.
How do you know I fall short of the mark. On what grounds do you hold your moral compass as being superior to mine?
Thats God's assertion, not mine.
Carnally, our moral compass is the same
Spiritually, again by his assertion, it is vastly superior.
But bear in mind it is not of me.
Ephesians 2:9
Not because of works [not the fulfillment of the Laws demands], lest any man should boast. [It is not the result of what anyone can possibly do, so no one can pride himself in it or take glory to himself.]
That's a statement that goes beyond arrogant and quite frankly if its an example of Christian behavior I would want no part of it.
Again, its not my assertion, it's God's.
Speaking of arrogant, by what do you hold your moral compass as so virtuous?
How exactly would it benefit me?
I think we just touched on that.
An utter and complete strawman argument.
My sentiments exactly.
I'm just applying the same standard of evidence to this, that you do, to the exsistence of God.
Insurance is based upon the probability of an event occurring and while the event doesn't have to have occurred before the vast majority of insurance is taken out against know risks (i.e. events that have occurred and been documented), in most causes unknown events are not covered specifically by insurance.
While all that is understood, as I stated, there is absolutely no evidence that a future loss occurance will befall
None whatsoever.
It's only a possibility
Yet you act to protect yourself, and others possibly.
BTW most insurance policies exempt coverage on "acts of God".
People in the insurance business, must think there is enough evidence to believe God exsists.
Pretty ironic huh?
As most insurance is taken out against events that are known to happen, we have thousands of documented cases of car accidents to know that when we drive a probability exists that an accident could occur, so we insure against the fallout from such an event occurring.
Thats a individual possibility, not an individual probability.
Once again there is absolutely no evidence to suggest
you will have an accident.
To date not a single shred of evidence for God as been presented by you or anyone else.
There is a difference between evidence, and refusal by individual choice to consider what is evidence.
I must submit, that if you applied the same standard to insurance, you do to the exsistence of God, you wouldn't have any.
Now for your argument to hold water we would need to be seeing evidence of God to make it a valid comparison, and I'm fairly certain you are aware of the difference between the two.
By your standard?
What a joke.
Thank God, you alone do not determine the whole of that which is evidential.
You might try out an arrogance meter on yourself.
Just be sure to use the highest scale.
That which is needed, is what has been provided.
As with insurance, the need of it, at least for most, is recognized as a possibility.
However the loss incurred is immeasurably catastrophic, as compared.
For a valid comparison, you have to have unprejudiced, and objective analysis, which in your case is conspicuously absent.
I must admit, a scooch of faith wouldn't hurt.
Psalm 14:1
King James Version (KJV)
14 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
Proverbs 1:7
King James Version (KJV)
7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.